Today’s Prompt:
Tell us what you’ve learned so far about daily blogging.
I’ve learned that blogging daily is something I can do. It isn’t as much of a struggle as I thought it may be and I actually look forward to simply writing for the sake of writing. To simply express my thoughts through words inspired by a thought. It is amazingly relaxing and rejuvenating.
Surprisingly I used to be against using prompts to get a post started. I dunno I somehow felt it was cheating or not completely authentic. Yet, since starting the NaBloPoMo November Challenge I find the prompts to be far from cookie-cutter. Even as I read other Blogger’s daily posts based from the same prompts I am using I see so many varied and unique perspectives I am in awe.
I realize now that a prompt is no more than a spark or jump-start for the creativity that is already within a person, especially a writer. I no longer look down upon prompts i actually find respect for them. A prompt can ignite a thought and flow of feelings in someone who they may have never reached for otherwise.
So, I am grateful for the NaBloPoMo November Prompt Challenge and the things I have learned so far.
Imagine if I have learned this from a mere 4 days or so (I started late) what I can learn throughout the rest of the month??? I can’t wait! 🙂
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