Scents of Home | Febreze Holiday Collection

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Apple Pie baking in the oven, Toasted Almonds, Cranberry Sauce simmering on the stove or a Newly decorated Christmas Tree these are all scents that can bring us back to home. That place where we feel loved, comforted and our happiest. The Holiday season is one of the many times when finding our way back home is so important. Still there are times when you may need to make where you are a bit more like home. The Febreze Holiday Collection can help you bring the scents of home to wherever you may be.

Scents of Home - Febreze Holiday Collection |

When my Febreze Holiday Collection box arrived I was so excited to start filling my home with the amazing scents that remind me the most of the Holiday Season. I immediately grabbed the Febreze Noticeables and found a few spots that I knew needed a bit of extra scent attention. Including the spot in my living room where my Hubby loves to drop his work boots…

Scents of Home - Febreze Holiday Collection |

I’m not sure about your Hubby but a day spent working and doing God knows what for his job does not a great smelling boot make. Yet thanks to Febreze NOTICEables and the great way the scents alternate between each other that stinkiness has been totally eliminated and replaced it with the amazing scents of Apple Tart’s apple and spice.

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Scents of Home - Febreze Holiday Collection |

Upstairs I tackled my hallway which has my kids bathroom on one end and my Teenager’s room on the other. Now when I walk up the stairs I am greeted by the amazing alternating scents of vanilla and sugar to make of the Febreze Vanilla Latte NOTICEable.

Now of course my lovely box from Febreze included a bit more than just their Holiday Collection scents. I also had a bit of Scent-spirations to pick from as a bit of a pre-holiday project. Recipes, Activities and Crafts all inspired by the amazing scents from Febreze’s Holiday Collection.

Scents of Home - Febreze Holiday Collection |

I chose to take my favorite scent of the collection and make myself a bit of Momma Time pampering with the Homemade Coffee Scrub.

Coffee Scrub {Inspired By Vanilla Latte}

So thanks to this amazing recipe I will now have enough Coffee Scrub to let me keep my face nice and smooth throughout the Holiday season and thanks to the Febreze Holiday Collection my home is ready to help my family and I make brand new memories this year.


What are some of your favorite Holiday scents?

What scent can instantly bring you back to your memories of home?

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18 responses to “Scents of Home | Febreze Holiday Collection”

  1. Brittnei Washington Avatar
    Brittnei Washington

    I love fall and wintery smells! These seem like such a great idea for this season. I know lots of people that associate certain smells with this time of year. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us at the Creative Style Linkup, Tiffany. 🙂
    My recent post Letters to My First Born: 29 Months

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I love all things that make my home smell yummy! These are definitely great and the scents actually smell like what they say! Anytime…thanks for hosting Lovie!

  2. Jamie Avatar

    Febreze always work great!! I have one in my office to help the stress go away! 🙂
    My recent post Capitol Kids! Rock – Check Out Their New CD!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They do!! Haha love it – let that stress go and breath in the calm 🙂

  3. Cristi Marashi Avatar
    Cristi Marashi

    These all sound like fabulous scents. I always love the holiday scents fabreze puts out each year!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I love a good smelling home. Febreze definitely helps you bring in the Holidays.

  4. Louidam1 Avatar

    I love the apple cinnamon smell and Christmas cookies! I'm going to need to go to the store and get myself some holiday Fabreze.
    My recent post Lotus Moon Hydro-Therapy Eye Serum Review #LotusMoon

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! Girl the apple scents get me everytime!! Love them. Don\’t forget to try the car freshener clips too – they last nearly a month!!

  5. Kita Bryant Avatar

    I love the smell of apple pie or some type of food for the holidays smh this is why I will never lose weight. Anywhoo I need to get some I have been killing the bath and body works and I need something new and fresh.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well they definitely have you covered. Latte Apple Tart and they smell delicious. 🙂

  6. aimee fauci Avatar
    aimee fauci

    During the holidays I love the smell of anything apple and cinnamon! I love the Febreze plug ins.. especially in my bathroom.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh youngest try the Apple Tart. I have one in my guest bathroom 🙂

  7. Tammy Avatar

    I love Febreeze air fresheners. I have 3 of them in my home. I will have to try their new fragrance.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me too. Try the car fresheners too. They last for nearly a month!!

  8. spiritedlife Avatar

    I love Apple Pie. Febreze has been my knew group of scents and I love them! Maybe I'll actually cook to match the Febreze scents this season. LOL!

    Thank you for linking up with Creative Style Linkup! Have a blessed weekend!
    My recent post Dove Chocolate Discoveries #HolidayGiftGuide100Bloggers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They smell so yummy!!! Latte is my all time fave. They even have the wax melts!!

  9. Melissa Smith Avatar
    Melissa Smith

    I can't wait to try these! I fell in love with the fall scents & had to stock up. I'm sure I'll be doing the same with the holiday collection too.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I love a good smelling house and these definitely help fill up the house.

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