A Spooktacular #AskAwayFriday

Spooktacular #AskAwayFriday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

It’s Halloween Folks!!! I am so excited!! I love spending the day with my Kiddies and our costumes having fun throughout our neighborhood. So this week Echo from Domain of the Mad Mommy decided to have fun for Halloween and have a Spooktacular Edition of #askAwayFriday! Are you ready to learn a bit about me and my take on Halloween?

Spooktacular #AskAwayFriday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


So grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!


Now onto the Halloween Spooktacular Fun…


1. What is your favorite thing about Halloween?

Getting to have fun and be a big kid with my Kiddies. We have so much fun picking out costumes, carving pumpkins and passing out candy. It has become one of our favorite Holidays.

2. What is the first piece of Halloween candy that you grab?

Anything and everything chocolate and gooey. LOL…I love Snickers, Reese’s, KitKats and all things like that. My Kiddies rarely get to even see them before I swipe them.


3. Do you decorate for Halloween? If so, cute-sie or spooky? (Bonus for pics)

Yes! Well usually. This year kind of got away from us and I’m not sure we will get our decorations up in time BUT here are a few pics from last year…we normally go for a combination of spooky and cute-sie. We still want the Kiddies to come by for the candy after all 🙂


4. What was your favorite Halloween costume that you have worn so far?

Definitely my Hello Kitty Nerd Girl from last year. I had so much fun and wore it as many times as I could that Halloween week.

Read This Too  Must Have, Faves and More! #AskAwayFriday Answers Them All!


5. Do you still dress up?

Yes I do. I have a blast joining in on the fun with the Kiddies. My Teenager (17) still goes out to Trick-or-Treat with us and wears at least a mask. This year I had a lot going on and didn’t pick out an entire costume BUT I am still dressing up. I even did a Pinterest hunt for some cool Leopard Kitty make-up ideas so be sure to check my Instagram Halloween Day and see how I do!!

Yup…that’s a leopard kit: tail, ears and bow tie 😀

6. What are your kiddos dressing as this year?

I had myself fully prepared to be another on of the Anna and Elsa moms BUT my Girlies completely shocked me and chose a Lala Loopsy Doll and A Girl Robin Hood! My Little Buddie decided to be Bumblebee from the Transformers! I must say they look absolutely adores!

7. What is your FAVORITE scary movie?


Yeah ummm about Scary. I don’t exactly do that too well. I can force myself through a Thriller but there have been times even those have caught me off guard. So I try to stear clear completely.

8. What movie scared you the most?

So when I was around 5 or 6 all of my older cousins were talking about Nightmare on Elm Street. They had all seen it and apparently it was the Best Movie EVER. So of course this made me want to join in the Big Kid fun but my Grandmother said “Absolutely NOT!!!”

What did this mean to me? That I had to figure out a way to see it without her permission. Yeah I was a bit mischievous. So, I waited until I was at a sleep over at my cousins house and I started asking them about the movie and why it was so great. They talked it up and decided to re-watch it that night.

Now they knew I wasn’t supposed to see it so the ‘sent me to bed’ in another room. Another room with a door right to where the TV was! I sat behind that door and watched most of the movie through a crack. Let me tell you, that 1 1/2 inches of movie that I saw scared the mess outta me!! I couldn’t sleep at all that night and had nightmares for weeks. Of course my Grandmother figured out why and not only did she remind me why disobeying her was not a great idea but my older cousins got a mouthful as well.

Read This Too  Blogging, MrsTee and Christmas?! #AskAwayFriday

9. Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Practical Magic?

Now see these are more along my line of Halloween themed movies. I can do magic and such. Now I must admit and I know I am probably the minority BUT I just don’t like The Nightmare Before Christmas – it’s too morbid for me. I know crazy coming from a Walking Dead and Originals fanatic but I just can’t get with it. My Kiddies love it though so I’ll probably be watching it this weekend whether I want to or not – that’s parenthood – LOL.

The movie I would pick out of the 3 choices would definitely be Practical Magic. I love Sandra Bullock in nearly everything she does and Nicole Kidman was great in this as well. It reminds me so much of Charmed and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.

10. What is your favorite Halloween monster?

See answer to No. 8. I Don’t Do Scary. So Casper maybe? At least he’s friendly 🙂



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26 responses to “A Spooktacular #AskAwayFriday”

  1. Christy Garrett Avatar
    Christy Garrett

    I am so glad my daughter isn't looking over my shoulder. She would love to have the nerd hello kitty costume.

    I am like you I take all of the chocolate from my kiddos too. I love Snickers, Milky way, three musketeers, take 5, Hershey bars, and kit kats. I also like gobstoppers, sprees, sweet tarts, and smarties.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I LOVED that costume – so much fun! can you believe I already finished all the chocolate? I wonder if it would be bad to buy more? LOL

  2. Woods of Bell Trees Avatar
    Woods of Bell Trees

    Oooh I LOVE those little square Snickers! They're my fave…I get eat like 20 of them in one sitting! Yeah I don't do scary either! EEK!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The snickers are amazing but I’ve noticed this year they’re bigger than a square!!! How awesome is that???

