Sacrifices Made | The MomsEveryday Show Veterans Day

Veterans Day. A Day set aside to say Thank You, We Appreciate You and Well Done to those who have volunteered to serve our Country for our freedom. On this day, many Military families simple take the time to be together. To make new memories and cherish the moments they have. The sacrifices made as the family of a soldier are often unmentioned and for the most part unnoticed yet they are still made. When I was asked as a part of the MomsEveryday Panel to give an interview with MomsEveryday Executive Producer Pam Tauscher about a few of those sacrifices I couldn’t say anything but yes…


The MomsEveryday Show is a half-hour program featuring Mom panelists from across the country who bring their unique perspectives, personal blends of humor, opinions andbeen-there-done-that stories, providing reassurance to moms in 48 television markets and growing.

It was such an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to share even a bit of our story to such an amazing audience. Based in Colorado, The MomsEveryday Show brings together Moms of many backgrounds and gives us the chance to share our lessons learned, experiences, tips and stories about what it’s like to be a Mom Everyday. Stay Tuned for the next Season where I am a part of the Panel and we discuss all things Video Games, Mom Guilt, Mom Brain and so much more!

MomsEveryday Veterans Day Show


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2 responses to “Sacrifices Made | The MomsEveryday Show Veterans Day”

  1. Monique Johnson Avatar
    Monique Johnson

    Great interview! I understand the struggles associated with moving. We've moved four times with my husband's company but we all did it together. So hats off to you for holding down the fort then.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Monique!! Yes, moving is the worse in and out of the military….LOL Thank you 🙂

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