#OverCoffee | A Day of Women, Friendship & COFFEE!

#OverCoffee | A Day of Women, Friendship & COFFEE! | TheMrsTee.com

Have you ever met someone and just had a feeling it was meant to be? I’m not talking romance but friendship – true friendship. The kind that you can tell has give and take, potential and possibilities. Those are all the things I knew were possible when I first met Krystel from ArmyWife101.com.

We met maybe a year ago at her Bevello event where she gave a few wives, moms and women the chance to do our favorite things: shop and be social. The event was a blast and we stayed in touch through other events like one she hosted at Shops Of Main Street and online from that time forward. Through chats, tweets and our most favorite way to chat – FB messenger  – we realized that not only were we fellow New Yorkers but we shared the same quirky sense of humor and social awkwardness that is kinda of ironic considering this Blogger Life we both live.
When Wives Get Together | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Since then we have become true friends and supporters of each other’s dreams and sometimes crazy ideas. One of these ideas started through a late night FB chat we wanted a way to come together as local Fayetteville Bloggers and put together two of our favorite things: coffee and being social… that’s when #OverCoffee was born.
Krystel had stumbled upon a jewel of a coffee shop right in our own backyard. I saw her raves about it and decided I had to visit it for myself. Not too much later we decided that this little gem, Village Coffee, would be the perfect spot for our day. Not only did Village Coffee offer some of the most amazing flavored coffee and Fraps I’ve had in a long time but the setting was just what we needed. Great coffee, great atmosphere and as a total bonus it is Kiddie friendly!
So after a few more messages and a lot more planning we picked a date and sent out the invite. 15 amazing Ladies sent in their RSVP and we couldn’t have been more excited.
With the help of our amazing sponsor SpouseBox we had two awesome Giveaway Boxes and with a bit of blessing from the DIY fairies I was able to customize our gift bags.
To say the day was a success would be an understatement. We met some amazing local women who all had their own stories to share plus had a chance to share our own stories as well.


Read This Too  {Giveaway} Enter To Win A Family 4 Pack To The Lantern Fest Fayetteville, NC


Trust me, #OverCoffee may have a bit of evolving to do but the partnership between Krystel and Tiffany definitely has many more things in store for Our Fayetteville…where together we want to be #SocialLocal…

Stay Tuned…!

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30 responses to “#OverCoffee | A Day of Women, Friendship & COFFEE!”

  1. luckyseventen Avatar

    That's a great story of how your met. It must be nice to have instant chemistry with someone like that. And as a coffee lover, I love the idea of anything #overcoffe. Let me know if you just an event in New York, I would love to attend.
    My recent post {Giveaway} Win a $50 Gift Card to Minted!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It really is a blessing and doesn’t happen often enough. Haha! We will definitely let you know about the next one…

  2. adorkablii Avatar

    This looks like an awesome event! =) I love coffee so having an event around coffee is an event for me =P I think you all did such a great job! Looks like it was a blast!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was so much fun!! Yes the Coffee is definitely one of the selling points for me too 😀

  3. Modern Pilgrim Avatar
    Modern Pilgrim

    I would love to do something like this. You did a great job. It looks fun and cute and I hope you will do it again! Blogger events are always the best!!
    My recent post Cocktails and Mocktails [Link Party 101]

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! You should!! We plan on doing it again as soon as possible 😀

  4. rmclellan1949 Avatar

    What an absolutely cute idea !!! I love coffee and this idea is great. I can heard the excited talk from here. So glad you got to share.
    My recent post Hospitality Pantry – 3 Way Cheese Ball

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! It was definitely a lot of fun and a great way to connect beyond our URLs…

  5. Karen Avatar

    sounds exciting and wonderful…perhaps one day I'll be able to meet some fellow bloggers.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading Book Hop #41

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was really nice. I’m sure you will. Thanks so much for coming by Karen!!

  6. happygirllife Avatar

    This is so cool and the gift bags are fabulous! I am a big fan of meeting new people, especially other bloggers. It just seems that bloggers tend to have so much in common. Bring this event to Texas, please! (o;

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Adrienne!! We had a blast and there\’s something so fun about seeing someone\’s face when they open an unexpected gift. I would love to come to Texas! It\’s on my list of places I must go (never been) 😀

  7. jusmywords Avatar

    This sounds great! I'd love to try something like this in my area!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! You should…it’s really a great way to reach beyond your site. 🙂

  8. @MommyTalkShow Avatar

    Yes, New York girls working together. Krystel is from the next town over from me on Long Island.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. NYC sticks together. That’s so cool!! I’m from Da Bronx 😉 LOL

  9. Ginger Avatar

    So glad you found a good friend through blogging. Isn't it funny how we meet people sometimes? Sounds like you all had a great time.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me too!! It really is funny and amazing how life can connect us. We did!! Thanks so much for coming by Ginger 🙂

  10. laurenpaintsflorida Avatar

    Looks like so much fun and those goodie bags look like they are full of all kinds of awesome swag! I'd love to attend a meet up like this in my area, meeting other bloggers sounds like so much fun and I'm sure I could learn so much!
    My recent post "Everybody Let's Rock" Elvis-Inspired Sweet & Savory Hors d'Oeuvres with RITZ®

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was Lauren! Oh yes we had a few surprises for our lovely Ladies and I am so happy they loved everything..check out the video and you can see what they all got 😀 MeetUps are definitely a great way to connect further and to learn too…plus you get a day out (Bonus) 😀

  11. Kristen Avatar

    I love this idea! I live in an area, where I only know of 2 other bloggers. I would LOVE to live near more bloggers. this is so neat!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Kristen! That is the funny part …there are only 3 of us Bloggers but we had the MeetUp more to meet a few of our followers and it was so much fun!! 😀

  12. Hezzi-D Avatar

    This sounds like so much fun! It's always great to meet people in person after talking to them on the computer for so long..it's like you already know each other. Plus getting together with a bunch of local bloggers, especially for coffee, sounds liek a blast.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It Was!! I loved being able to meet people who follow our Blogs in person and getting to know them a bit better. Thanks so much for coming by!

  13. Cara (@StylishGeek) Avatar
    Cara (@StylishGeek)

    Wow! That is an awesome event that you gals planned! I too have felt to have found 'soul sisters' in a few of my girl pals! One moved half-a-world away but I'm glad with technology nowadays that we are still able to keep in touch! And one has been my BFF since I was 3 years old!
    My recent post A Wild Flower Arrangement

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Cara!! Isn’t it the best feeling to find that connection with someone that distance doesn’t even matter? That’s awesome – a true friend indeed.

  14. @MrsGlass Avatar

    This looks like so much fun! I love the hashtag and the concept. I'm so glad that it was a success. If I lived closer, I would have love to have attended. I can't wait to hear more.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly was. Thanks so much – we definitely don\’t want this to be our last #OverCoffee 🙂

  15. Tammilee Tips Avatar

    How much fun to get to meet local bloggers like that! I have had the chance to meet some local bloggers and we have become great friends. It’s always nice to meet someone you can connect with like that.
    My recent post Crock Pot Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole Recipe

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is!!! There were a few Blogger but some great readers and followers too. Simply connecting names and words to faces was so great. Thanks so much for coming by Tammilee…

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