{ I } Miss Home.

{ I } Miss Home | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

So it’s been one month today that we dropped of The Teenager to begin his College Life. One month since I packed up his clothes, tried to make sure he had everything he could ever need and sent him out there on his own. It’s also been about 2 weeks since I got a text message saying ‘miss home‘.

Miss Home | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Two little words that cut my heart so deep. Home misses him too. I think we have both been putting on that brave front for each other’s benefit. Each one of us knowing that the other was having a hard time adjusting but still wanting to be sure neither of us worried too much. Still, in that moment I guess he had to say it and I think I needed to hear it.

We had spent so much time talking about what needed to be done: forms, schedules, payments and all that stuff that is necessary for College but never actually discussing the part about him not being home. Never mentioning the moments missed and the memories he would not be a part of.

Today was my youngest Girlie’s 1st day of school. He wasn’t here and she noticed. She asked if she could call him or see him on the phone. I told her he was still asleep (it was 5am) because he didn’t have to be at school until later (2pm – college life LOL). She simply shrugged her shoulders and said I just wish he was here. So did I.

Read This Too  When The Kiddies Are Away…

My oldest, The Teenager, has been a part of all their moments and memories and not having him here is something they aren’t really used to yet. They often ask when he is coming home, why did he have to go away to school…all of the questions that run through my own mind when I have those moments of missing him. Still I know that this is a milestone in his life. A moment he needs to experience and memories he needs to make on his own.

So I comfort them. We call when we can and we send a lot of pictures! I know in my heart that I prepared him in every way I could. He asked his questions and I answered. I prayed, prepped and promised that he would be fine and we would look back and think all our worrying was silly. I know we will.

{ I } Miss Home | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

As he sends photos of his fun and his memories I smile and know that even though he may miss home and we definitely miss him it will all be worth it when I see him cross that second stage in 4 years.


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26 responses to “{ I } Miss Home.”

  1. adrianscrazylife Avatar

    It is tough. Mine didn't go away to college, but he did move out – twice now, or maybe three times. It's tough every time, but you adjust and it does help being able to keep in touch by text and phone, and we usually have he and his wife now over for dinner on Sunday nights. But it's not quite the same. You do miss the every day stuff. I'm terrified they might move at some point (his wife is from a city 3 hours away). You want them to be happy, but we have so little family that I really value the little amount of family we have left!
    My recent post My Answer to the Ice Bucket Challenge

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We are adjusting…time is helping and hearing how well he is beginning to adjust makes it easier as well. so try, the everyday is what we miss the most. I value it as well…thanks so much for coming by Adrian 😀

  2. dfgcdg Avatar

    My heart goes out to you. I dread this day with my kids. Thank goodness for Skype and other ways of staying in touch.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…it gets easier day by day and yes we are definitely using technology to our full advantage.

  3. christenwypy Avatar

    Wow….this post made me cry 🙁 But you guys are doing so good and I, like you, know in the long run this is so good for everyone, especially him. So heart wrenching though!
    My recent post Back to School Checklists for Kids

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Awww.. . I\’m sorry. Yes it is important to look ahead to the goal we are working towards. Thanks so much for coming by Christen 🙂

  4. normaleverydaylifeblog Avatar

    My daughter has been away for ten days and we miss her, too. Her younger sisters ask about her a lot and send pictures and texts. They were thrilled she face timed with them earlier this week. It's definitely an adjustment for the whole family. I hope your son continues to adjust well, too!
    My recent post School Talk

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      10 days.. it seems to go so slow sometimes. Oh wow FaceTime! I hadn’t though of that…My Teenager betrayed my beloved iPhone and got an android but I’m sure we can probably figures something out for a ‘face time’ thanks for the idea! I think he will, he seems to be making a lot of friends and enjoying his new routine so that makes things easier. Thanks so much for coming by 😀

  5. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    I still have 7 years before my oldest heads for college but I think I will be an emotional wreck because even when he goes to his father for summer break I miss him something fierce!
    My recent post Quick And Easy White Beans And Rice Recipe

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh you have plenty of time Ana… 🙂 see mine never really went \’away\’ so I think that may be why it is so hard.

