NaBloPoMo November {14} – Do I Really Have A Choice?


Today’s Prompt: Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Funny!  The first thing that entered my mind when I read this prompt was “Do I Really Have A Choice?”  LOL  Honestly I don’t think I do.  As a Momma with 4 Kiddies at home 3 of which are under the age of 7 and don’t seem to grasp the meaning of ‘sleeping in’ I really don’t have the joy of being one or the other.

My days begin around 5:45 AM and don’t normally end until around 10:30 pm. Neither of which am I completely happy about.  But do I have a choice?  Not really.  I have to get up that early in order to get my daughter ready for school and make sure she has time to get out of her preliminary morning funk (she is NOT a morning person), take a shower, get dressed and then make sure she eats at least half of her breakfast.  I can’t remember the last time she actually finished it all before I had to remind her that we were going to be late.

In the midst of getting her ready I have to politely encourage the Teenager to lay down his phone (I have no idea what he does on it that early in the morning) and gets himself ready and out the door for the bus.  My schedule doesn’t in anyway allow for him to miss that bus!

This is usually when my 2 and 4 year old start wandering around the house asking where I am and what I’m doing (they too are NOT morning people).

Read This Too  Get Your Summer Read On At The Mommy Monday Blog Hop

That’s how my day usually starts, unless it’s a weekend.  Then I get the luxury of ‘sleeping in’ until maybe 7:30 am!  Whoa!   Then the weekend routines of breakfast, cartoons and playtime begin.

My days don’t usually end until around 11pm.  Why?  because after school starts the homework, snack, 2nd lunch and bedtime routines.  Once those are all done around 9 pm it’s finally my “No Kiddies Allowed” time.  I look forward to this from the start of my day at 5:45 am.

So, the question was Am I a Morning Person or a Night Owl?  I guess we would have to say I’m a run until I get it done kinda gal.  I mean because seriously, as a Momma, Do I Really Have A Choice?

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3 responses to “NaBloPoMo November {14} – Do I Really Have A Choice?”

  1. perfecttenn Avatar

    Girl, your day starts soo early! When I was working, I hated getting up anytime before 6, and I had to be to work by 7:30-8. Fortunately Base is only 10-12 mins away, so I'd try to sleep in as late as I could. I do have to say that even though I'm up around the clock with my son, I can totally wait the 5 years for him to start school. I remember my mom having to get up so early to get me off to school and see my dad off to work. You are awesome for running all day, everyday on just over 6 hours of sleep!
    My recent post NaBloPoMo | Spoken like a true Night Owl…or at least I used to be

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Tell me about it!!! LOL I hate leaving my bed when the sun hasn’t even gotten up yet!!! Enjoy the pre-school years and maybe he\’ll be a morning person unlike my Team 😉

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