NCBlogger Network MeetUp Fayetteville | Recap #NCBNFay

NCBlogger Network MeetUp Fayetteville | Recap #NCBNFay |

In the beginning.

It all started nearly a year ago. No, no, no. I’m not going to take you through a flashback scene where I begin a 5 page history on how I started with the North Carolina Blogger Network. Let’s just say it was something I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone to do.

NCBlogger Network


I saw a request for Regional Ambassadors for a Brand New Blogger Networking Community. It was in North Carolina! Coinkidink – so was I. They wanted Bloggers – Ding! Ding! That was me too. I was so nervous as I typed in my name and information. I was still in the Newbie status as a Blogger – less than a year old – but I wanted this. The community, the Founders…they seemed familiar. Like I already knew them. This was only reinforced during my phone interview with Found Allison Carter. She was so down to earth – shouting orders at her kids in that oh so motherly way we all know, apologizing for the interruptions we were like Twinsies!. When I received the call back saying I had been accepted I was over the moon…with panic, fear and anxiety. This meant I had to plan and wait HOST events. On my own. What in the world was I thinking…?

Still everything was okay. I attended my first NCBN Event in Raleigh. That’s right folks I drove out to Raleigh On. My. Own. It was amazing. The women there made no judgements on my Blogger Age but instead embraced my strengths and offered help and information wherever I needed it. This was perfect. I felt at home and knew this Community had great things ahead. I was definitely proud to be an NCBN Member.

NCBlogger Network

It’s my first one.

My 1st NCBN MeetUp as Regional Ambassador. Doesn’t that just sound a bit intimidating? Yet it wasn’t! I had a blast planning everything out and trying to incorporate as much of NCBN as I could whether it be color schemes, fonts you name it and I was trying to figure how to work everything in there.

I found the perfect location nearly 4 months ago when I partnered up with my Blogging Buddy, Krystel from ArmyWife101 – it was a local Coffee Shop named Village Coffee and the intimate yet trendy interior was perfect for a gathering of some of the best Social Media Influencers in North Carolina. How did I know? We had a test run with an event we hosted called #OverCoffee. Everyone loved the coffee and the atmosphere and hey when you find something that works … well ya know!

Speaking of something that works, I felt the same way about Ms. Krystel. Her Blog, ArmyWife101 is nearly 6 years old and is a mega-success on any Blogging scale. So of course who would make a better speaker to share her tips, ideas and secrets to getting there?

NCBlogger - Sit&Sip - Krystel

That was it. I had a location, a speaker and plenty of ideas that all came to reality June 20th at Village Coffee in Spring Lake, NC. I know, what about Fayetteville? Well Spring Lake is actually right on the edge so we were definitely still supporting our MYFayetteville!

Read This Too  I Met Carla Hall Ya’ll ! | #BlogHer17 Day 2

NcBlogger - Event - Header

Speaking of which.

My Fayetteville. I wanted to showcase my awesome city as much as possible. What better way than to offer the MeetUp Attendees chances to experience it for themselves? Places, adventures and even foods they may not have found on their own. Thanks to an amazing Tour of MYFayetteville I took less than 4 months ago and the amazing PR Rep from the Fayetteville Area Conventions & Visitors Bureau (FACVB) I was able to score some pretty awesome prizes for each of the bags I planned of giving to those who came.

Among our Sponsors for each TakeAway Bag were:

Fayetteville Area Conventions & Visitors Bureau (FACVB) who gave us phone holders, flashlights, reporter notebooks, screen cleaners and destination guides.

Collectible Pewter Spoons from the Airborne & Special Operations Museum


The Triangle Rock Club who gave each Attendee a $5 Off Climbing Pass

Each Attendee will be able to experience an on stage performance from the Cape Fear Regional Theater thanks to the 2 Free Passes they sent over.

We were even able to think of our Blogger’s families with the Family Admissions given to us by Fascinate-U Children’s Museum.

