My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers}

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

Instagram. This little App has seriously become one of my favorites even giving Twitter a bit of a run for it’s place at the top of my list. I’m not what you would call one of the major Game App players. I have a few but mostly for my kiddies and the ones that I do play I usually get too frustrated with to keep for long. That’s where instagram comes in to occupy all those moments in between activities, appointments and truthfully – keep my boredom at bay.

Favorite Instagrammers PIN

So being a person who scrolls through her instagram feed at least 20 times a day (I’m probably under-estimating) and most times scrolls from top to bottom I have a few Instagram {mess} that stand out as my favorites. Even a few that I have set to notify me when they post (did you know you can do that? I’ll show you that too ! )

That said here are my 10 Favorite Instagram{mers} for February …in no particular order!

Miss Dre or SoDreWrites on Instagram has a feed that is so unique with bright crisp images and a bit of a unique touch as well.  Dre takes that extra bit of time to organize her feed into a layout that is both eye-catching and appealing…



See how every 3rd photo is a quote? I love how she does that and it definitely adds to my love that the quotes are a mix of inspiration and humor. So be sure to give her instagram a follow and check out her blog SoSheWritesByMissDre ♥


Okay so now you know I love clean and crisp images well my next pick has that and then some. MrsAOK from MrsAOK, A Work In Progress has a way of bringing her artistic touches to her photos not only in the photography and her styling but in the especially in the editing she does…


Switching between Black & White filters seamlessly and finding a way to add a lovely quote, encouraging word or just fun phrase to her always fun images. Stopping by her Instagram feed always brings a smile to my day ♥


Next up on my list of favorites is one of my Blogging BFFs! Penny Chevalley is the brains and beauty behind Penny Chevalley On YouTube as well as Penny Chevalley Photography


Penny brings her photographer’s eye to her Instagram feed in the best way capturing adorable family moments as well as glimpses into her life as Mother, Wife and Woman. Her clean white bordered instagram feed is one I love and a style that definitely catches my attention as I’m sure it will yours ♥

Read This Too  When I Lose Faith – #828Blessings


So remember those clean white borders? Yeah, those are a favorite of mine as you can see by the recent changes to my own feed and the first time I saw them was as I scrolled through the amazingly Texas Raised – Southern Lovin’ feed of Aleshea from GlitzandGrits


Alice gives us a great look at life in Texas where all things Big and Better are Best and I must say I love following along on her adventures of travel, food and good ol’ fashioned fun! Don’t forget to check out her Instagram Feed for yourself…I’m sure you’ll add her to your list of favorites too ♥


My next pick is very close to my heart…


Haha! Come Guys…you knew I had to have an Instagram{mer} who spoke to my Coffee Love and CoffeeLoveMag does just that with great images, funny quotes and well…go check them out. If you love coffee you’ll love them! They even have a QUIZ to let you know what Coffee Type you are…any guesses at my results? ♥


These next few feeds are all for fun. I love them because they make me happy, let me know that I’m not alone in my daily Momma woes and make me laugh when I need it the most.

First up is the Blogger behind the brilliance of TheCrunchyMommy Mrs. Aaronica. She is such an awesome person and it shines through her Instagram Feed in every photo…


Every time I scroll through TheCrunchyMommy feed I know I’ll find something inspiring, uplifting, and even yummy and that is why she has found a spot on my 10 favorite Instagram{mers} list ♥


Next up is one of my favorite Bloggers and her photos that show the honest part of life as a Mom, Wife and Woman working on her own dreams…


Allison’s feed shares not only a glimpse into her day to day but into her personality as well. So go on…check it out and I promise you’ll get to know how great she is!


This next Instagram feed is actually a pair of Instagram{mers} the beautiful Sisters behind the  Blog MeganandWendy as well as the YouTube Channel Long Story Short With Megan and Wendy share the behind the scenes of their fun videos and a bit of their day-to-day as well…


On their Channel, Megan and Wendy are two women who instantly make you feel like a friend. The feeling is no different when taking a look at their instagram feed. You feel like you not only know them but can totally relate to them as well!

