#MYFayetteville | Dogwood Festival, Food, Arts & Entertainment | #FAYTour15

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

My day had been amazing! Full of fun fun, laughter and new experiences but it wasn’t going to end there. No, the Fayetteville Area Conventions and Visitors Bureau had a bit more in store for me and our #FAYTour15 that night. We were headed to the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival held annually in downtown Fayetteville. I am almost ashamed to say,  after living in this city for more than 5 years, this was going to be my first time attending. My excitement was building because I have heard of how great the Dogwood Festival is and I couldn’t wait to see what it was all about.

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

We arrived at Festival Park and I was shocked at how many people were out for the first night of this amazing 3 day Festival. They were everywhere! We found parking rather easily since there are several businesses in the area who offer their parking lots for the entire night for less than $10. As we walked across the street to the park I was reminded of the small carnivals and things I used to attend as a child in New York.

Our PR Rep with the Fayetteville Area Conventions and Visitors Bureau (FACVB from here on out…lol) had given us wrist bands earlier in the evening telling us that we were going to be sitting in the VIP Tent and the Festival. To me this in itself was a bit exciting and I couldn’t wait to see what that actually meant. Little did I know that to get to the VIP Tent we would actually get to walk a Red Carpet!! Now ya’ll know that just about made my night. I could’ve gone home off of that alone!

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

So once they made the start of my night with that small strip of colored carpet we were off to the tent. It was catered and not only was there amazing food but we also found a table right next to the stage! We were able to eat, chat and do our Social Media thang all while listening to the tunes being sung by artists like Faith Bardhill and the Backrow Saints out of Sanford, NC. This band won the 2014 Fall Dogwood Battle of the Bands and that is how she was given the amazing opportunity to Open this years Dogwood Festival.

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#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com
Faith Bardhill and the Backrow Saints
I had the pleasure of connecting with her obviously and rightfully proud mother, Wanda and she gave me a bit of a bio on Faith…

Faith is an 18 year old Senior. She auditioned for American Idol this year and was called back 3 times before being cut. She was also a 2014 Carolina Music Awards Nominee in the Youth category. She plans to attend college in the Fall as a music major.

I think it is so wonderful that The Fayetteville Dogwood Festival not only gives families in the city and surrounding areas the opportunity to have fun at a low cost but they are making opportunities and opening doors for artists like Faith to pursue and obtain their dreams. Listen to Faith and her amazing band HERE.

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

We enjoyed Faith and the amazing food offered in the VIP Tent that was catered by Hilltop House Restaurant and when I tell you that their Stewed Beef, White Rice, Roasted Potatoes, Carrots and mini rolls had me wanting to establish camp right there at the buffet I am not exaggerating! I can’t even get into dessert! If you weren’t there then you definitely need to visit them and make a night of it. I know I plan to 🙂

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

After I stuffed my face, we decided to take a short walk to the historic downtown area to see what was going on down there. We were able to see some amazing food vendors who offered all your favorite carnival food like Corn Dogs, Turkey Legs, Subs, Funnel Cakes and so much more! You definitely won’t go hungry at The Fayetteville Dogwood Festival.

Downtown was so amazingly different than it had been earlier in the day during our walking Historical Tour. The city was all a glow and the people were mingling, laughing and simply enjoying life in a town made just for that. As we walked, we got to see so many different showcases of art and entertainment from dancing, musicians, singing and even a bit of performance art right in from of the MarketHouse we had been a top of only a few hours before!

After spending a bit of time downtown we headed back over to Festival Park to be sure we caught the headline performance of Craig Campbell. I had been excited and anticipating his performance since earlier in the day when I received and unexpected but great reply to a tweet I’d posted…

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Craig Campbell is a country singer who’s country charm comes through in each of his songs. We did get a bit impatient as the formalities of thanking sponsors and such had to be done before he came out but once he hit that stage we definitely knew what we had been waiting for and it was a great way to end a wonderful night.

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

Attending the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival is an experience I will never forget but it is also one I plan to repeat next year, the year after and the year after that!  Now my #FAYTour15 fun isn’t over just yet. We still had one more day to encounter a bit of history, taste a bit of Italy and even zip through a bit of Fayetteville’s hidden beauty. Stay Tuned…!!

Don’t Forget You Can SEE All of the #FAYTour15 Fun through my #MrsTeeVlogs Videos –> TheMrsTee On YouTube

**Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the experiences and/or services mentioned above for free from Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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43 responses to “#MYFayetteville | Dogwood Festival, Food, Arts & Entertainment | #FAYTour15”

  1. […] attended the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival as part of the FayTour15 but it was the Spring one. I had no idea until my little Fall Fun […]

  2. @velaundras Avatar

    Oh! It looks like you had a blast! I love events like these 😀

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We did!! This was my first for a lot of them but it won\’t be my last 🙂

  3. thecrumbycupcake Avatar

    Lady, it looks like such a great time! I am a huge fan of festivals, mainly because I love to try the fair-style food they always have! There's so much fun stuff to see, and getting to listen to great music while you browse is always a plus. I love the red carpet walk – keepin' it classy, NC! (BTW, you looked adorbs!)
    My recent post Springtime Sangria

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was! I have never attended a Festival before but this will definitely not be my last. The food was amazing and yes the things to see was nearly endless. Something for everyone. Thanks so much 😉

  4. geanine Avatar

    What an awesome day you had! I love when my town hosts festival, it brings the entire community together for a positive cause enjoying each other, the amazing food, and festivities.
    My recent post Show your style with Maxi-Cosi

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is truly a great way for the community to come together and enjoy what each has to offer. So much fun!