Our Bloggers will not be in the need for pens for a while thanks to the Doubletree Hotel and Towne Place Suites

Fairfield Inn North sent over pens, body lotion and business card holders

We also received Whistle Keychains from the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex, Document Clips from FTCC, magnets postcards and flyers from Averasboro Battlefield, plus First Aid Kits, TShirts and Pens from Southern Regional AHEC



NCBNSponsor Thanks



On to the day.

I was up super early. Like crack-o-dawn early because my mind didn’t believe my body when it said it needed sleep. So instead I was making lists and double check TakeAway Bags for the #NCBNFay MeetUp. Oh! Did I forget to mention? That was our hashtag. Our very own hashtag! Whew! This was really real!

Anyway, back to my lists and checking and stuff. Did that. TakeAway Bags designed (yup…I DIYed that!) and packed. Check. Agenda, Sponsor Lists and NCBN Flyers printed. Done. Only thing left was to get there and do the thang. Oh and that we did. As people arrived, my excitement built and luckily so did theirs. Everyone was excited to meet new Bloggers, connect with a few favorites and simply have a great day of Social Networking fun and I was determined to make sure it happened.


We’re here and ready to meet and connect at the #NCBNFay #MeetUp

A photo posted by TheMrsTee (@mrsteeh) on


I think it was a success.

Those were my words as I got in my truck after my very first NCBlogger Network MeetUp. People were laughing, connecting and most of all – happy. Don’t take my word for it though…check out a few of their pics from the day…








Oh and of course I made a Vlog!



So yes, I think it was a success and I am already excited for #NCBNFay2!

You can be a part.

Would you like to attend my next Fayetteville Regional Event or even the next one in the North Carolina Region near you? Do you want to connect with NC Bloggers just like you who want to share their knowledge, experience and know how in one of the fastest growing Social Media Influence outlets? Then The North Carolina Blogger Network is definitely something you want to look into.

Join Us Today!

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62 responses to “NCBlogger Network MeetUp Fayetteville | Recap #NCBNFay”

  1. Miranda (myrabev) Avatar

    Oh wow congratulations on hosting a successful meet-up, you must be proud and sounds like it was so much fun for everyone who attendend

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Miranda!! It was a lot of fun for sure…

  2. The Mini Mes And Me Avatar

    It certainly sounds like everyone had a good time!! Loving the generosity is some brands with the goody bags too 🙂 x
    My recent post Mini Makes – Rainbow Cheesecakes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We truly did. Yes, the sponsors we had were very generous indeed. So grateful!

  3. Ron Avatar

    Wow! What a truly awesome event! For sure you guys had a blast! 🙂
    My recent post Bride Was Amazed After Seeing Their Ring Bearer, It Was Not What She Expected!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Ron! It was so much fun and I loved the opportunity to meet and connect with a few local Bloggers and soon-to-be Blogger 😀

  4. peachkins Avatar

    The Blogger meet with fellow bloggers sounds super fun! I wish we do that here as well.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was and such a great way to connect. It only takes one person to start it 😉 *hint-hint*

  5. stephanieweaver489381226 Avatar

    Your NC Blogger Meet up sounds like a lot of fun and you've got a fabulous swag bag happening! I have a friend that is starting up a blog in NC I'll pass along the info (she hasn't started yet, she just has an idea and I know the support would be fantastic!:) )

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was a great day Stephanie! Thanks..the sponsors really blessed us! LOL..oh yes please do and feel free to give her my info as well…I\’d love to help!

