My 7 Favorite Facebook Groups For Community & Motivation

7 Favorite Facebook Groups for Community & Motivation |

Facebook Groups have become one of the main ways for me to grow my blog community and gain motivation to push forward in this pursuit of blogging. Today I’m going to share my 7 favorite Facebook groups that have given me support, insight and knowledge through their admins and membership.

Finding The Right Fit

Many times I have been approached by Bloggers starting off: How can I grow my site? How can I increase my engagement? How do I get my blog out there?  Most often my answer is through a Facebook Group. Facebook groups are one of the easiest and fastest ways to not only give your site exposure but to begin to interact with other Bloggers. Bloggers who have similar goals, passions and even interests as you.

There’s something about finding your true fit in a group – that group of people who get what it is you are trying to do and are willing to help you do just that. That’s what I have found in Facebook Groups – tribes of motivated, enthused, knowledgable and strong people all working to make the passions a reality while helping me do the same.

In finding your tribe through a Facebook group you need to be selective. Don’t join every suggested group you see in your feed or sidebar. There are several things I do before you join a Facebook Group:

Read the Description

What is the group’s purpose? Why was it created? Who created it? Is this group about support through knowledge, thread, sharing? These are all most likely disclosed within the description.

How Active Is It?

If the Discussion is open (some groups are closed until you join) take a look around. How often do they post? Is it active or are posts every once in a while? If you want a group that will truly be beneficial to you and your site be sure it’s active at least once a week.

What are the Group’s Tags?

When a Facebook group is created the Admin are able to designate TAGS – this can let you know what that groups target membership is. Whether it be Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, Content Creators, Consultants, Business, Personal Development, Lifestyle – the options are nearly endless but seeing what has been selected can give you an idea of what to expect as a member.

Who Do You Know?

Take a look at the current members of the group. Do you see any familiar names or faces? Ask them how they feel about the group. This is a great way to get the insider tips on groups that may be closed until you join. Knowing as much as you can will help you be certain which Facebook groups are a good fit for where you are now, where you want to be and how to support you once you get there.

How To Be My Favorite Facebook Group

Okay. So now that we’ve got that said here is what I promised- my 7 favorite Facebook groups. What makes a group qualify as my favorite? A true sense of community, goals that help guide me to a place of growth in my blog and business, encouragement that is less about the numbers and more about who I am.

Read This Too  5 Tips To Using Social Share Tools

[tweetthis]Check out #TheMrsTee ‘s Favorite @Facebook Groups and why she loves them![/tweetthis]

Boss Mom Movement

Created by Dana of BossMom this is one of the largest groups I belong too yet it is also one that I can always count on for a sense of community and a wealth of knowledge. I think the first thing that attracted me to this group was Dana herself. Her personality is captivated and she instantly makes you feel welcome!

From her Intro to the Group video to her willingness to help you with anything you may just be ‘stuck’ on this group is one that has grown in big part to the sense of community Dana has managed to create despite of it’s size.

Join HERE!


Courage To Earn

Courage To Earn – The Community Facebook Group is an extension of the Courage To Earn Page. This community was started by Blogger and Entrepreneur Brandi Riley (MamaKnowsItAll). Since joining this community I have come to know it as a place for Bloggers to come together and get past their fears, hesitations and disbelief in their abilities to earn with the talents they have as Bloggers.

Brandi not only shares her knowledge on how to run a successful blog while still earning an income but she shares the encouragement you need to do it. Along with the Admins of the group Amiryah of Four Hats and Frugal and Micehelle of Divas With A Purpose Courage To Earn has been able to assist Bloggers to challenge themselves in every way.

The thing I love most about this group is the fact that there is no boundary to where any of the members or Admins will go to help you find an answer or path to help you reach the next level of earning in your dreams.

Join HERE!


That Pitch Life

That Pitch Life was created by Krystel Spell of SoFluential & ArmyWife101. As a Blogger who has been behind the keyboard and the desk of multiple successful Blogs and Brands, Krystel is well qualified to help Bloggers give themselves the edge they need for that Perfect Pitch!

From Guides and E-Books to first hand information, Krystel and her Admins Angela of MommyPR and Shelly of MomFiles all make sure that information is given freely. Whether you’re looking for that hidden PR Contact for your dream Brand partnership or tips on how to word your very first Pitch Letter you can find it all here.

Members have often posted their praise and happiness for how this group is about more than numbers but about true growth and community as well.

Join HERE!


Totally ProFesh

As the name implies Totally ProFesh is a group all about adding a bit of fun into the professional side of Blogging, Content Creating and More! Jessi of Shuggilippo and Amy of MomSpark are like the dynamic duo of funny and professional ambition. When I stumbled upon this group I knew it was one I needed to be a part of.

Totally ProFesh is an inclusive and warm place for all.

Jessi & Amy

From real life pro tips on everything from videos to pitching these girls make sure that every member has the tools they need to be Totally ProFesh!

Read This Too  Top 10 Facebook Groups For Blog Promotion & Growth

Join HERE!


Lifestyle (Re)Design Lounge

Lifestyle (Re)Design Lounge – the name alone should be a hint that this group is all about doing things differently. Creator, Dani of OKDani offers daily motivations, challenges and encouragement to help each ember grow into the Blogger, Creator and Entrepreneur they’re destined to become.

Each day I know I’ll find a bit of a pick me up whether I’m trying to climb over a writer’s block or work up the nerve to approach the next Brand about that big campaign – Dani makes sure her entire community knows and feels the uplift to help them (Re)Design their Lifestyles.

Join HERE!


