The October Daily {3}: “We Love You Seniors…”

Today’s Challenge: “Share a high school memory that you will never forget.”

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In all honesty I don’t think I have one single memory. My entire Senior Year is a memory I will never forget. I wanted to be a Senior from the time I was a Freshman. I went to an ALL Girls Catholic High School (yes I rolled my skirts!) and from the first day I stepped in the door and saw all the Seniors with their custom designed sweatshirts I started counting down the days until I could be one of THEM.

As a Freshman we were assigned to a Junior Sister and then as a Sophomore you were assigned to a Senior Sister. Oh Boy! When that day came I couldn’t wait to pick my Sister’s brain about what it was like to be a SENIOR! she was really nice and shared all their ‘special’ privileges. Of course there were the sweatshirts I had been eyeing since Freshman year, they designed them at the end of their Junior year and got to wear them through Senior year starting on Senior Day. Wait. Hold On! There was a day? Sure enough she went on to explain that the Senior’s had a day where they didn’t have to attend any classes. It was also the first day they wore their sweatshirts. They would exchange gifts with their Sophomore Sister’s and have other fun activities throughout the day. Then at the end, their Sophomore Sister’s would serenade them from within the school as all the Senior’s stood outside in the parking lot.

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I stood there in awe! I couldn’t believe it! Senior’s got to have an entire day dedicated to them?!?!?! This just made my countdown seem to take that much longer. Yet eventually my day arrived. It was MY Senior Day! 1995-96 was my SENIOR YEAR and then came my Senior Day! I was so excited I could barely get dressed that morning. As I slipped on the highly-coveted sweatshirt my classmates and I had designed at the end of Junior Year I was not only excited to have finally reached the milestone I’d been counting down to for so long. I was also excited to be able to share it with a group of girls I had been friends with and shared memories with for nearly 4 years now.


So maybe I do have one moment. That day. Senior Day of my Senior Year 1995-96.



Here is the song our Sophomore Sister’s sang to us:

“We Love You Seniors, Oh Yes We Do…

When You’re Not With Us, We’re Blue…

Oh Seniors, We’ll Miss You!”

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