Read This Too  MrsTee In Disney {Night 1} – Resort Life Is THE Life


IrkedMommy is the humor filled Mom behind the Blog TheMadMommy and her realistic take on what can really happen in life as a Mom not only find my funny bone nearly every time but makes me feel like I’m not alone in my Mommy Madness…

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

Admit it. If you are the Mom of a boy you know (I know) that sometimes your only reaction is ‘ewww’. Be sure to check out Echo’s instagram feed to find out what else I’m sure you have in common with this anything but Mad Mommy ♥


The last of my 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} is one that helps me get through my day from start to finish. It feeds my faith which is my biggest source of strength …

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

SheReadsTruth is the Instagram behind the site It’s a place where women of faith can find a daily source of encouragement and a place to share and support others. For me this is where I go when I want or need a quick inspiration and even just a pretty picture to go along with it ♥

Bonus Tip TRANS

Remember near the beginning when I said there is a way to make sure you never miss a post from your favorite Instagram {mers} well here it is…

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

Step 1…
Click those 3 Dots at the top of your favorite Instagram{mers} profile…

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

Step 2…

Select the ‘Turn On Post Notifications’ option. Once selected you will receive a notification through the Instagram App letting you know whenever your favorite Instagram{mers} post to their feeds.

My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers} |

Step 3…

That’s It! Now just enjoy the pictures, moments, quotes and fun from your favorite Instagram{mer} !


Do you have any favorite Instagram {mers} ?

Share in the comments below so I can check them out too!

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19 responses to “My 10 Favorite Instagram {mers}”

  1. […] just what is sounds like. Scroll through your Instagram Feed and pick out a few of your favorite instagrammers. You can post by niche, theme, style – whatever you choose! You can even make the post a […]

  2. Lowanda J Avatar
    Lowanda J

    You mentioned some really great people and I'm following a few of them so we have a lot in common when it comes to things we like. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lowanda!! I promise you will love their feeds 🙂

  3. Lindsey Avatar

    I love that these aren't accounts that have thousands of followers. I followed them all! Always looking for new creatives. Pinning, stumbling and tweeting this post. Happy Friday!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, I have a few of those as favorites but I definitely wanted to give a bit of love to the smaller feeds 🙂 Thanks so much!! It is so appreciated …

  4. Kat Avatar

    What!? I had no idea you could get notifications on Instagram!! Mind blown!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes ma’am…isn’t it awesome!?!?! PS – I totally imagined that JET commercial when your head burst into purple smoke…LOL

  5. CryItOutMom Avatar

    I'm always looking for new suggestions of who to follow. Thanks!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well then these are the feeds for you 🙂

  6. Elayne Avatar

    I have to admit that IG is my one and only addiction in life. Truth be told I"m on it more than I should be. If I had to narrow my picks down to a top ten list it would be impossible because I love so many pages!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      If IG is your only addiction than I think you are doing pretty well Elayne? I have at least 4 …Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook besides of course IG 🙂 Oh trust me this was difficult and may end up with a Part 2… LOL

  7. Karen Avatar

    Check us out @MotherDaughterJewel 🙂

  8. Drea Avatar

    Awww thank you so much, love!! This has totally made my whole week! You're the best 🙂 And whyyyyy didn't I know you could turn on notifications on IG? I'm gonna try it out and check out these other awesome accounts you've shared.

    Thanks again for the love, doll! xoxo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You are SO Welcome! I love the unique way you organize your postings and of course the fun and funny quotes you include 🙂 Yes ma\’am it\’s awesome for the ones who may be in a different time zone so you don\’t miss any of their awesomeness! 😀

  9. Galaxia Avatar

    yayyy Drea and Dean made the list!! they're awesome and I look forward to checking out the others =) love how you had a coffee account too lol!! I like a lot of makeup ones. a new fave of mine is beatfacefridayy! I hope you have a wonderful night <3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! Both of their feeds are so fun and unique! Oh Girl you know I have to have my coffee in the mix 🙂 Those sound fun too! Have an awesome weekend and thanks so much for coming by Galaxia!

  10. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    You are the sweetest!!! Thank you, for mentioning me- all the love!!!
    I need to turn on my notifications. I feel like now that I'm on the west coast I'm missing some of my east coast friends' posts. Thanks again for your friendship & support! I love you, woman!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie!! You definitely deserve every single double-tap hear and word in this post… You should! It definitely helps me keep up with my faves without looking like a stalker and liking pics from 3 weeks ago…LOL 😉

      Love You Much!!

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