My 10 Favorite YouTubers

My 10 Favorite YouTubers |

For me, a binge watch isn’t limited to the latest TV series, Nope. My search for a way to spend a weekend of watching time also includes the Channels of my Favorite YouTubers! I have spent many a weekend binge watching Challenges, TAGS, Hauls, DIY, Makeup and Craft Tutorials (watching not always trying) and More! I can’t wait to share my 10 favorite youtuber picks with ya’ll – who knows maybe I’ll give you a few new channels to add to your next YouTube binge session.

My 10 Favorite YouTubers |

YouTubers Rock !

YouTube has become one of my greatest resources but it is also my favorite way to express myself through video and connect with fellow YouTubers. I have learned things, discovered new tips and simply played catch up with my fellow YouTubers all through their videos. Here are 10 of my Favorites that you will always find on my Watch Later List (in no particular order)…

Long Story Short with Megan and Wendy

Megan and Wendy are sisters*Guess who just found out Megan and Wendy ARE NOT Sisters!! I am not sure where or how I just assumed it but their chemistry is so natural it’s almost hard to believe. I’ll just say there are BFFs that love, live and laugh just like sisters and who share everything from Hauls to Taste Test videos. The way Megan and Wendy play off of each other not only reminds me of my own sisters but it can bring a smile to my face on any day. Their weekly vlogs give a more personal glimpse at who they are as women and moms. I love the bloopers and the fact that both Megan and Wendy are always true to who they are – funny, friendly and engaging!



I had the chance to meet Megan and Wendy during my trip to LA last summer and was shocked they actually recognized me. We hugged and it felt less like our first real life meeting and more like a reunion with two old friends!

If your looking for a way to add a bit of humor to your day be sure to check out Long Story Short with Megan and Wendy on YouTube, FacebookTwitter and Instagram feed – which is so awesome it even made my 10 Favorite Instagram{mers} list! Recently, Megan and Wendy have also decided to share a bit of their awesomeness through a Blog {Long Story Short with Megan and Wendy} be sure to visit them and tell them TheMrsTee says Hi!

Jenny On The Spot

Next up on my list is Jenny On The Spot! This funny mom not only tells things like they are but she tells them with the humor of that voice we all hear inside our heads. I don’t think I’ve watched one video of Jenny’s that I haven’t been thinking: OMGosh Yes! I’ve so been there. Especially her Monday Minute clips – those are particularly priceless!



Of course Jenny is not a YouTube only kinda gal she shares the humor around. Check her out over on Facebook and Instagram too!

Jenni Chiu

“Hi Guys!” Jenni’s signature start to 90% of her videos. Friendly, Funny and talented, Jenni was the first ‘big’ YouTuber I came across (but thankfully not the last) who actually replied to my comments, seemed to be a real person and share her ups and downs on her Channel. Watching Jenni talk about anything from Talking About What Your Talking About #TAWYTA to sharing her take on attending Conferences she gives you the truth on her take on things and I love it!

Read This Too  What’s A Birthday Without Cake?



Like most of my Favorite YouTubers, Jenni is also a Blogger I even had the chance to meet and hear her speak at #BlogHer15 Experts Among Us. Her panel chat about YouTube was not only eye-opening but meeting her proved that she is just as real as she seems to be. You can connect with her through her Blog, Facebook and Twitter!


My 10 Favorite YouTubers |


Shuggilipo / The Shugg Life

Jessi!! Okay I can never say her last name out loud and I’m almost sure what  say in my head isn’t right but this woman here – amazing! Part comedian, activist and true encourager, Jessi shares all of this and more with her viewers. This Girl Power YouTuber is like getting a BOGO Deal for all the fun you could ever want!  Jessi actually has 2 YouTube Channels – Shuggilipo and The Shugg Life – again amazing!




Jessi is the type of person you meet and instantly know okay this is going to be fun. Friday#AnswerinStuff, Crap You Don’t Need are just a few of the awesome series you can catch on a weekly basis with Jessi sharing her intelligent humor and insight.


iiSuperwomanii is one of the very first YouTube Channels I fell in love with. Since I’ve started watching I have watched Superwoman – Lilly Singh – skyrocket from YouTube phenom to all out celebrity status. She recently published a book entitle How To Be A Bawse and let me tell you she has this YouTube market cornered and I can’t wait to grab a copy for a bit of iiSuperwomanii inspiration!



I caught my first glimpse of her in a video showcasing her uncanny way to capture the personalities of both her mother and father while sharing skits of the crazy moments in her life. After getting hooked, I learned she has a huge crush on Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (don’t we all?) and isn’t afraid to show it, she can see the humor in just about any situation and she is all about supporting women around her. All wins in my book! Be sure to learn more about iiSuperwomanii on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The Fun Vlogging Introvert

The Fun Vlogging Introvert is a new one to my YouTube playlist but she is definitely worth the click. I was drawn in by her Vlog Name… I mean introvert to introvert YouTube can be a great way to be social while not truly being social…LOL Her videos are fun and always make my introverted heart smile a bit…



Her tagline: “Make Having FUN The Priority In Your Life” says it all about this Channel. Be sure to check out her Snapchat and Instagram too!


