MrsTee In Disney {Day 4} – Is There A Princess In The Palace?

MrsTee In Disney {Day 4} - Is There A Princess In The palace? |

So our Thursday morning started early. Really early. Like 6 am early. I know, why? We are on vacation after all. Well another bonus to living the Resort Life is the fact that all of the Disney World Parks offer a special Magical Hours day where they open an entire hour early for resort guests. I knew I wanted to try and take advantage of this but saying it and doing it were two different things.

I woke up around 6am got myself all ready then did the same with the Kiddies. Hubby was in slow motion but never the less we still made it to the shuttle bus stop in time and were on our way to the Magical Hours at the Magic Kingdom by 7:30am – along with what seemed to be every single guest at our resort. That bus was crowded!

As we pulled up to the Magic Kingdom I realized that these Magical Hours weren’t just for our resort but EVERY resort. There were at least a thousand families pouring out of shuttles and ferries to line up at the gates to watch the Park open. So just like everyone else we pressed our way through the crowds and tried to get as close to the entrance as possible.

That’s when we heard it. The sound of the Conductor of the Walt Disney World Railroad announcing that Mickey would be arriving in minutes to open the Park and welcome us all in. My Kiddies almost lost it. Mickey was coming? I must admit I think I was as excited as they were! After a dance number by a few cast members we heard the train pulling in and saw Mickey and Minnie waving to us from up above. It was awesome! I was so glad that we did the whole early rise thing if only for my Kiddies to have this moment in time.

After Mickey welcomed us and declared the park officially open we were on our way! On our agenda: get our Kiddies on a few of the most memorable rides in the park: including he Dumbo The Flying Elephant Ride and The Mad Tea Party I had reserved a Fastpass for both and we were set to be on them within an hour or so. We decided to head over to the Cheshire Cafe for a bit of breakfast since we got up to early to grab it at the resort and we knew Kiddies with no breakfast would be a disaster in the making.

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As we headed to the Cafe we noticed that the Dumbo ride had nearly no one in line (benefits of Magical Hours) so we decided to jump on before we headed to breakfast. The Kiddies had a blast and we actually went on twice before continuing on to the Cafe. I decided to keep my FastPass reservation so that they would be able to ride again once the rush of regular guests came in when the normal hours started so we wouldn’t have to wait.

After a light meal of muffins, bananas and cereal we headed over to The Mad Tea Party which of course was right next to the Cheshire Cafe 🙂 Again we saw no lines and since we were ahead of schedule for our FastPass we simply jumped  on and had a spin! Then we stopped by Ariel’s Grotto and had a bit of inside fun (it was hot out there!) .

After a few more rides and simply exploring Cinderella’s Castle and all the amazing things that Disney is I decided to check my My Disney Experience App to see if I could get us reservations for lunch with the Princesses. This is something my Girlies had been talking about since we planned our vacation and I was determined to make it happen at least once. I logged in and to my surprise there was a reservation available that afternoon at 3pm! I told Hubby and even though we knew this was going to make for a really long day (we got there at 8am remember…) he said to grab it.

Now, just to note when you book reservations for character dining Disney does require that you hold your reservation with a credit card. This is to avoid people booking several reservations at once and only showing up for one. Once you check-in for your reservation your card is removed from the bill and you can pay however you desire whether it be with that same card or with your meal plan.

MrsTee In Disney {Day 4} - Is There A Princess In The palace? |

I reserved our Character Dining at the Crystal Palace and couldn’t wait to tell my Girlies they were going to meet their favorite Princesses (stay tuned for the surprise ending to this plan)! I also made sure to invite our older sons through the App (they were out exploring over at Epcot) so that they could meet up with us and join in the family experience.

We all met up at the Cinderella’s Castle around 2:45pm and headed over to the Palace. I was using my App to double check the location on the map and as I did I realized the description of my reservations said Hundred Acre Woods Characters…ummm what about the Princesses? I did another check and realized that I booked a character dining but not for Princesses like I thought. Instead we were going to eat with Pooh & Friends. I ran over to the Hubby and explained what happened all the while wondering if my Kiddies would still be excited or totally disappointed.

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How could I ever wonder? Disney is Disney and after I explained that Momma had messed up a bit and we were going to meet Pooh, Eyore Tigger and Piglet my Kiddies (especially my Buddie Boy) were still excited. Of course my 5 year old Girlie did ask “Is there a Princess in the Palace?” I had to tell her that this palace didn’t have a Princess but that Momma would do her best to find one that did before we left. Thankfully she was happy with that and on we went to eat, play and take photos with some of our favorite Hundred Acre Woods Friends!

