MrsTee In Disney {Day 1} I Don’t Wanna Drive!

MrsTee In Disney - Day 1: I CAN Do This!

So this time last week I was at my local Starbucks ordering up a TRIPLE shot Caramel Frap with extra Caramel love. As I was grabbing my Venti Hubby was fueling up the vehicles. I was fueling myself up for my very first attempt at driving over 1 hour, well 8 hours to be specific. My family and I were finally Disney Bound and in order to get there I had to drive but I Don’t Wanna Drive !

We wanted to take 1 truck but with our Team of 8 plus our niece along for the journey fitting us and our baggage it was impossible. This meant I had to pull up my big girl pants and jump behind the wheel. I know there are many of you out there who are thinking :Okay, what’s the big deal?” Yet for me, this was a first.

MrsTee In Disney - Do I Have To?

I grew up in Da Bronx, New York where I didn’t even learn how to drive until I was nearly 27. I grew up being taxied around by my Grandmother an then actual taxis, trains and buses. Even when I did get my license driving anything more than 45 minutes would send me into nap mode. So when Hubby announced that there was no way around it, I had to drive, all I could think was Oh No, I Don’t Wanna Drive!

Still I knew that getting to Disney was way more important than my fears of long distance driving so off to Starbucks I went to dose myself up with as much espresso as possible and still avoid too many bathroom breaks. We pulled off and started our journey. I made it around 3 hours before Hubby decided he needed an Iced Coffee fix from his favorite spot, Dunkin Donuts (yes, we are true coffee rivals in our home…lol). After that I drove for another 4 hours before we had Kiddie bathroom emergencies. I grabbed a Red Bull (20 oz) and was able to finish up our trip in a little under 8 hours!

Read This Too  Disney Dream Detour

I was so proud of myself and guess what? So was the Hubby! I had finally gotten over my fear and hesitation of driving more than an hour and because of it we were Disney Bound and ready to start our Disney Adventures!


Are you a good long distance driver?

What’s the longest you have driven>

How do you fuel up for a long drive (coffee or energy drinks)?

*Stay Tuned This Week: I will be sharing the Reviews and Raves of MrsTee In Disney and take you along with me Day by Day. Want to see some Instagram Exclusive Disney Photos? Be sure to Follow Me

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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23 responses to “MrsTee In Disney {Day 1} I Don’t Wanna Drive!”

  1. deliberatemom Avatar

    Yay! Good for you!

    I dislike long distance driving. I do okay if I'm sharing the responsibility with my husband but otherwise I hate it. I once drove for 13 hours straight, through smoky roads because of forest fires. It was the worst experience ever. The smoke hurt my eyes and I was so tired but I couldn't stop because there was a good chance we would get roadblocked because of the fires. It was brutal.

    So glad it went well and Disney… can't wait to hear about that!

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.
    My recent post {these moments: July 2014}

    1. MrsTee Avatar


      I could not imagine 13 hours with no break! Good for you!

      Yes, so am I…I was so excited and despite a few setbacks it was so amazing and we create such wonderful memories with each other. Be sure to check my MrsTee In Disney Series on the sidebar… 😀 Have an amazing weekend!

  2. Lana Avatar

    I love long road trips – although I do prefer to be the passenger! Can't wait to read about your Disney adventures!
    My recent post An Update on Todd, Etc.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha…yes the road trips themselves are always fun but I think I like my place in the passenger seat as well 🙂 Thanks Lana…there are a few ready to enjoy now 🙂

  3. leapfrogandlipgloss Avatar

    I didn't get my license until much later than the norm either, so I'm a nervous driver due to that, so I can totally relate! Props to you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it harder?? Thanks so much and thanks for coming by 🙂

  4. Carrie775 Avatar

    We just got back from a 12 hour (24 hrs both ways) beach trip! My poor hubby drove the entire way!
    My recent post Curly Crafty Mom's Meal Plan, Week 22

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow!! That driving can definitely get to you even if you don’t realize it. I slept so deeply that first night…

  5. Madaline Avatar

    Ok. So I totalllly needed this post. I’m back home visiting my family and we are getting ready to go down to the beach (about 6-7hours) where I have to drive one of the cars. And coming from a big city I haven’t driven in months. And I’m not going to lie – I both hate driving and have some fear of it. Going to pull up me big girl pants and try to do it…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh wow. I’m glad you came by Madaline!! You got this!! If I can do it anyone can. Rest up before the ride and if you drink caffeine fuel up 🙂 *Of you need a break – Take. A. Break Wishing you the best!

  6. LifeAsAConvert Avatar

    I don't mind driving.. as long as I have some fairly loud music to listen to… I HATE driving with people who just want to sit on their phone and be boring and not talk and not listen to music.
    My recent post What I Wore – Fashion by the Non-Fashionable

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I was driving with my Teenager and he tried to dose here and there but his DJ skills kept me going for the most part 🙂

  7. @MissLouMae Avatar

    I only drive up to an hour 1/2, I don't do more than that. I leave it up to Mr. M to drive.
    My recent post Top 10 Money Saving Apps #MoneySavingApps

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That was me up until this trip. Aaah the good times 🙂 LOL

  8. Tenns Avatar

    Girl, I drove 12-13 hrs from northern Virginia to Georgia several times when I was in the military. It was hard and I'm not a great night driver, because once road hypnosis kicks in I'm pretty much done. Plus, driving through North Carolina was always the worst! So boring and scenic on 95, lol! After a while you get used to it, and it wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't turn around trips most of those times.
    My recent post Creative Style Link Up {#7}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You Go Girl!! Yes-it was the nigh driving that got me. I was a okay during the daytime but the dark the car lights and the rows of trees…I was about done.

  9. Teresa @ Crafty Wife Avatar

    I've driven from VA to Seattle and back, and to Disney every time we go (about 13 hours). The Mr. and I switch off so we can rest in between, but that's just become a more recent thing. We used to each drive 6 or 7 hours before switching which was exhausting. But I love driving as long as I have a great music mix on my iPhone!
    My recent post Organizing Your Fridge

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Our total trip from NC to Disney was a little over 8 hours with stops. I think I would have done better if I could switch off but the breaks did help a lot. Oh yes music was KEY!! The Teenager was my DJ and he did a great job.

  10. Paris Avatar

    I don't usually drive long distance. When we go on road trips I offer to help drive, but my husband usually refuses.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I don’t normally either Hubby is the Master Driver but I had no choice this time around LOL

  11. Ricci Avatar

    I think I'm your total opposite….I LOVE to drive!!! In a couple weeks my dog and I are taking out annual vacation to my grandparents (12 hours away) and I can't wait!! I might try one of your triple shot frapps when we leave though 🙂

  12. jadeislegendary Avatar

    I am actually the opposite. I love driving long distances as long as I've got coffee, music and lots of conversations. I used to go on all girls road trips and be the only one willing to drive. The longest distance I ever had to drive was last year when we moved the family from Arizona to Florida. As much as i love to drive it was SO scary!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I admire you. I'm proud of myself for getting it done but I am not at the 'loving it' point just yet 😉 I think I talked my Teenager's ear off the whole way-he was an awesome DJ though 😀

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