I have been a stalker umm subbie of MamaKatTV since the start of my YouTube journey. She not only has the most amazing drink videos – yes people she has alcohol – but tons of amazing fun stuff too. DIY, Pinterest Fails and Wins, plus peaks into her daily life as a mom.



Be sure to check out Kat Bouska Mama’s Losin’ It – her amazing Blog because she is also one of the best sources for YouTube TAG, Challenges and video ideas! Don’t forget to follow Kat on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Read This Too  Green Thumb…Brown Thumb…What Thumb?

Cat and Nat

This YouTuber Super Duo give the real on #MomTruths and so much more! I look forward to their weekly rants, vents and chats right from the front seats of their van. It’s like having a chat with any mom I know. We have our ups and our downs and Cat and Nat share it all!



Cat and Nat don’t limit the fun to YouTube so be sure to check them out on their Blog: Social Common, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

That’s Inappropriate

Welcome to the list! This is a recent find of mine and I am so glad I cam e across her Channel! Meredith is another mom who shares the true stories of motherhood – especially the inappropriate!! Can you sense a trend in my YouTuber love? I am all about the real and the keeping it real and That’s Inappropriate does it in the funniest and most endearing way!



Meredith is also an awesome Blogger to be sure to check out her Blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Mommy Tips By Cole

Rounding out my 10 Favorite YouTubers is Nicole of Mommy Tips By Cole. Her Channel is so perfectly balanced in showing her life as a wife, mom of 4 and entrepreneur!Toddler Mommy Tips, Recipes and Fashion & Beauty covers the spectrum of being both a mom and a fashionista woman. I have been watching her for some time and seeing how her Channel has grown is a true inspiration.



Nicole shares even more through her Blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so be sure to follow her there as well!



I almost forgot! I have 1 More Channel to add to my list of Favorite YouTubers!!! Yep folks! It’s Me! I mean come on if ya don’t love yourself who will?



TheMrsTee On YouTube is a natural extension of I give you a glimpse into my daily life as Woman, Wife, Mom and Friend aPLUS you get to hear the voice behind the words! I’d love for you to come by, subscribe and join in the fun! See You There!!


So there ya have ’em! My 10 Favorite YouTubers (in no particular order). If you sense a trend then you’ve been paying attention. I love YouTubers who are Bloggers, Moms and REAL! The 3 together makes a winning Channel and a definitely addition to my list of Faves. That doesn’t mean I’m a YouTuber Snob – no way – I’m always on the search for new Channels to watch so do you have any recommendations? Share them! Are you a YouTuber? Leave your channel in the comments and I’ll be sure to stop by!

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10 responses to “My 10 Favorite YouTubers”

  1. Kellie - Hooray for Moms Avatar
    Kellie – Hooray for Moms

    I hadn’t heard of some of these guys; going to have to check them out now!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Happy to provide the introductions 🙂 Thanks for coming by Kellie!

  2. Cat Avatar

    Yes YouTubers are awesome!! I have to admit though I haven’t indulged in any YouTubers other than makeup gurus. Some of my favorite YouTubers are Jaclyn Hill, Nikkitutorials, Manny MUA, and Patrick Starrr. All of these guys are makeup gurus and so hilarious–their YouTube videos are so well done and I could sit and literally binge watch them for hours!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Cat! I think the best part about YouTube is there is something and someone for everyone! I’m not a Makeup person so I don’t watch many gurus 😉 BUT I love that if I ever need a quick tutorial to get me out the door and to an even ‘face beat’ I can alway find it! 😀

  3. Carin Kilby Clark Avatar

    I love finding new and entertaining Youtubers! I’ve heard of a few of these folks. Looking forward to discovering new and interesting content from the others – off to check them out now.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it fun!?!? I love a good Channel Binge…LOL I know you’ll love them all.. thanks for coming by Carin!

  4. Mars Avatar

    I’m new to blogging and not a youtuber but I admire all of them. They are all awesome. How I wish I have enough time to do youtube videos.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Oh you don’t have to be a youtube to love youtube! Trust me 😉

  5. candy Avatar

    I have to be honest and don’t watch much youtube. Not sure why. I have friends who are always on youtube and are always telling me what I am missing out on. So after reading about all these bloggers who are on youtube, guess it is time to check them out. Thinking I will start at the top and work my way down. Who knows I might be sharing with my friends and they will be blown away.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Well I’m glad I have the chance to introduce you to a few great Youtubers who may change that! Then you can have a few to talk about the next time you hang out with your friends!!

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