The October Daily {16}: Back In The Days When I Was Young…

Today’s Challenge:  What are your goals and dreams for the future? You can share to us your dream house, dream workplace, or even your Bucket-List before you turn 25!

I may need to adjust today’s challenge a bit since I saw my 25th year some 10 years ago…Aaaahhhh! Back in the days when I was young…LOL

I tried to find a picture from then but since I wasn’t active on any Social Media (was there any Social Media?) and I didn’t have a digital camera or camera phone (were there digital cameras or camera phones?) so the closest I could find was a picture from when I was 28.




I was very much preggers and very happy.  I had been married for a little over 3 years and was overjoyed that our first baby together (and my long desired Girlie Baby) was on her way.

Now the challenge for today is to list your goals for the future or before you turn 25.  So I’m going to do a bit of a flashback and then let you guys know if I reached them or not.

Flash Back 10 years ~

♥Complete my Associates Degree

♥Find a Full Time Job in a Field I enjoyed

♥Be able to support my son on my own

♥Learn How To Drive

♥Be married

  • I completed my Associates Degree when I was 20 and I was already working 2 Full Time positions by that time both in the field I wanted to be in.
  • As a result of being blessed with these positions I was able to support myself and my son, although I was living in the 2nd Floor apartment of my Grandmother’s home I was paying her rent and maintaining my own bills and expenses.
  • I met my Hubby when I was 23 and he taught me how to drive
  • We were married by the time I was 25.
Read This Too  NaBloPoMo {18} – Posts? I Don’t Have Any…

Flash Forward 10 years and 3 Kiddies later ~

I’m 35 and a Stay At Home Mom and completely happy in the changes in my life and my plans.  As a Teenager I always saw myself as a corporate level something but instead I totally enjoy being the CEO of my Team and making sure our Home functions as seemlessly as possible on a day-to-day basis.

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8 responses to “The October Daily {16}: Back In The Days When I Was Young…”

  1. perfecttenn Avatar

    I'm a little past 25, but I would totally do one of these for 30. Can't wait to look back and see how I've grown once I hit my next age milestone! Really enjoyed reading yours girl!
    My recent post Ultimate Southern Style Cheddar Cheese Grits

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It was actually fun…is never done one before either. I may set one up for 45 😉

  2. Beth Avatar

    What a great look back! I love to take some time once in awhile to look back at my goals form the past and see how much I've achieved. I also sometimes find that perspective I need when I see the ones I didn't and how I am better for it! Great post!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was fun. I’ve never actually done that before. It was good. Gave me perspective on some things.

      Thank you.

  3. MaMadeDiaries Avatar

    You're such a strong amazing mama! I really admire you <3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you… So are you xoxox 🙂

  4. Lauren Avatar

    ive been thinking a lot about how things change and how where we are is so different now than then, so tis post is perfect!!! love the pic, love the post!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. I almost skipped it when it said 25…but I thought..”why not?” I remember myself then and I love how my experience as help me be who I’ve become.

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