The Question By Scott J. Langteau {KiteReaders Book Review}



We decided to read The Question By Scott J. Langteau in the midst of our 2nd Snow Day and the first actual day of Snow! This book could not have come to my Kiddie’s ears at a better time!  No, literally to the ears!  This book is actually an enhanced eBook which means it reads aloud to my Kiddies!  So instead of creating the voices throughout the story myself I had the pleasure of watching their faces as the reacted to the story and the suspense as it built.

Since my Kiddies haven’t actually seen snow well actually only 2 of them have seen it before and that was when they were only 2 and 3.  This was my 3 year old’s first time seeing it and boy was he excited!

My older Girlie who is 6 and goes from loving school to not even wanting to hear the word, was completely taken in by the idea that we too should stock up on our food, check our pipes and maybe check on our neighbors (her Sunday School teacher).  


Meanwhile my 5 year old was only wondering if she would be able to climb out her window and dig through like the little boy did?  Would we get that much snow too?


As the story continued, my 3 year old kept saying “That’s just like Sissy Momma!”  He became more and more excited as he realized that just like the little boy in the story his older sister and brother were waiting anxiously to find out if they would be lucky enough to have another Snow Day.

Read This Too  My Music My Way With Google Chromecast Audio!


Scott J. Langteau captured the worries, anticipation and adventure of a child during a snow storm perfectly and with the brilliant colors and expression captured by the illustrations from Lidat Truong my Kiddies were able to not only hear the adventure but see it as well.

I would definitely recommend this book to any parent with Kiddies who may have The Question during the latest snowfall…If nothing else it will give them a bit of a distraction and you a bit of piece!

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