Send A Box Full Of Sunshine!

A Box Full of Sunshine! |

The Summer is almost here and with it comes beautiful, long and sunny summer days! There’s no better way to celebrate that than with an awesome Box Swap! The #SunshineBoxSwap is just that! Thanks to the awesome Mrs.AOK from Mrs.AOK, A Work In Progress and Abby from Always Abby I get to not only share a bit of Sunshine with someone but to receive some too!

A Box Full of Sunshine! |

The #SunshineBoxSwap is a an amazing way to say Hello and bring a bit of sunshine to someone through the loveliness that is snail mail. I mean come on who doesn’t love getting an nice package in the mail? This way you not only get to brighten someone’s day but you can meet someone new or reconnect with someone you already know!

The Details:

SignUp Ends: June 10 (you still have time!)
Partners Announced: on June 11th or 12th

(Mrs. AOK and Abby will send you an email with your partner’s info)
Shipping Deadline: No Later Than June 16th!
LinkUp: June 21

~Sign Up Here~

*Mandatory: After signing up, we will send you an email stating we received your signup. In the email we will send you a button to place on your blog in either a blog post or sidebar (make sure to link back to the signup). Please send us the link once you’ve added the button. Mrs.AOK and Abby will then tweet out your link to let everyone know we’re happy to have you swapping with us too. 🙂

Read This Too  Here I Am… { A Reflection }

*Mandatory: We want to see what you got! Link up a post with your Box of Sunshine, the link up will go live on Sunday, June 21.
If you share on Twitter or Instagram please use the hashtag #SunshineBoxSwap. Feel free to tag: @Mrs_AOK and Abby_Always

*We will send you your partner’s email and blog URL, get to know them, try to send items that you feel she will like.

*Please make sure you respond to your partner’s emails as well as your hosts.

*We ask that you spend $20 before shipping.

*Packages MUST be mailed on or before Tuesday, June 16th. If you are unable please let us know in advance, so your partner is not left waiting or without a package. ::No flaking allowed::

*Unfortunately, this swap is only open to the U.S. We sincerely apologize to our international friends.

[tweetthis]I’m joining @Abby_Always & @Mrs_AOK for the #SunshineBoxSwap! #Bloggers #BoxSwap[/tweetthis]

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4 responses to “Send A Box Full Of Sunshine!”

  1. Abby Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing!!! You're so kind and we are so happy to have you swapping with us!!

    My recent post Friday Fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So happy to get the chance to be a part of such a fun swap!!

  2. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    YOU. ARE. A. SWEETHEART!! Thank you for sharing the SUNSHINE with us 🙂 I cannot wait to get swapping!!!
    My recent post #SunshineBoxSwap

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Hun!! It’s gonna be a blast 🙂

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