This week was a bit buy but I am so grateful for having the chance to exchange questions with Tia from Becomin Neurotic and she is asking me about my must haves, faves, Disney and so much more. So in this #AskAwayFriday I take a moment and give my answers to them all.
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
who will be joining us for the next two weeks as co-host! So glad to have you with us Jenessa!
Jenessa is an amazing woman, wife and mother to 3 children who shares the ups downs and all of Mothering {In Real Life} while living with depression.
Her story is inspiring and encouraging. Be sure to visit her and learn about her real life.
Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
Now on to the question and answer fun…
1. You recently enjoyed a vacation at Disney and I loved all of your Instagram photos! What was your favorite part of your suite? (It looked absolutely delightfully relaxing!)
Oh My! Must I pick only one??? I loved the entire thing simply because we could actually fit all of our Team without being on top of each other or running out of bathrooms for everyone to use. Still, my most favorite part was definitely the tub in the Master Bathroom. It was a jet spa tub and absolutely amazing for realizing and unwinding after a day walking the parks.
I LOVED This Tub!
2. You are the queen of pumping out great posts and promoting them on social media. With all the kiddos running around, how do you do it? What kind of schedule do you keep?
Wow! Thanks so much (insert blushing MrsTee). I try my best to stay on top of things around home and on my blog. There are times it can get difficult but the main thing I have found that works for me is to schedule and keep a calendar. I have a rotation of things that I do for each post and as long as I stick to that I usually keep up pretty well.
3. What is your favorite Disney character or story?
Whew! This is a really hard one. I used to answer Jasmine as my favorite Princess simply because she was independent and able to save herself instead of waiting for Aladdin every time. Yet since then many more strong, independent and confident Princesses have been introduced including Tiana, Merida and even Anna and Elsa. So let’s see…I guess I don’t really have one favorite character but I do love when Disney takes the opportunity to create characters that are not only lovable but inspiring to children.
4. I loved your summer favorite foods list, it made me want to come to your house for a BBQ! What are some of your favorite fall/winter foods?
Haha! Thanks…we definitely love food around here and the summer is a really great time to indulge and have some really great family time as a bonus.
A few of my favorite Fall/Winter foods would be anything that is warm and comforting…
Grits with cheese and sausage
Beef Stew, Minestrone, Mashed Potatoes
(I have been known to mix all of the above into an awesome bowl of yumminess)
Coffee, Hot Chocolate (W/marshmallows)
Meatloaf, Steak, Baked Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
I love minced meat pie even though I have no clue what’s inside it. It just scream Winter to me…
5. You’re also a Vlogger. Was it hard for you to put yourself on camera, or are you more extroverted?
This is so funny because in reality I am truly more of an introvert but I push myself past it especially when I know that the situation requires me to be approachable (most people mistake it for keeping them at arms length).
When it comes to my Vlog I always look at it as a face-to-face conversation with a friend. I consider all of my followers potential friends so when I record I chat with them like I would anyone else.
6. What song will always get you up and moving or will get you singing along?
I have a few of these but right now it is definitely Happy by Pharell…
7. I’ve also cut my hair from really long to really short, and am a firm believer that it’s just hair. What is one hairstyle or color you wish you could rock?
I actually have an entire Pinterest Board dedicated to hairstyles and colors that I would like to try and some point…
Most are only wishful thinking but some I have actually tried. Can you guess which ones?
8. A lot of the world at large still scoffs at online relationships. Those of us who are enmeshed in the internet on a daily basis know how powerful these friendships can be. Who are some of your closest friends you’ve “met” online?
