Welcome to an all NEW #AskAwayFriday! We have Brand NEW Host’s, a Brand NEW Logo, and Brand NEW Swaps! Sensing a theme here?
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a place for us to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really get to know them!
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I am so excited to have the chance to exchange 10 questions with Shelly from DIYMama. Let me tell you she came up with some really great and even challenging questions but I Loved Them! That’s part of the fun of #AskAwayFriday after all
Shelly is a DIY Pro I mean seriously, it’s in her name right? She loves all things crafty, Disney and Hot Dogs! I must admit, she had me at hot dogs! With our shared love of the quickest meal on a bun I knew how swap would be a fun one. Don’t forget to head over to DIYMama and check out some of Shelly’s amazing crafts, guides to all things Disney and of course her love for her family.
On To The Questions!
1. If I were to come visit you in NC,
where would you take me that’s not a chain?
So sad but that is actually a difficult task because the majority of our restaurants are chains. We are literally surrounded by them. Don’t get me wrong they are great but when I tried to answer the question I realized we are really lacking any daily run places. I truly can not think of any that I have found that aren’t chains even if not large ones.
Perhaps to make it up to you I would simply offer a home-cooked meal instead. I know for a fact my kitchen is not a chain!
2. I saw you were doing the Color Swap
(signed up b/c of you)! What was your favorite swap to give and receive?
Swaps are a really great way to connect with Bloggers you may not meet during your normal interaction. You also get to know them a bit beyond a post, tweet or like. When I stumbled upon the CGSwaps site I was amazed at how organized they are. I know Angie and ad been a fan of her blog for sometime and the way she and Beth have come together to create such an amazing system for swapping is admirable. They make sure that every swap is run efficiently and professionally.
I can’t wait to see what goodies I am able to find for my Swap Partner for the Favorite Color Swap! I’m sure it will be a blast!
3. You’re going to Disney soon…
what are you VERY most excited to do and eat?
Funny this is I haven’t been so can only make my wish lists according to what I’ve looked up and heard from others. I am definitely hoping to have dinner with Beauty and the Beast! I know my Kiddies will love it and who wouldn’t want to Be Their Guests?
4. With all your kiddies at different ages (and I’m sure tastes)
how do you decide what meal everyone will like?
That’s just it. There are too many Kiddies to try and cater to everyone’s taste each night. I always say, “I am not a short order cook” I don’t do special requests or exceptions to our meals. We pick a meal and we ALL eat it. I do rotate my menu according to their tastes like spaghetti for Big Girlie one night, Mac & Cheese for Baby Girlie another and Chicken Strips for Buddie Boy another. Yet whatever is made everyone eats it.
4.b What’s your go-to meal if you’re not in the mood
to think of something new?
My go to would have to be spaghetti. They all actually love it and it is a quick and easy meal on a busy night. The clean up can be a bit annoying with the sauce and all but it’s still a great meal when my mood wants to do anything but cook.
5. What is the last movie you saw in the theater? Did you like it?
Hubby and I had our last Date Night a few weeks ago and we went to see Captain America The Winter Soldier. We are both Comic Fans and we are always anxious to see the new movies and discover how closely they stick to the comics.
I enjoyed the movie a lot because I am a huge fan of the entire series that they are releasing. I feel they were pretty true to the comic and origins but Hubby had a few complaints…LOL He is a bit more of a stickler than I am.
6. I know you have a TON of (mostly) Mommy Blogger friends…
what is your favorite blog to follow that’s not in your niche?
Are they really? I honestly don’t pick certain niches as friends over any others. I gravitate toward those friends who are friendly to me and perhaps they seem to be majority Mommy Bloggers simply because we have a lot in common? I don’t even really consider myself a Mommy Blogger. I’m one of those niche less types. I write about my life and what is important to me. Of course that includes my Kiddies and being a Mommy but it covers so much more than that at any given time that to enclose it within one category is nearly impossible.
As for Blogs I follow, I follow those that interest me and as we all know being a Mommy doesn’t mean that is all we think about. Now Shelly, asking me to pick a favorite…that’s just too difficult. I could never pick just one and leave another out. I can give you some I love: fashion, beauty (I am trying to find my make up side…lol), DIY (I am Beginner Level but I still love it), Writers, Lifestyle and my New found passion Photographers.
7. I saw you detest laundry…but only have 6 loads/week…HOW?! Seriously? We have two people and one 6 month old
and do a full load every day.
