The October Daily {2}: Sing-A-Long…

Day 2: Sing-A-Long…

Get a certain or favorite lyric(s) from your favorite song, and tell us how it inspires or describes you. 

Okay, I didn’t really have to think long on this one.  My theme song for some time now has been Superwoman by Alicia Keys.  Not only is it very well written and an awesome piece of music but the lyrics themselves are very uplifting and inspiring.  So come Sing-A-Long with me…


This is the portion that resonates with me the most:

‘Cause I am a Superwoman
Yes I am, yes she is
Still when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes, I’m a Superwoman

When I’m breaking down and I can’t be found
As I start to get weak
‘Cause no one knows me underneath these clothes
But I can fly, we can fly, oh

Read more: Alicia Keys – Superwoman Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

When I was trying to keep my head up and maintain my own inner strength during my Hubby’s deployment with a pre-teen, a toddler and an infant this song was getting worn out all over my house.  The days that I felt like (and at times looked like) a mess I still put on the ‘vest’ of courage because I knew I had to be Momma for my Kiddies sake.  I would blast this song in my house then in my car and then on my phone just to tell myself I could still do it.

Most days no one could tell the struggle emotionally that I was dealing with trying to make it day-to-day without my Hubby and comforting my daughter at night when she woke up calling for him…. ‘no one knows me underneath these clothes’ It was on those days that this song inspired and helped me lift my head just a bit higher and make it another day.

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Even now if I’m having a rough day or simply an extra hectic one of Kiddie activities and running around this is the first song that gets played on my playlist…because

Let me tell you, I am a Superwoman
Yes I am, yes she is
See, even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes, I’m a Superwoman
Yes I am, said I’m a Superwoman, yes you are

Read more: Alicia Keys – Superwoman Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Come on Sing-A-Long With Me…

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2 responses to “The October Daily {2}: Sing-A-Long…”

  1. lauren Avatar

    ooh you had your hands FULL!!! but you are stronger for it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I definitely did and am…I'm grateful for the experience and the strength it gave me. I proved a lot to myself…

      Thanks you…

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