MrsTee’s Must See Movies · April 2018 · Avenger’s Infinity War

MrsTee’s Must See Movies · April 2018 · Avenger’s Infinity War |

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April for me is all about one movie and one movie alone. . . Avengers: Infinity War! That’s why I wanted to dedicate this month’s must see movies to what Marvel fans can expect and why this movie is key to all the movies before it.

Avenger’s: Infinity War

This movies has been on my mind, my calendar and all over my social feeds for months and I couldn’t be happier about it! If you don’t know I m a HUGE Marvel, Avengers – all things comic fan! Infinity War is set to bring all of my favorite, most hated and most admired Marvel Heroes and Villains into one movie and I’m just  teeny bit excited – can you tell?

See that image up there? See ALL those amazing folks from all our favorite Marvel movies? Well they are coming together to battle the ultimate war again Thanos – the most evil enemy they have come up against so far. Even in their individual battles and films they have never encountered a Villain like him.

Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Thanos (Josh Brolin)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2018

Isn’t that face enough to make you shiver? Just a lil’ bit? 😀

The Infinity Stones

Infinity War is the battle to secure all of the Infinity Stones. Whoever has them can rule, destroy or torture not just the world but the Universe and Thanos wants that power all to himself.

I think the thing I love most about the Avengers and Marvel Comic movies is how there is always a link between each storyline. The Infinity Stones have been present and fought for in several movies but it is in Infinity War when Thanos begins to collect them all. Many heroes will battle to stop him and a few may even sacrifice themselves.

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In case you haven’t been keeping track here are a few of the places we’ve already seen the Infinity Stones:

Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Vision (Paul Bettany)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2018

The Tesserat/Space Stone (Blue) in both Captain America and The Avengers is used to teleport through Space.

The Aether/Reality Stone (Red) in THOR: The Dark World which took over Jane Foster and was later given to The Collector for ‘safe keeping’.

The Orb/Power Stone (Purple) in Guardians of the Galaxy when Thanos used Drax The Destroyer to obtain it from The Collector who was stopped by Star Lord Peter Quill who was able to use it without being destroyed. It was later given to the Nova Corp for protection.

The Mind Stone (Yellow) which first appears in Loki’s Scepter in Avengers Age of Ultron and then used to help create Vision and currently remains in his forehead.

The Eye of Agamatto/Time Stone (Green) is seen in Dr. Strange and used to manipulate time. Dr. Strange uses it to save the world from the evil of Dormammu and the Dark Dimension.

The Soul Stone (white) has not been seen as of yet but I have a feeling it may make it’s first appearance this weekend!

Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Wong (Benedict Wong)..Photo: Chuck Zlotnick..©Marvel Studios 2018

The Warriors

Now remember I said that we can expect to see any of our favorite heroes in this movies. So here they are . . .


The Avengers – Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, The Hulk, Vision, Scarlet Witch and War Machine

THOR – Thor and Loki

Guardians of the Galaxy – Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Nebula and Mantis

Dr. Strange – Dr. Strange and Wong

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Black Panther – Black Panther, Shuri,and Okoye

Antman – Antman and Wasp

The Winter Soldier


Fans Assemble!

These heroes are all coming together to unit their powers, strengths and forces to defeat Thanos in his quest to obtain all of the Infinity Stones and I can’t wait to see the action as it happens.



Release Date:  April 27th, 2018 #InfinityWar

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