One Word to motivate, push and drive me through the year. One word to help me set goals, add achievements and see my success. The first time I heard of picking a word for an entire year I loved it. It excited me to have a singular focus for the entire year – for me that was far less daunting than a list of resolutions that I almost always would fail to complete. This year my word has come to me as – execute.
Execute: {verb} to carry out or put into effect
(a plan, order, or course of action)
I thought on my word for the better part of December and obviously into the start of 2018. Since this is the word that will take me through the entire year I don’t take selecting it very lightly. Execute came to me as I was writing a reply to a comment somewhere. I was speaking on why I choose to pick a word instead of set resolutions and I noticed that I mentioned how it helps me to execute my ideas. It was then I realized that all my words from years past were ones that helped me plan, order carry out who I wanted to be and that now what the year to bring those all together – to put them into effect.
In 2014, I chose the word LISTEN. I was at a place in my personal life where I started to see my fault in certain situations. Times where if I took the time to listen to those around me I may learn more than I do in the midst of my own reactions.
“I have often been accused of being too laid back and allowing people to disrespect me. Yet in my silence there is usually a hidden strength. All lions need not roar loudly. I am learning that by listening first my reactions are well thought out and usually more effective than a rash reaction to another person’s anger or rudeness.” Excerpt From One Word 2014
In 2015, I chose the word GROWTH. I’d come through 2014 with the lesson learned from listening to those around me yet somehow I didn’t feel I made any true change – any growth. So for that year that alone was my focus. To grow as a Woman, a Mom, a Wife and Friend. To be a better person for those around me.
In 2016, my word was BELIEVE. Here started a period where I wanted to bring my dreams as a Blogger into reality. I needed to prove not only to those around me but to myself that the ideas, goals and pursuits I’d had in my head for so long were possible. I needed to believe in His [God’s] Plan, in the Good [of the world], and in myself – that one was major for me but necessary.
Last year I took that newfound belief and used it to expand my expectations. To make the potential for my success LIMITLESS. No more self-imposed boundaries instead I would reach for the biggest goals I could and know that I coud achieve them.
This year I want to take everything I’ve done with my past words and put them into action. I want all that I’ve learned though listening, growing, believing and living a limitless life and execute it. I plan to use them as the foundation for what is ahead. This year I want to see my passions become my reality – to carry them out, bringing all the things I’ve done to create a foundation for my blog, business and future pursuits and pushing them forward.
2014 | LISTEN
2015 | GROWTH
2016 | BELIEVE
In my life as a blogger I’ve learned that setting a one word goal for my year helps me focus. It provides me with a goal to work towards. In the past my words has varied from the action required to meet a goal to the change needed to get there. In my future I plan to take both and use them to create all I’ve worked for this far.
So that’s it folks. 2018 is going to be my year to execute my plans and make all those dreams and passions my reality. Are you ready to follow along? I can’t wait to get started – Stay Tuned!!
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
Okay this is the best word of the year I’ve heard so far. I need to borrow this one. I am such a procrastinator and this would definitely push me this year.
I love the word Execute…it is exactly what stage I am in with blogging. I feel like I have been watching and learning and now just need to put it all into action for myself.
I think choosing a word for the year is extremely clever. One of my key words for my work goals / resolutions, has also been “execution”. It looks like you have been really intentional about your words and I hope that you accomplish all that you desire for 2018!
I haven’t picked a word for the year but my focus is on getting back to basics. Mainly the basics of human interaction. Stepping away from the screen and actually making a call or going out with friends. So I guess my word is “facetime”.
What a great concept to keep you focused as you embark on the New Year, I definitely need to do something similar, thinking Focus might be a good choice!
I think picking a word to live by through the year makes it easier for us to focus on our goals or our self growth. I like the word execute, it motivates you to continue moving.
Oh, I like this word! My word this year is simplify – but I need to focus some on execution, too! I’ve been working hard on putting together some great content and ideas this year and I’m excited to be able to execute them! I can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish this year!
Thanks Mary! Oooh – I like THAT one. Great pick for sure. Keeping things simply can help in keeping focus on a set goal. I can’t wait to see what you have in store! I’m sure it will be amazing . . .
I really like this idea. Last year I chose a theme for my life…I didn’t have one specific word. My husband and I together chose “getting our home together” which meant organizing and making our home welcoming. It was too much of a mess to feel comfortable inviting guests so we focused on making that better. And we got a LOT done. But I still feel a little uncomfortable…we even have unfinished construction projects that we just don’t have time to deal with. Anyway, this year is *supposed* to be Hospitality…finally inviting some guests in. It is going to take major getting our of my comfort zone to make it happen.
This is such a lovely idea Ellen. Especially to work on as a family. I am sure your guest will feel the love you have put in to the changes and feel more than welcome in your home.
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