  3. ssgannett Avatar

    What an amazing swap! I loved your make-up! My ex was a b-horror movie buff! LOL! I either laugh or roll my eyes at most of them! That is great that you can all go trick or treating! I wish we could, but it is normally cold and rainy in the midwest, so we stay home and bake! LOL! Those are some of my favorite candies, especially the kit kats! I have also been on a milky way dark kick! Have a great weekend!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Savanna from Rose Uncaged!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacey! It was a lot of fun…Thank you and thanks to Pinterest LOL Luckily in the south October is still kind warm..it is raining today but I\’m glad it held off through Halloween…

      Have a great week!

  4. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    I do so love Halloween 😉 Although, I'm not into the gory, people have taken Halloween to a new level with the gore and risqué, right?
    I'm all about a Snickers or sour and fruity… we don't get candy much around here, so Halloween is welcomed 🙂
    My recent post Thank You Notes {2} #Linkup

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me Too!! Snickers are wonderful!! I don\’t do super sweet to often but the sour does have a way of grabbing my tastebuds…LOL xoxo

  5. sarahsofiaproductions Avatar

    BOO! I've always loved Halloween and dressing up! Resse Cups is still my fav! Loved dressing up as baby and a witch for several years as a kid. Always decorate my house inside and out for Halloween!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Boo to you too Sarah 😀 I didn’t get to do it as a kid because I was raised strict church but now that I am an adult and have my own understanding I LOVE it!!

  6. @tiffanykhyla Avatar

    I love all the chocolate candy too! I can't wait to have a child so I can go trick-or-treating again. It's been years! I love your nerdy Hello Kitty costume!
    My recent post Halloween Pumpkin DIE-orama.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh you are going to have a blast Tiffany!!! The costumes and dressing them up is so much for for us…umm I mean them! LOL 😉

  7. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    It's weird that Scarlet doesn't love chocolate the way I do, but convenient too! And Cassidy raids the non chocolates too! More for me!
    Hello Kitty Nerd Girl is awesome! And I was so surprised Scarlet didn't want to be a princess, and happy too! Even though I was a princess!

    My recent post The Monster At The End Of This Post.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      One of my Girlies loves all sweets and the other seems to be more of a salty snack lover. LOL…
      I loved that NerdGirl costume…I mean a Nerd AND it was Pink!!

  8. momentousmom Avatar

    I love your Hello Kitty costume from last year. I did not dress up this year and as we were trick or treating with my baby for the first time was really sad about that. Totally going to next year, you have inspired me 🙂

    My recent post Favorite Friday’s: Fall TV Show

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks So Much!!! I\’m glad I gave you a bit of inspiration…I learned this year that you really can get a great look without a lot of investment. I can\’t wait to see what you come up with for next year 😀

  9. becominneurotic Avatar

    I'm not a fan of scary either. I saw The Hills Have Eyes when it came out and I was SCARRED FOR LIFE. And I was a grown adult. Nope. Not having any of it.
    And now I'm realizing we didn't get any KitKats or Reeses this year and I'm heartbroken 🙁 Might have to hit up the sales tomorrow…

    Happy Halloween Mrs. T!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Nope. Scary and I don’t mix well at all. My Teenager was trying to convince me to see The Purge 2 but I don’t think I’m ready…LOL I hope you had a great Halloween!

  10. Rabia @TheLiebers Avatar

    I *love* scary movies, but I haven't watched a good one in a while. Maybe when the kids are older I can introduce them. They mostly like scary stuff too!
    My recent post Five Minute Friday: Leave

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well I guess I won’t be hanging at your house for Halloween…LOL My oldest can do scary with no issues but I know for a fact he didn’t get that from me.

  11. Ana Lynn Avatar
    Ana Lynn

    Hello Kitty costume was great! I like some horror movies but not all – I don't like movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Saw. Those have too much blood, guts, and gore for my taste. We just watched the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street and I was disappointed to be honest. Maybe I'm getting too old for horror movies!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Ana! I loved that one…See I can handle blood and guts (I am a Walking Dead fan) but the scare of it all is what gets me…LOL

  12. Savanna McCurry Avatar
    Savanna McCurry

    I don't like horror movies either!!

    Super cute costume, and your shirt is awesome! I never see cute Halloween shirts like that for adults! I hope you have an amazing Halloween!
    My recent post Halloween {Ask Away Friday}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hey Savanna, at least I’m not alone…LOL

      Thanks! Yeah, I love the shirt – wanna know a secret? It’s from the JR Dept BUT I just got a large. I’m kinda small up top so it fits just right…

  13. irkedmommy Avatar

    Yay! Thank you so much for swapping with me! It was so much fun! I adore your nerd Hello Kitty costume. It totally suits you. I'm not into horror movie either, only because they don't scare me, so I see no point, LOL!

    Happy Halloween, my friend!
    My recent post Happy Halloween!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank YOU! I love having an awesome Buddy to swap with and this theme was amazing fun! I loved that costume and would probably reuse it if I hadn’t posted about it so much…LOL They don’t scare you?!?! I can’t mess with YOU!!

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