The other day in Oops I Did It Again! I confessed how my nomination for Mommy of the Year may be slipping between my fingers because I can’t even manage to get my Girlies to dance class on the right day. Actually the right week! I was now in a rush of trying to find out what they needed for the classes they were now 2 weeks late in starting our Dance Instructor and I ended up talking about paws, undeez and thongs ! That’s right folks… thongs!
I know what in the world do paws, undeez and thongs have to do with dance class? Exactly what I thought. It all started as I went down the list of items I would need to run around and collect for my Girlies to start class without any further delay.
“yes, she will will need a leotard with shorts, footless tights and a pair of foot paws.”
I’m sorry could you say that again?
“sure! leotard with shorts at the bottom or dance shorts on top of a normal leotard, footless tights and a set of foot paws or undeez.”
Ok, ummm..leotard, footless tights and what is that last thing?
“foot paws or some stores call them undeez or thongs.”
*is she serious?*
Ummm…could you describe them?
“hmmm…well they go across the bottom of the foot with padding underneath so that the girls can dance barefoot without hurting themselves.”
And their called paws, undeez or thongs?
“Yes Ma’am”
OK, thank you.
Have you ever had those moments when you are laughing hysterically on the inside at a situation but the other person is so serious that you think maybe something is wrong with you? This was that moment for me. All I kept thinking was is she seriously saying paws, undeez and thongs and not laughing? Then as she described it to me she was still completely serious. Obviously it was me…right?
I guess it is all a part of her normal day since apparently these are standard dance gear but to me… paws, undeez and thongs?!?!?! Not three words I hear often and definitely not in the same sentence – LOL
So, off I went in search of this important item for my Girlie like the Mom of the Year Week Day moment that I am. I started my search at our nearest dance store…
HI, I’m looking for a pair of foot paws for my daughter.
*Blank Stare*
Umm they said they could be called undeez?
“Oh okay! Foot Thongs!”
Yeah. Those.
Okay apparently everyone has their own name for these things! LOL
After a bit of awkward moments during the fitting when my 7 year old daughter gave me the crazy “Am I really supposed to wear this?” look we paid for our ‘thongs’ and were on our way to our first (technically third) dance class of the year.
Needless to say I have learned a few things this week:
1 – Schedule alerts and reminders for ALL activities
2 – Paws, Undeez and Thongs are NOT always what you think…
3 – *DO NOT tell my Hubby that I bought our daughter her first pair of ~thongs~ today!*
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
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