  5. Brandee Avatar

    That sounds like a really fun festival! I love things like that. How cool was it that you got to walk the red carpet too? If ever I am out that way I will be sure to check it out.
    My recent post Guys behind the blog

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was Brandee!! So fun… oh I was totally won over by the Red Carpet….my kinda gig for sure 🙂 Please do and reach out too!

  6. Myrabev Avatar

    oh wow mrs tee sounds like you had such an amazing time and I am so jealous of the Dogwood festival and that red carpet I mean just wow. The food is already making me hungry definitely need to check out you vlogs

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I did! I did! It was so great and yeah a person could get used to the Red Carpet treatment 😉 Thanks so much!

  7. Lauren Avatar

    The Dogwood Festival sounds like it was a lot of fun for you! I'm glad that it's a low cost event that gives people opportunities. Plus, the food looks good! I'd love to try that pie right now 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was Lauren… Yes! I love that it is a way for people to make their dreams come true. Oh that pie was awesome a piece right now would be great with my coffee 🙂

  8. everydayeyecandy Avatar

    Atlanta has a Dogwood festival that I love, but I've missed it for the last few years. It's my favorite! I love festival season around here! It looks like you had fun and that plate of food looks soo good!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Do They??? That\’s so fun! I had a lot of fun and yes Girl I wanted to go back for seconds…LOL

  9. @monicazyoung Avatar

    I love attending festival, specially when they are packed with variety like this one. The food looks good too, because it looks like real food, not just junk. It seems the music was awesome as well. I find it amazing the parking was only 10, locally we have to pay like 20 for parking and most people do not attend due to cost.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had never attended a Festival but the Dogwood Festival has definitely shown me how great they can be. The food was amazing and so was the music. The parking was actually only $6 for the entire night (less than 10 🙂 ) Definitely a budget friendly night of fun!

  10. jenniferjuro Avatar

    I love to attend local events and festivals like this!! Looks like they had a great turn out for this and a ton of vendors!! I love the food at these things it’s always fun to try all the different cuisines.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They had a huge turn out and the vendors were amazing. So many different things and yes the food – oh the food LOL 🙂

  11. Tiffani Avatar

    I have got to get myself to this festival! Being from N.C. i hear about the Dogwood Festival all the time & I see you guys had SO much fun! Thanks for sharing this…you are definitely convincing me to get myself to Fayetteville! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! I’m mad at myself for taking this long to get to it. It was a bunch of fun so when you get here be sure to let me know 🙂

  12. Jeanine Avatar

    Looks like loads of fun! I love doing these types of festivals. Here in Toronto there are lots every year and we try to attend at least 3 or 4! So fun to get out and experience. Looks like you had a great time and that food looks super yummy!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Loads Jeanine!! Toronto sounds fun. I’d love to visit there. I really did and yes I was stuffed 😉

  13. Haley Bradley Avatar
    Haley Bradley

    Looks like you had a great time!

    Have a great weekend,

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I really did Hayley!! Thanks for coming by ad have an amazing weekend. 🙂

  14. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    That mini pie looks yummy. This sounds like it was a really fun event.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was!! I thought it was sweet potato but it was like a lemon and it was soo yummy!!

  15. rosemondcates Avatar

    Oh, this looks so fun! These kinds of events are always a blast!!

    Rosemond http://www.bighairandbooks.blogspot.com

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun and yes they definitely give you a day’s worth of fun 🙂

  16. Crystal Avatar

    Oh I love festivals! Especially when they’re in your hometown. Builds community and I love it! This one looked like a blast. The food looks delicious! I’m going to have to look up Craig Campbell!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This was actually my first Festival type event but I am definitely a fan 🙂 Yes, he gave a great performance!

  17. @J3ss1ca13 Avatar

    Sounds like you had a good time!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I really did! Thanks for coming by Jessica 🙂

  18. @NYCSingleMom Avatar

    I have never been to Fayetteville but boy going to the Dogwood Festival seems like a great activity for both music and food lovers. I love seeing all your red carpet photos. So excited you got VIP treatment, that's so much fun when it's a unexpected.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should definitely add us to your list of places to see 🙂 It was so much fun and yes the food was never ending – so yummy! Thanks we totally didn’t expect the red carpet but oh once we saw it…LOL 😀

  19. simplyzaspy Avatar

    Wow It looked yall had an awesome time…that food looked…amaziiingg! The festivals here usually serve a menu of beer lmao

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We did!! Oh trust me the beer was there – Bud Light was one of the sponsors 🙂

  20. frickingvikki Avatar

    Maaaaaaaannnnnnn!! There is NOTHING like this where I live!! BOO!! Looks amazing!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I had no idea it was here but I am so glad I found it… Thanks Lovie 🙂

  21. Lysha Avatar

    This looks and sounds like so much fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I was Lysha…amazing fun!

  22. Shannon P Avatar
    Shannon P

    It sounds like you had a BLAST!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I did Shannon 🙂

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