We all need a little music in our lives. A good song can answer a question, soothe the soul and provide an escape. It can recall a memory in the most vivid detail and evoke the most intense feelings.
“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” -Sarah Dessen
We created Tunesday Tuesday to do just that, bring people together through music.
Every Monday night at 9pm the link up will go live at The Patchwork Paisley, Drinking the Whole Bottle, Momma Candy, and MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter. We will designate a theme, and hope that you will share a song that embodies said theme for you. Post the video for the song, an audio clip, the lyrics- however you want to do it. Then, write a little something about why this song captures the week’s theme and link up your post here with us!
Visit your hosts after 9pm (EST) on Monday nights
to find out what the theme is for the week!
It would be awesome if you would follow your lovely hostesses (links below,) but other than that- let’s have fun with this! Know a fellow music lover who should get in on the party? Let them know about it! Want to share you groove with the world? Tweet it should you feel so inclined. Want to grab a button? Go for it. It’s really pretty and you’ll find it down below.
Sometimes when I am sitting by myself,
Those quiet moments when not with no one else,
I'm mesmerized by all the many good things in my life.
I think about the time when I was younger,
And the older that I get, the more that I feel wiser.
With the love of friends and family,
Get stronger, and it carries me on through.
There are definitely times in my day…in my life where I have moments that I think “Wow I am truly Blessed.” Those quiet times when the Kiddies are watching a movie or playing nicely. The date nights when Hubby and I get time alone. I realize how Blessed my life truly is and all I can say is Thank You.
I’m happy! My family and my Kiddies give me strength, support and joy! So I went with the song that best describe where I am Right Now! In Love With My Family! Not to mention this is like my FAVORITE song to sing with my Kiddies at the top of our lungs! It’s OUR Anthem! It’s also my ringtone for my home because when I hear it I think of my home and my family and in all honesty that is the BEST part of me.
**Don’t forget to link up your post below & visit some participants to see what they’re jamming out to!**
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
I love this song! Can you believe I've never heard it? It's absolutely perfect. I was actually having that same thought process a half hour ago. I realized that, despite the craziness and stress- I am genuinely happy. We need those moments and I feel so lucky to be able to say that!
Thanks! It’s a fav of Mrs. AOK as well…LOL. I can see how you may have missed it. Yo Gabba Gabba can be a bit much at times. I take it in spurts LMBO. But I adore this song. You\’re right. In spite of all else I realize..I\’m Happy. So glad to be doing this with you as well
How did I miss this the first time around?! I love The Roots and every time this song would come on Yo Gabba Gabba I found it to be infectious and I couldn't help but sing along. . .I have a feeling it will now be stuck in my head most of the day. Thanks!
My recent post My Anthem
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