Mother’s Day. It’s a day set apart to celebrate Mothers. Who we are, what we do and why we do it. Yet somehow along the way it doesn’t always end up being truly about us. So I decided to share a bit of Mother’s Day My Way…how my perfect Mother’s Day would start and end.
Sleep In til 10
Ladies. Let’s face it this is probably wishful thinking. I have this internal clock that automatically wakes me up around 5:45 am BUT this is my perfect Mother’s Day timeline so indulge me a bit. I would love to wake up and instead of it still being dark see the sunshine from an already started day. I would adore to hear my lovely family up and busy instead of their snores as I tip-toe around the house trying to let them sleep in…
Endless Coffee
Coffee. I’m addicted, in love and in need of this lovely brew daily. It goes without question and my family knows it. When I miss my morning cup they all know the consequences. Yet somedays it happens. Oh but on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day would be the one day when I would never need to worry about a refill. I would never need to make another cup or wait those 60 seconds of my Keurig to brew because on Mother’s Day I would have an endless coffee day. My cup would never run low and it would always be the perfect cup. Aaaah…that would be simply lovely.
Breakfast Made & Served
I don’t like to cook. There. I said it. I cook because I’m hungry. Yes, yes I cook to feed my family as well but if I had my ruthers I would totally leave that part of motherhood up to someone else. My husband often teases me that if I could have a built in waiter I would be in my own little heaven. He knows me so well So on Mother’s Day I would love to be able to do just that. Just wake up to the smell of bacon, eggs, grits, toast, pancakes, french toast…all my faves with no prep and no clean up needed. Just sit ,eat…repeat.
No Dishes
Dishes. The other downside to cooking. The aftermath of dishes, pots, pans and just plain grime you have to clean up. I am one of those people who wipes and cleans as I cook just to avoid the after. So on Mother’s Day I would love for there to be some Jetson’s like machine that could simply make all the dirty dishes for the day disappear or at least be cleaned and put away with no more than a push of a button from this Momma.
Favorite Movies All Day
I’m a movie chick. I love snuggles on the couch with my family, my favorite blankie and all our favorite movies. The thing is searching, scrolling and trying to que up our fave movies can be a bit time consuming. So if The Teenager or my Hubby would make a Netflix Playlist that would simply play all day. THAT would be one of my best Mother’s Day gifts for sure.
Getting a mani/pedi is like scheduling a meeting with the President in my life. I have appointments that get canceled for everyone else’s appointments. So I would love to have a portion of my Mother’s Day set aside for one of the longest and most indulgent mani/pedi treatments ever. Yes. Definitely adding that to my list.
Food Overload
I love to eat and I would never let the day end without an amazing spread of all my favorite savory and yummy foods. The messier and yummier the better. Of course someone else would be cooking, cleaning and all that but the best way to enjoy my Mother’s Day is at the table with my Hubby and Kiddies sharing, talking and loving what we have as a family.
Never Ending Dessert Bar
I love sweets. Like seriously love them. I hide them from my Kiddies and even from my Hubby. So if I could have a never ending dessert bar for Mother’s Day that I Didn’t Have To Share…. awesome sauce!! I mean we all deserve at least one day to be a bit selfish, right?
First One To Bed
I’m always the one in my home still creeping around after everyone is asleep. Washing dishes, cleaning up messes and simply putting the house in order for the next day. On Mother’s Day I would love to be the first one to bed while still knowing all those things would get done – by someone else!
That’s it! Mother’s Day My Way…a bit of fantasy and a bit of possibility all in one lovely post.
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
[…] it hot. I know for many that’s no big deal. Hot day – Cold Coffee = no problem. Not me. I love that first cup to be hot. Like piping hot but in the summer taking more than a few sips before I’m summoned by the all […]
I would love to sleep in and just enjoy the rest of the day in my jammies. That's the best kind of mother's day! Lol. Especially when you have all the food you need and Netflix. We deserve it, anyway! Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you had a blast.
sounds like a great way to spend mother's day!!!! Hope you had the Mother's Day you wanted.
I tried to run in the RunLikeAMother 5k, but my bad knee gave out. My son ran the 1 mile and loved it. I still cooked and cleaned, but got to rest a lot, so that was sweet.
It really was! I got most of my wishes granted … Oh wow! That’s an awesome attempt I’m so sorry you didn’t get to finish. At least you got some rest though. Happy Belated Mother’s Day!
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