Haha! Yes I just finished a folding frenzy the other day from nearly 6 loads that I kept putting off. I thought 6 loads a week was a lot since it adds up to almost a load a day. I don’t usually do laundry on Sunday so that’s why it isn’t 7. I guess we have a lot of clothes? LOL I always buy my Kiddies and our whole family really tons of the essentials so we never really run out of anything.
8. What is one accomplishment (besides your kids and your blog)
that gives you immense satisfaction?
My marriage. When I got married everyone said I was not ready, my Hubby and I were too different and a bunch of other things that were truly irrelevant. Why? Not because I didn’t give any weight to their concerns but because it was only a decision that could be made with God and by my Hubby and I. Yes, we have had struggles, difficulties and disagreement BUT we made it to where we are because we worked through them. We never avoided the conflicts and we always stayed true to the friendship we have and the love that is our foundation. Nearly 10 years of marriage later I can’t say we are perfect but I can say we have accomplished something no one expected us too and I am truly satisfied with where we are as a couple, as a family and as a Team.
9. Find your favorite picture on your camera roll and tell the story behind it.
Well the fact that Easter just past means my most recent photos are all Easter shots…my favorite of the bunch would have to be these two (sorry I couldn’t choose) of The Teenager. When I was going back through my camera I saw them and actually saw the Young Man he has become. With college just around the corner actually allowing myself to see him as more than my baby has been difficult. I have been praying and hoping he is ready for this next phase in his life. Looking at these photos I believe he is.
10. What are you looking forward to most about the nice weather?
Getting outside! We have been imprisonedtrapped limited to the inside of the house because of the frigid weather, rain, winds, etc. I can’t wait to simply let the kiddies out and sit on the porch enjoying the fresh air. My Kiddies love sidewalk chalk, bubbles and riding their bikes. Thank goodness the weather is nearly read to cooperate so we can give the movies, video games and puzzles a bit of a break.
Wow! Shelly definitely had some really great questions for me but be sure to head over to DIYMama and find out what questions i had for her! I promise you will love her site and getting to know her a bit better through my inquiring mind
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Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
26 responses to “The NEW #AskAwayFriday With Shelly From DIYMama”
I have been meaning to comment…I got all distracted trying to figure out where in NC you are, for some reason I thought you were CA. And then I was off checking out the color swap. "Squirrel!"
Now that I've finally finished reading…I love your "I'm not choosing, you can't make me choose!" answer. Made me laugh! And I enjoyed getting to know you better. Your son is handsome and I feel for you with him leaving the nest soon. That will be tough.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday
Haha! I wish I was in CA right now…it's been nothing but rain and dark days this weeks so a bit of CA sun would deb a welcomed change.
Thanks! I could never choose…but I tried to still answer Thank you so much…I am glad you came by and took the time to get to know me. Thanks (ok that's 3 thanks in a row…you are flattering me here !) I am down to the wire on accepting his going the next step…it's a struggle but a joy all at once.
I have no idea how I missed out on commenting on this!!? I really thought I did! So sorry! I've thought about your answer to number 6 and am very sorry that I grouped you in the Mommy Blogger niche! Really the more I looked at your blog, the more I realized how wrong I was! You mention your kiddos b/c they're (obv) a huge part of your life but there's very little focus on them alone. You're much more broad than a mommy blogger. I hope I didn't offend you! I'm glad you're on the hunt for some locally owned restaurants for the next time you go out! I'm all for going local (second to home cooking.) I'm coming over once the weather gets nice! Your plans are right up my alley! Thanks for the great swap! I enjoyed getting to know you better.
My recent post Mom
Hi Shelly! No worries, you can take the whole week to visit everyone's post. I know they all cane so interesting Please know there was absolutely NO OFFENSE taken! I know that it is the common thing for a Blog to be in a specific niche. I always have an issue picking one. I think I may be a Mommy/Lifestyle/Fashion/Inspirational Combo…LOL
I have found a local (downtown) fried turkey sandwich place. Not what you would call a restaurant but it is family owned. I wasn't sure before. It's a great find because ummm…who couldn't eat fried turkey all year round?
I had a great time getting to know you bester and look forward to staying in contact!
I like that you actually tell your kids that you aren't a short order cook, don't blame you either. If my kids don't like what I fix, they can either fix a sandwich after they have at least tried it or eat the other stuff I made with the meal.
Thankfully, my kids aren't too picky and will eat just about anything we fix.
My recent post #ASKAWAYFriday with Allie from VitaTrain4Life
I’m with you – I don’t short order cook!! My kiddos now they eat what’s served or they will be hungry!! That being said, I do try to make sure there is *something* in every meal they will like, even if it just a side or the veggie. Then I know at least they will eat something.