Let’s Collab Blogging & Networking

Let’s Collab is one of the more recent groups I’ve joined. It’s created by one of my Blogger pals. I’ve seriously known her since the start and she has recently started to establish a community based on building your own community.

Like many of us, Herchel of Gym Craft Laundry, realized that the best way to help grow your Blog is to grow your connections and that’s what Let’s Collab is all about. I love how Herchel has taken her experience with starting her Blog and created a place where that can not only be shared but added to by other Bloggers.

Join HERE!


INTRODUCING. . .Tips To Blog By

This last group is a shameless plug. Tips To Blog By is a Facebook Group I am launching to help support both my TheMrsTee and Blog & Brand Consultation communities. As my Group Description states:

This Group is all about creating a place of community, shared knowledge and most of all support.

#TipsToBlogBy is created as a place to ask the questions that Google can’t answer. Here you can share and learn from fellow Bloggers who have been there and done that.

I would love to have invite each of you to help me build and grow this community into one that can claim a place among the other amazing communities and groups that work each day to help Bloggers and Entrepreneurs find the Community and Motivation they each need.


[tweetthis]I Just Joined Tips To Blog By the Newest Blog & Brand Support Facebook Group By #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]

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28 responses to “My 7 Favorite Facebook Groups For Community & Motivation”

  1. […] a member of her Facebook Group TriFabb I have met and found a true community with other Bloggers throughout North Carolina. I know […]

  2. […] support is something we all seek out in one way or another. Joining different Communities, Facebook Groups, Blogging Networks are all ways to find and share support. Still at times it can […]

  3. […] join. Finding a good Facebook group to grow and promote your blog is much like finding the right group for support. You want to be certain the group will be the right fit for you site, content and […]

  4. Ruth I. Avatar
    Ruth I.

    I will have to check the groups, we need support and motivation for other people. This will be very helpful 🙂

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Great! If you find one ya like maybe I’ll see ya there 😀 Thanks so much for coming by Ruth!

  5. What Happens If We Use Wrong Ifsc Code Avatar
    What Happens If We Use Wrong Ifsc Code

    ” very informative and nicely written. thank you :)”

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!

  6. Mayling @ Loubis & Leggings Avatar
    Mayling @ Loubis & Leggings

    I really loved this round-up of your favorite Facebook groups!! Super helpful as I’m new myself. Your favorite group, ‘Boss Moms’ – is that only for moms? Because it sounds epic and super helpful but I’m not a mom. (Well I’m a step-mom.) Just curious in case it’s possible that I can still join! I might have clicked join on all the others…..🙊😂


  7. Blair villanueva Avatar
    Blair villanueva

    I also joined some Facebook Group gor bloggers with specific common interests, and it helps to boast my blog traffic. And getting to know fellow bloggers online is also nice.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      That’s a good tip Blair! Yes, growing relationships is always a bonus.

  8. trang thuy Avatar
    trang thuy

    I am always looking for active Facebook groups to join. Thank you so much for sharing these groups. I’ve only heard of two of these and I’m looking for more detail.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Awesome! I’m happy to share . . .

  9. Bri Adams Avatar

    I’ve gained so much from my relationships in Let’s Collab. Have wanted to look into Boss Mom too. Hadn’t heard of any others so I will definitely take a look. Thank you so much for vetting these groups so we don’t have to!!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      That’s amazing Bri!! Herchel definitely does her best to make sure it feels like a community and that information is always being shared. You should definitely look into a few of the others – see if anything is a good fit. Thank you for coming by! I’m so happy you found everything helpful 🙂

  10. Kelly Hutchinson Avatar
    Kelly Hutchinson

    I am always looking for active Facebook groups to join. I love being a part of Pitch Life! It is so positive and helpful!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Well I hope I’ve introduced you to a few new ones to look into! Pitch Life is definitely a fave and great one to be a part of – super supportive! Thanks so much for coming by Kelly!

  11. Sarah-Louise Bailey Avatar

    Thanks for putting together the list of groups. I love to join different community and motivational Facebook groups. Its just a great way to stay connected and motivated. Will definitely check it out.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re SO welcome Sarah-Louise! It was my pleasure. It really is – hope to see you in one of them 😉

  12. Kasi Avatar

    Thanks for sharing these great resources! I was apart of one, and joined a few more!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re so welcome Kasi!! Facebook groups can be a great way to find your tribe!

  13. Mimi Green Avatar

    I’m not familiar with any of these but need to check them out. I’m always looking for groups that add value. I’ve found that so many simply fall off or they aren’t a good fit for me. I need to clean up my group list before joining more. I’m going to check them out.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Really?!? They are all really great especially for community growth. I agree – value is key. I had to do a bit of a Facebook Purge myself and eliminate a few that weren’t beneficial or that I had nothing to truly contribute to. I will say YOUR group is amazing too – stay tuned because I may make mention of it in a future post 😉 Thanks for coming by Mimi!

  14. LaToya C Avatar
    LaToya C

    Thank you for sharing these! I’ve only heard of two of these, so I’ll have to see if any of the others will be good for me.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      You’re so welcome LaToya!! Maybe Ill see you in one of them soon 😉

  15. Adeyemisi Avatar

    Cool, and very helpful post… I should direct a few people that has these questions here… Thanks for sharing

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! Please do, I’d be happy to answer and help in any way I can!

  16. Ashleigh Avatar

    Thank you for writing this! SO many good tips (that I need to follow) and a great list of groups (that I need to join) 🙂 My goal is to work on increasing my traffic and hopefully this will help.

    Thanks again!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Ashleigh!! You’re so welcome!! I hope to see your face in a few of them . . . these groups are perfect for support and community. Stay Tuned because I’ll be sharing my Top Groups for Promotion and Growth soon… 😉

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