The MomsEveryday Show is something that gave me the very first indication this Blog thang I do could usher me into something more than I ever imagined without forcing me to sacrifice my role in motherhood at all. When I did my first interview with Danielle at BlogHer15 I had no idea what would come of it. I went from an Everyday Mom to one of the amazing MomsEveryday Panelist in what felt like a blink of an eye.

Needless to say I felt that experience was one I would treasure for a lifetime. I had no idea that I would ever be able to experience it again. When I received the email from Julia (just one of the amazing Producers) about a month ago asking me to be a part of the 2017 panel I barely knew how to contain myself. I came into 2017 with the purpose of removing my own self imposed limits on my potential. Moving forward into this year I am expecting all possibilities for growth to be limitless. Another year with MomsEveryday was a perfect way to help get that started.
The day of my flight to Denver, I had The Worse migraine I’ve had in nearly 6 months! I felt I was close to the point of calling to say I wouldn’t make it. I prayed, hydrated and finally decided let medical science do what it does best. After some pretty great working meds, a nap and a bit of rest I made it to the airport for my 5am flight – yes 5am!
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Just Sayin’
Okay ya’ll, time for a completely transparent moment. I wasn’t sure my second time in Colorado would be as amazing as my first. I was no longer a Newbie. Those Freshman pair of rose colored glasses wouldn’t be a part of this journey. The newness would be missing. Would I sync with the other moms? Would I do good on camera? Did I have anything left in my story to tell?
I let those fears and worries go. Instead assured myself that Pam, Julia, Nikki and Liz (our amazing producers) knew what they wanted for the show and trusted that I could deliver it. If they believed it – I believed it!
The Thing About Motherhood
As I stepped off the escalator in Denver and saw Liz and Julia standing there with that awesome MomsEveryday Show sign – I knew this was meant to be. It was as if the 2 years since my last show just happened. We hugged, we laughed and we reconnected.
We stood waiting for the rest of the ladies to arrive and chatted about all things life. This motherhood life. Those things we all have in common and hold dear. Still, the thing about motherhood is it connects us in a way like no other. I think that’s why MomsEveryday works so well. Bringing mothers from every walk of life, part of the country and foundation story not only unites us but gives us a strength we can use to uplift, support and encourage each other to keep pushing forward.
Perfection Is Over-Rated
Motherhood isn’t easy. It just isn’t. No matter how many of these ‘perfect moms‘ you see portrayed in media, news and entertainment the truth of it is – it’s hard. Yet the success in Motherhood comes when you set your heart to endure. The ups, the downs, the late nights, early mornings and seemingly endless To Do Lists. When you realize that it isn’t about how difficult things get but instead about how you get past the difficult to the other side. The side where you make the memories, the moments and the impact. Where you finally see your kids growing up, moving on and becoming the adults you probably never thought you were able to help them be.
That’s where we bond. We – the mothers of MomsEveryday and beyond. We share a common goal to offer each other the hope that Motherhood doesn’t have to be perfect to be possible. You can mess up, screw up and even grow up along the way – the point is never to give up.
Endless Memories
I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight home and thinking on the many moments I have from this weekend. Moments of laughter, joy, learning and encouragement. I think on the friends I’ve made who feel like they were meant to be and I know that MomsEveryday 2017 may have been a mere 3 days and 16 episodes but it will always be full of endless memories and inspiration for me and everyone involved.
*Pssst! I almost forgot. We reached a milestone: we recorded our 100th Episode!
Check out my weekend of vlogs in Colorado as we got to know each other, shared our stories and grew as mothers over on TheMrsTee On YouTube!
Until Next Time… Smooches Lovies!
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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