Although this week has been one full of big moments for our family with our biggest to come tomorrow when the Teenager graduates High School – Woot Woot! I had a blast with Rea from REAlity Bites questions! They were original, fun and actually made me think and laugh at the same time.
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom
Stephanie is a lovely wife and mother of 3 – a 13 year old a 11 year old twin girl and boy. Let’s just say juggling a teen and 2 preteens has her on my Super Mom list for sure. Stephanie has an amazingly friendly personality and a visit to her blog would definitely be a worthy click.

Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
When I scheduled my swap with Rea from Reality Bites I knew that I was going to have fun because I had already fallen in love with her honest, fun and carefree look on life in the Philippines and her adorable family. If you want to find out what I’m talking about make sure you head over to her place and visit for a bit.
Okay, so let’s dig into these questions because Rea definitely came up with some great ones for me:
1. I’d like to start with this question. What made you smile today?
My Hubby. First thing in the morning he told me how much I meant to him. Definitely the best way to start a day! I also woke up to the laughing of my youngest Kiddies which is almost contagious
2. I can see how much you value your big wonderful family. Share the 3 top most things that you will never allow other people to do to your children?
Oh Wow!
1. Hurt them – physically, emotionally or spiritually. I am their protection until the time comes when they can protect themselves.
2. Discourage them – I won’t allow anyone else’s fears, limits or boundaries be placed on my children and their dreams
3. Underestimate them – I will scream from the mountains my children’s potential for greatness and I will not allow anyone to expect less of them than what they can offer
3. My son is 3 years old. Some people say it’s important that kids join preschool while others say it’s perfectly fine to skip it. Being a mom of 6, what are your thoughts on this?
My oldest (now 17) is the only one out of the 6 Kiddies who attended preschool. I only sent him because I was a working student and needed for him to be in a safe place during the day. If I had the options then that I am blessed with now I would have stayed home with him and let him start at Kindergarten.
I teach my younger Kiddies at home and they are all starting Kindergarten with the same knowledge (if not more) that any preschool attendee would have.
4. What’s one thing you’d like to do as a family but have never done before?
Disney! I am so happy to say this is something we will be able to check off our Must Do List this summer. We have wanted to take a family trip to Disney since we were only a family of 5 now that we are a family of 8 and our oldest is 20 we knew it needed to happen ASAP.
5. I’ve read that you’re also a fashion blogger for a fashion jewelry website. How different is being a fashion blogger from being a parent/lifestyle blogger?
Yes, I write a post here and there for as well as post Reviews of their pieces by Blog and Vlog. I can tell you it is so very different! Now instead of simply writing about my life and family I also need to remember to take a picture of my outfit, where accessories and actually pay attention to the fashion trends happening around me.
Although I feel it is a lot different I am so happy that the opportunity has been given to me. I am so much more aware of my look, my style and my fashion identity. I am more than a Mom…I’m a Wife and a Woman who has the right to look good everyday! I’m having a blast ACCESSorizing my Inner Fashionista!
6. What do you consider as the biggest blogging achievement you’ve had so far?
Hmmm… I would say getting to a point where I have the opportunity to be a part of some amazing Blogging Campaigns and reach an audience that in the beginning I was not sure I would. So far I’ve been able to work with, Kohl’s, Marco’s Pizza, Paula’s Choice and most recently #ChevySalutes for this post as well as this one. This are all opportunities I could not be more grateful for and truly count as blessings.
It has taken a lot of research, handwork and networking but I am in a place where MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter can begin to reach out beyond my URL and begin to interact and connect with not only through my screen and words but beyond my URL in person and through my personality. I am excited about what the future still holds.
7. I love your blog name! For you, what is…
LOVE — God, Hubby and Kiddies
LIFE — Woman, Wife and Mother
LAUGHTER — Family, Friends and Interactions
…in 3 words each.
*What a fun question!
8. I’ve once posted a photo blog post where I shared a picture of myself with someone or a picture of a time in my life. Share a picture of you in a time of your life that’s over but you wish it hasn’t. What’s the story behind it?
Ok, I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but I have any times in my life that I wish weren’t over. I say here and look through so many pics but in each one that I considered either a Kiddie hadn’t been born yet, situations were ….well complicated or I was better off for begin past it.
SO, I am showing a picture of a choice that I wish I didn’t have to make. About a year ago I had to cut my hair due to loss and thinning from a medication I was on for my migraines. I regret that so much! When my hair was longer I was always complaining about how hot it was in the summer and how much of a pain it was to maintain but now that I am trying to grow it back I wish I could take it all back and go back to when my hair was right where it was here….
When I first cut it I loved it! It was manageable, stylish and fun yet now I miss my length. I miss my messy full buns, I miss the long ponytails and I miss the way my Hubby loved it. So, I am on the regrowth path and hopefully it won’t take me too long. LOL
9. Father’s Day question: What’s your husband like as a father to your children?
I wrote about how important my husband has gone a step away from being just a stepfather to my son and how blessed I was to have been found by him.
He has always been the kind of man who goes beyond what is required of him. My husband is the ultimate Daddy. For him there is nothing to hard, difficult or impossible for him to make our children happy. He will teach, discipline and spoil them in one day and to disappoint them for he is the ultimate hurt.
I love that he is the type of Daddy who will get down on the flow and play, run around in circles or simply sit and have a day of video games. There is nothing he won’t do to spend time with and make our Kiddies laugh.
For me, my husband takes his role as father to our Kiddies beyond biology and shows himself to be their Father, Protector, Provider and Friend.
10. Mrs Tee in numbers.
Number of favorite shoes you own – Ok, just favorites? I’d say heels, sneakers, sandals, boots… at least 10.
Number of posts on your blog since Day 1 – 537 Posts! Wow, I never even looked that up before.
Number of linky parties you currently & actively participate in – I keep a Page with the LinkUp Buttons I participate in. There may be a few more because I think the best way to make friends is to be friendly. Supporting fellow Bloggers in their endeavors is key.
I currently CoHost The Mommy Monday Blog Hop, Tunesday Tuesday, AskAwayFriday and most recently the Social Media Mixer So that’s 4:D
Number of goals you have for this month – 10
Number (total) of hours you’ve spent writing this post – 2
How much fun were those? I think I may have to borrow the numbers questions Be sure to head over and visit REAlity Bites and check out how Rea answered the questions I came up with this week.
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Host’s reserve the right to remove any links that do not pertain to the #AskAwayFriday theme.
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