Have you ever had a ‘Mommy Oops’ moment

during a vacation or celebration?

How did you handle it?

How did your Kiddies react?

See even more of my great Hollywood Studio photos and our rainy day experience on my #MrsTeeInstaExclusive Instagram feed.

Also, head over to the TheMrsTee On YouTube and check out

MrsTee In Disney Recaps, Raves & Reviews!

MrsTee In Disney | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter on YouTube

**Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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14 responses to “MrsTee In Disney {Day 4} – Is There A Princess In The Palace?”

  1. debsrandomwritings Avatar

    We went to Euro Disney as Christmas time a few years back and it was the most fun and exhausting break I have ever had…But it was great! Staying in the Disney resort did offer bonuses like the early entry pass and being freezing cold and mid winter at the time there were never masses of people waiting to get in.

    We didn't do anything as exciting as dining with the characters,but my son would have wet his ants with excitement to get to dine with Winne The Pooh and Friends – he probably still would now and he's 17…But then again so would I!

    I can't say I have never had a 'Mummy Opps' moment, but I honestly can't recall any,. I have probably had loads, but have chosen to block them from my mind or I'd probably still beating myself up about them!
    My recent post My Word For The Week Is…Peculiar!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow I didn’t even know that existed. Sounds really cool! You’re right about how it’s fun and exhausting…I’m still recovering! LOL

      Now that I have stayed in a resort I don’t think I would want to do anything else. I’m spoiled 😀

      Haha – I should try blocking mine out but I have too many Kiddies to remind me…

  2. Old World ~ New Girl Avatar
    Old World ~ New Girl

    oh my! The day sounds long, but worth it =) It is awesome that they were still cool with dining with Pooh and the gang. You're right lol, Disney is still Disney =)
    My recent post Currently Working On… | 24 luglio 2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was but yes it was SO worth it! They loved it and I was so happy they weren\’t too disappointed even though I knew I would still need to deliver a few Princesses before we left…LOL

  3. Paris Avatar

    We go to Disney World at least once a year and totally love it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I would love to make it a new family tradition for us 😀

  4. Katherine G Avatar
    Katherine G

    Wow! What a great experience you all are having. I love Disney World and I hope to take my kids back before they get too old. What am I talking about? You are never too old for Disney.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      These are definitely memories I will treasure. I have fallen head over hills for he Disney life an can\’t wait to go back. You\’re right Katherine…we are never too old!!!

  5. feliciae25 Avatar

    I think you handled that as well as you could and I love that the kids were still so excited about meeting Pooh and the Gang.

    I've had my fair share of mishaps and I've found if I explain to the kids that mommy is just human and I mess up they are quick to understand, forgive and move on. Even giving me hugs and kisses to let me know they are okay and still love me.

    Ah the joy of children.

    I love that they open up an hour early for the resort people, that in of itself may make it worth the price of a resort.
    My recent post A Havit Mini Bluetooth Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Felicia! You\’re right kids are so quick to forgive and move on and I love that about them. Most times I think I am more upset with myself than they are…LOL Luckily we still had a wonderful day and meeting Winnie and Friends was so much fun!

      Oh yes, that extra hour was awesome! Hardly any lines and the freedom to stroll around a bit instead of feeling pressed by a crowd.

  6. Madaline Avatar

    This is making me want to go back to Disney right now!!! I never knew Mickey opened the park! That’s def something I have to do on a future trip down there!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hahaha! I just got back and I already want to go back 😀 Yes, it was really cool but we would have never seen that if we weren\’t there for the early opening…LOL

  7. Teresa @ Crafty Avatar
    Teresa @ Crafty

    Ariel's Under the Sea Adventure is my absolute favorite ride in New Fantasyland! Your pictures make me miss it so much. Also, super jealous about the Crystal Palace. We had a Princess reservation last time we went and we were going to take some friends (who have a 2 year old), but we weren't able to do it. So disappointed! One day I am determined to dine in there!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The Girlies absolutely loved it! It was like taking a ride through the entire movie… 😀

      Haha… eve though I was disappointed there were no Princesses it was so much fun watching the Kiddies faces and they met each character. The buffet was awesome too!

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