And I so can’t wait to get outside more!! This winter has seemed never-ending!!!
Have a great week Tiffany!!
Exactly! I also ry to be sure they have a few things they each like but I don\’t do requests or changes unless it is a birthday or something like that. Well we seem to have left winter behind us but now we have the rain and such. Hopefully that will end once May arrives
Just stopping by to say hi and loving the new logo…hopefully after my next few weeks of chaos I can jump back on the bandwagon.
My recent post #SpringPolishSwap
I despise having to do the laundry! Hah! I hire someone to do it for us and there are only 3 people in my little family and yet I can't seem to do the laundry. My son loves spaghetti too. I think it's good discipline to make the kids eat whatever's served on the table and also give them "cheat days" just so they won't get bored.
I can't remember the last time I watched a movie! Good that you find time to do that with your hubby.
My recent post How About A Trip To Pluto?
We just saw Captain America too and I loved it! I can't get enough of those comic book movies. We have so many non chain restaurants in the Northeast that I take it for granted. I love eating home cooking. Never know what you're going to get!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday With Tamara (Like) Camera!!!
Wasn’t it awesome?!?!? I think Shelly has sparked a search for a few non-chain restaurants in my area…LOL I’m hungry and I need to find them.. still nothing beats homemade!
1) Thanks for the shout out! Now, that I've seen how CGSwaps work, I'm changing things up!
2) Home cooked meals are the best.
3) I agree I'm not a short order cook, and I'm not just a Mommy Blogger
4) Keeping a loving, healthy, and happy marriage is such a huge accomplishment. I don't know if people realize that.
5) Oh dear… I still cannot believe you have a man child and he's going to attend college soon. You *have* to have girlies knocking at your door! He also probably has friends asking is your mama home
Anytime! I love swaps and The Holiday Polish was definitely a great first experience. They d run a really tight ship but I think it helps avoid any issues….
I agree!
LOL…so true! Amen Sister!
Thank you. I don\’t think people see it as something you actually have to work and put effort into achieving.
YOU can\’t believe it! My denial is in full force! Yeah they knock but I just pretend no one is home…LOL You\’re silly!
Thanks for coming by girl…always love seeing you xoxoxo
What cool questions! And I love how you answered about the restaurant. Your kitchen is not a chain! Here, it's the opposite. All of the chains are confined to one side highway because the downtown is all small businesses. That's just this city itself, though. And when I lived in San Francisco, there was one Ben & Jerry's and one Starbucks in my neighborhood and everything else was independently owned!
Your son's photos are so handsome! And your dinners sound delicious.
My recent post Stressing Less? While Doing More!
I know! Shelly had some really great ones…I had a blast! You know I didn\’t even realize how my area lacks any non-chain options…so sad when you think about it. So yes, my kitchen it would shave to be…LOL I like the idea of keeping the downtown area small business…we do have one spot downtown…a fried turkey place but I\’m not sure if it is a chain or not…LOL
Thanks and thanks! Getting him to take them can require threats at times but I always love how they come out…spaghetti never disappoints in this house
I have about six loads of clothes waiting to be folded right now. I also, hate folding clothes, but I'm going to have to tackle this pile tomorrow. My hubby loves comics too, but I don't so most of the time he watches the comic book movies alone. I've been known to fall asleep on a comic book movie or two. I'm sure he would love if I understood what was going on in the comic movies. However, I do want to go to one of the big comic book conventions with him one year. We have been to local comic book conventions and it's nice seeing everyone dressed up.
My recent post Ask Away Friday with Beth from Structure in an Unstructured Life
I JUST finished folding my laundry from last week on Sunday and guess what? I\’m starting my loads today…it\’s like a vicious never ending cycle! My Hubby is the historical authority on like characters origins and such but I am a quick study and love all of it! I would love to go to a comic thing at least once…not sure I would dress up or not though
Thanks for coming by Sonya…hope your weekend is off to a great start!
I am so ready for warm weather! I am sick and tired of my winter wardrobe and the kids are completely done with being stuck inside!! We've had a few teaser days recently, so hopefully it's time for a warm up!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Tracie from From Tracie
Same Here! I thought it was here to stay but it looks like we are going to have a bit more yucky weather coming soon. At lest it\’s not sow though..small blessings
That is a wonderful pic of your son! It is such a proud moment to watch them grow into adults. I would love to have dinner with Belle and Beast! That would be so much fun! Laundry isn't my favorite either, but I am sure glad that the number of loads has been cut down in the last few years. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday – with Lanaya from Raising Reagan Part 2!
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