  6. April G Avatar
    April G

    That sounds like such a fantastic time. I would love to organize something like that here. Maybe I should.
    My recent post Make Friends with Over 100 Bloggers with #ChainLinkyCLIMB

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun April! I think you should!! I know you would have a great event 🙂

  7. Erin Avatar

    That looks like so much fun! I signed up for my first blogger meetup a few weeks ago. It's next month and I've been super nervous about it. Hopefully it turns out as fun as yours did!
    My recent post Motivation Monday – Fitness

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So much Erin! Yay! Don’t be nervous just be YOU! I know you’re going to have a blast! I’m sure it will and I can’t wait to hear about it 😀

  8. Nichole Arnold Avatar
    Nichole Arnold

    What a great experience! I can't wait for the day I can find something close enough to me that I could feel I could get time away from the toddler to go to!
    My recent post 5 Reasons Your Kids Need to Get Outside and Play This Summer

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Nichole!! Amazing day… I hope you find something. Try doing an FB search for blog Communities…what state are you in?

  9. Beth Avatar

    Looks like a lot of fun! I always love going to blogger meet ups 🙂
    My recent post #FindingAsia: Japan Society, NYC

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was! I do too Beth, such great connections with great people.

  10. Mistee Dawn Avatar
    Mistee Dawn

    That sounds like a lot of fun! It is so great to meet up with other bloggers! I am so glad that you enjoyed it so much!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun Dawn…Thanks so much!

  11. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    That sounds awesome. Looks like you all had a blast. I would love to be able to attend an event like this.
    My recent post Let Your Child Be Wild: Bring Back the Magic of Outdoor Play

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Elizabeth! It was such a great day and I had so much fun meeting a few new Bloggers. I hope you get the chance to attend one.

  12. franckxethee Avatar

    These meet up is a great way to know new people and learn from other bloggers as well. It's great that you were able to be an ambassadress to them and they got a lot of treat from your city and sponsors.
    My recent post #MensHealth Launches MensHealth.PH with #YouImproved Project

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They really are! Thank you so much I had a blast and can\’t wait \’til the next one!

  13. Jacob Fu Avatar

    That looks like such a fun meetup! It's always great to meet other bloggers since we're mostly behind our computers most of the time.
    My recent post 15 Backpacking Essentials for the Practical Traveler

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was Jacob! Yes, I love IRL meetings because it helps put a face to the words on the screen.

  14. Amanda Tempel Avatar

    That is so awesome you got accepted into the group – Congratulations! It looks like you had a blast too. I would love to get in a group like that.
    My recent post Silk Plants Direct: Hydrangea & Lavender Flower Review!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Amanda! I really did and I can\’t wait for our next event… what State are you in? Try an FB search for a group…

  15. JoyceDuboise Avatar

    Wow!! Awesome! Congrats on your success with this. I would be just as afraid and intimidated as you were. It just goes to show what can happen when you step outside of your comfort zone.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Joyce…I truly appreciate it. I was definitely nervous but thankfully everything went great. I think I may even step out a bit further 😀

  16. April Mims Avatar
    April Mims

    I just recently attended my first blog conference and learned so much. Conferences are such a great way for bloggers to connect and learn from one another.
    My recent post What’s for Dinner?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s awesome April!! Which one was it? They really are and these small local metopes help get your feet wet for bigger conferences.

  17. Amanda Avatar

    It's such a nice thing that you can connect with bloggers in your area. I have met some fun ladies who also write about kid friendly activities in Chicagoland, as well as have a "real life" friend who is new to blogging. All relationships are so fun and good for all of us!

    My recent post Evanston Lakefront

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Amanda. I love meeting new people and meeting new Bloggers is always so much fun. Getting to connect faces and voices to media handles…love it!

      1. Amanda Avatar

        The only blogging conference I went to was extremely lame. There were only two people…and one didn't even have a blog yet. Needless to say, I looked elsewhere for networking!
        My recent post Evanston Lakefront

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          Oh NO! So sorry about that Amanda. Haha! What State are you in?

