What’s Your Motivator #TunesdayTuesdayHop ?!?!

We all need a little music in our lives. A good song can answer a question, soothe the soul and provide an escape. It can recall a memory in the most vivid detail and evoke the most intense feelings.
 “Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” -Sarah Dessen
We created Tunesday Tuesday to do just that, bring people together through music.
Every Monday night at 9pm the link up will go live at The Patchwork Paisley, Drinking the Whole Bottle, Momma Candy, and MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter. We will designate a theme, and hope that you will share a song that embodies said theme for you. Post the video for the song, an audio clip, the lyrics- however you want to do it. Then, write a little something about why this song captures the week’s theme and link up your post here with us! 
Visit your hosts after 9pm (EST) on Monday nights
 to find out what the theme is for the week!
It would be awesome if you would follow your lovely hostesses (links below,) but other than that- let’s have fun with this! Know a fellow music lover who should get in on the party? Let them know about it! Want to share you groove with the world? Tweet it should you feel so inclined. Want to grab a button? Go for it. It’s really pretty and you’ll find it down below.
Host Follow Links:
                            Meg                        Jen                              Shauna                  Tiff                              Bloglovin’Twitter                       Bloglovin’ Twitter                       Bloglovin’ Twitter                  Bloglovin’ Twitter
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Send A Tweet & Grab A Button! Let’s Share The Music:


What tune motivates you?  
Gives you that ‘get up a go’ to do whatever you need to?
Share it with us!
Let It Go…


Read This Too  Turn It Up Tuesday Is Back and Ready To Party!!

I did a few searches through my Playlist for this week’s theme.  I wanted a song that was a positive motivator that helped me or inspired me in some way.  Then my daughter turned on her own playlist and started up a song that has been on a loop for the entire Holiday Season.  

We went to see the Disney Movie Frozen for my 5 year old’s Birthday and ever since (actually before because the song and video had been playing on the Disney Channel for weeks) we have heard this song non-stop.  I always knew the story behind it was that the older sister, Elsa, was finally done with hiding behind closed doors because of her gift (or what she was taught was a burden).  At this point in the film she was determined to simply ‘Let It Go’ and be herself.

I don’t want to spoil any of the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it but trust me it is a great movie and definitely worth the price of a ticket and I know it will be added to our Disney DVD Collection ASAP…

Don’t let them in, don’t let them see,
Be the good girl you always had to be.
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know.
Well now they know.

This song motivates me, because once I truly listened to the lyrics I realized that it held a message.  Hiding who you truly are no matter what others may feel about it is never ok.  It burdens you and forces you to feel as if you are less than somehow.  To ‘Let It Go’ I feel the IT is the restrictions that others place on you…even as an adult I had to come to a place where I no longer allowed other’s perceptions of me to hold me back.  

As a teenager, I often felt I had to be a ‘good girl’ …the preacher’s kid the one who couldn’t make any mistakes or slip up.  When I finally understood that I had to live for ME and not her or any of those around me I felt the same freedom expressed in this song.  I had to learn how to ‘Let It Go’…


Read This Too  Happy Halloween From Turn It Up Tuesday!
**Don’t forget to link up your post below & visit some
participants to see what they’re jamming out to!**
See You Here…Same Place…Same Day…Different Tunes!
What song do you play when you
want to be IN your feelings?
~A Pity Party Tune~ 

The hosts reserve the right to delete any links that do not apply to the musical theme of this link up.

Link up here!

1. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter {Host}  3. The Patchwork Paisley {Host}  5. Beth @ Structure in an Unstructured Life  
2. Queen Conundrum  4. Shauna @ Momma Candy {Host}  

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2 responses to “What’s Your Motivator #TunesdayTuesdayHop ?!?!”

  1. Shauna Avatar

    I love that song!!! My daughter and I just sat here and watched the whole video on the link up. I don't know why but it makes me want to cry so I can't even sing along.
    My recent post Tunesday Tuesday: My Motivator

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do too! My Girlies sing/play it no less than 8 times a day… It is a mix of encourage/sad… We can\’t wait for the DVD 🙂

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