  6. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Tiffany! GAH. Oh my heart. You dear sweet woman, you've been so strong, and although I know your proud, I know it has to be hard. The Teenager is not my boy, but yet my keyboard is slippery from the tears I'm crying, because I know how you love in that beautiful family. Loving hard, hurts sometimes.
    Love you girlie!! Tell your son we're proud of him <3
    My recent post {Wordless Wednesday} Faith in Humanity

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      xoxoxoxo Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement. I am trying my best to be strong even when the first thing I wanna do is Go Get My Baby! LOL I am resisting that urge…instead I text, call and basically stalk him through Social Media 😀 It is getting easier as time passes a bit but I know this is an important time in his life and I love seeing him grow as a young man. Love You BUNCHES and I will! 😀

  7. madisonwetherill Avatar

    I'm sure it's so hard having your son go off to college! I love that there is texting these days though! When I went to school my mom had just started texting and it was so nice to keep in touch that way!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Madison! I have my moments…LOL…good and bad but it is getting easier with time. I\’m learning to trust how I raised him. Yes! Texting is definitely our main way to stay in touch and I\’m not sure what I would do without it…

  8. Lisa Avatar

    That would be hard adjusting to a big change like that, but like you said it will be worth it in the long run. I hope he can visit you soon!
    My recent post Favorite Moments

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is. We stay connected which is great. I hope so too :). Thanks for coming by Lisa …

  9. feliciae25 Avatar

    See I'm no were near ready for that. the thought of my babies leaving for college…that hasn't even registered on my radar. I'm still panicking about high school.


    College is such an amazing place, I'm sure everyone will get used to change soon.
    My recent post AA for bibliophiles?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha…I know exactly what you mean. I’m in denial about my younger kiddies but luckily I have a good amount of time to prep myself… I know it just takes time…we’re getting there…LOL Thanks so much for coming by Felicia 😀

  10. The Posh Blog Avatar
    The Posh Blog

    Awww, I remember when I dropped my oldest off. My middle child goes next summer and I am truly weepy at the thought, more so than with my first. My oldest is now a soph and she calls/texts often and I do the same to help her. For Christmas I got her an iPad so we can FaceTime. Freshman year was the toughest…it gets easier. ((hugs))

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The drop off went pretty smooth it’s this whole day to day that’s getting me…LOL

      Keeping in touch is definitely key and the most helpful…thanks so much for the encouragement 😀 xoxo

  11. Tenns Avatar

    Aww, I can only imagine! Geez, college was so long ago for me that I seriously do't remember missing home. My college was about 3 hours away and I was solo ready to go, I don't think I ever looked back. I don't think it hit my mom until a while later, but I always came home once or twice a month, so she didn't miss me much. Your son is going to have sooo much fun and in a month's time, he'll be in the full swing of things! 🙂
    My recent post Things I Miss…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think it’s great that he isn’t that far from home but with Marching Band getting home often is still rather difficult. I don’t think it truly hit me until later either but it is getting easier each day. I know he will and I am excited to see what he does…thanks so much for coming by Tenns! xoxo

  12. anallievent Avatar

    I cried all the way home when my kids started Kindergarten and I cried almost all the way home when they started college. I thought I did well by holding it all in until I was off the campus and headed home. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      No tears but my emotions were on a roller coaster ride for sure. I have my moments by myself where I still can\’t believe we are even here…

  13. Louidam1 Avatar

    I know I'll be balling in tears when my girls leaves the nest and heads off to college. I'm always with them and it's hard to let go.
    My recent post How to Pitch Brands to Review Their Products #BloggingTips

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I don\’t do tears well but it is very emotional…letting go is the hardest part for sure.

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