  18. msposh2013 Avatar

    I wish we could have a meetup where I live too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      If you know any Bloggers in your area you can start out by just connecting for coffee…

  19. ascendingbutterfly Avatar

    Looks like the Fayetteville meetup was a great success, congratulations! I am based in NYC but if I lived closer I would definitely attend the next one! 🙂
    My recent post {#MakeupMonday} Special Effects Makeup, Body Painting and more at @TheMakeupShow 2015 NYC! #bbloggers #Beauty

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was!! Thank you so much…Aaah my hometown! LOL…well if you\’re ever visiting please feel free to reach out and perhaps we could do something.

  20. Stephanie Avatar

    Looks like you had a great time! I hope to hear about a blogger network meetup near me. I'd love to go!
    My recent post Films and Fandom – Rural Mom goes back to Hollywood! #AntManEvent

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We Did Stephanie! So much fun and laughter mixed in with some really great knowledge being shared. Where is ‘near you’? Are you in North Carolina? You can head over to and check out the calendar to see what’s scheduled near you 😀

  21. Sarah C. Avatar

    It looked like such a great time! I was disappointed that I couldn't make my schedule work to attend. Hopefully I can catch you at a future NCBN meet up. Great job hosting!
    My recent post LILLEbaby COMPLETE Airflow Baby Carrier Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So much fun Sarah!! I’m sorry you couldn’t make it too. We will definitely be having more events soon so hopefully you will be able to make it. Thanks so much 😀

  22. Liz Mays Avatar

    I'm glad it turned out to be such a great experience for everyone! It's always nice meeting new people with similar interests at these meetups!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Liz! I am too…I was totally stressing over nothing. It turned out great and I\’m just glad everyone had a great time. Meeting new people is definitely the up side to being a Blogger.

  23. The Trophy WifeStyle Avatar
    The Trophy WifeStyle

    Omg how fun!!!! When I lived in FL groups existed all over the place like this! Here in WNY ughhh… Not so much. They are all in MYC which is 6hrs away -_-

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It Was! Oh No! That\’s why Allison and Nikol started NCBN because there was a need for a community network in the area. Perhaps you can help start one up there in WNY? *hint-hint* 🙂

  24. Ourfamilyworld Avatar

    That sounds exciting and fun. Meeting up other bloggers is something really want to do.
    My recent post Let Your Child Be Wild: Bring Back the Magic of Outdoor Play

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So Fun! It really is a great experience and good way to find connections with people who understand this BlogLife we live…LOL I hope you find a network and community near you!

  25. Tiffany Avatar

    Looks like you all had a fun meet up. Some local bloggers here in Baton Rouge meet up for dinner or playdates. It's a great way to make friends.
    My recent post Celebrate dad by giving him the power to keep smiling with the Oral B PRO 5000 SmartSeries with Bluetooth Connectivity

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We did Tiffany! It was so much fun and we had a blast getting to know each other. That sound like fun! Maybe our next one will have to be dinner…I love chatting over a great meal 🙂

  26. Liz Mays Avatar

    You pulled it together so darn well! What a super fun meet-up and go NC! I live here too. 🙂
    My recent post Skinny Strawberry White Wine Slush

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Liz! Do you really?? How far are you from Fayetteville? I would love the chance to meet and connect…

  27. Karen Avatar

    wow…looks like you all had an amazing experience and time!!! Love the pics!!!!
    My recent post Book Review Blog Hop #6

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was definitely a good day Karen. Thanks so much…we had a bunch of selfie fun for sure! 😀

  28. Michele Avatar

    It looks like everyone attending had a blast! I am so glad it went so well for you. I don't live in NC I live in NY so I won't be able to attnd any of those fun get togethers–too bad!
    My recent post $25 Barnes & Noble GC WW from Forwardz-Ends 7/5 #Forewordz

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I hope they did Michele. That was my goal…well if you ever travel down here to visit be sure to reach out we\’ll be happy to have you 🙂

  29. @SimplySinova Avatar

    Sounds like you had such a great time! I've always wanted to attend a blogger metope but the timing has never been right <3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      We Did! Hopefully you will be able to attend one sooner rather than later. They are an amazing way to meet and connect with other Bloggers…

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