I have so many BloggerBFFs and Ladies I consider to be true friends it would definitely be hard to name them all without risking leaving someone out. To name the closest I really feel would be unfair to those I simply haven’t had as long to get to know yet. The Ladies who helped to babysit my site during my Disney vacation are definitely part of my core group of friends. I know lame cop out answer but I just can’t list …LOL #SorryNotSorry
9. What are your 5 must-have style pieces?
I still consider myself to be a budding Fashionista at most but here are a few things I need to consider any outfit complete:
Great Purse
Statement Piece
Boyfriend Watch
Awesome pair of shoes
Matching Cell Case
10. Your 10 favorites:
Favorite movie- Tombstone
Favorite dessert- Sweet and Savory
Favorite date night with the hubby- Movie, Dinner and Snuggles
Favorite holiday- Christmas
Favorite author- Too Many Too Choose One
Favorite band or artist- Too Many Too Choose One
Favorite actor/actress- Denzel and Kerry Washington
Favorite season of the year- Fall (not too cold and great for layering)
Favorite flower- Roses (pink)
Favorite picture in your phone- this was my wallpaper since we came back. I only changed it yesterday
This was so much fun! Don’t forget to head over to visit Tia and see what I asked her and how she answers …
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Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
14 responses to “Must Have, Faves and More! #AskAwayFriday Answers Them All!”
Oh girl, I would love a jetted tub! LOL! Belle has always been my favorite Princess! I love to have Chilli in the winter, with cheese and buttered tortillas! Okay and maybe a few frito's! LOL! Oh Tombstone is absolutely one of my all time fave movies! Have a great weekend, Tiffany!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Dana from Kiss My List!
That tub was awesome! I looked forward to it every night. Our kiddies are Disney Princes fanatics! LOL I have never had a good’s always either way to spicy or way to bland…LOL Maybe I need your recipe Yes – Tombstone but only the Val Kilmer version – I’m your Huckleberry
How did I miss that you have a vlog? Okay, I hopped over there to check it out. My online friends are some of my best.
My recent post Push It: July 2014 Running Report
Denzel & Kerry are two of my favorite actors too. I also love Jamie Foxx. All three really know how to take on a character and give it their all.
I have a Pinterest hair board too. I recently cut my hair, it was inspired by my pins.
My recent post 5 Apps that Save Money on Groceries
Oh that tub! I don't think I ever would have left! And we have some very similar tastes in food I'm so glad we got to do this swap, I had so much fun! I agree with the online relationships, the girls I've met here are as close to me as family (closer sometimes) but I could never rank them.
I hope you have a great weekend, Mrs. Tee
Aaah yes, the tub. I told Hubby that is definitely on the list for our dream home I am too Tia, it was so much fun! Thanks for some really great and interesting questions Have a great weekend!
Is it wrong that I judge hotel rooms based on how large the bath tub is? The bigger the tub the better the room… hahahahah
My recent post Blogger Samantha: 5 Perfect Ball and Celebratory Dresses Under $50!
Ohhh! That jet spa tub! I followed along with you on your journey and I just thought that must be so awesome after long days at the parks. It's exhausting! (in the best way)
And boy do we have the same tastes in food! Oh yes.
And I feel you about the online friendships. POWERFUL. And I couldn't rank them..
My recent post A Double Photographer Interview.
Yes Girl it was amazing! Thanks for following along BTW – xoxo The parks were definitely amazing but I felt so old by the end of the night…oooh the aches! LOL
I love my food now… I think I have a love affair with certain dishes.
Yes! So meaningful to me I don\’t think I could have ranked them with all the time in the world!
I went to Orlando not too long ago, and I haven't finished the write up! You're good! I agree the bathtubs were the BEST! I took one every night and a couple of days twice! Made me reconsider buying one… but I can't see myself cleaning it on a regular basis. I told myself as I lose this weight, I will care more about fashion, so I will take your five essential items make sure I have a quality one of each… but what's a boyfriend watch?
My recent post A Little of This, A Little of That and a Sparkling Tequila ~ #AAF with Lanaya {Raising Reagan}
You did!?!? I can\’t wait to read about it
Girl that tub was something I looked forward to everyday. I think I only missed one…LOL
Yes, I love all my essentials. A boyfriend watch is just an extra large face watch like a men\’s watch but made for women (kinda like boyfriend jeans). I don\’t like small dainty watched that much because of how small I am. I like my large watches
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