The Spring Nail Polish Swap – Bring Out The Color!

During the Holidays I was lucky enough to participate in a Nail Polish Swap hosted by some pretty awesome Bloggers!  I received some really great polishes in some of my favorite colors and had a chance to meet and connect with great New Blogger Friends.

When I was asked to join in on a New swap with a few of the same Bloggers, I jumped at the chance!

The Spring Nail Polish Swap & Giveaway!

This is perfect for this time of year, everyone is in the
mood for sandal shopping and to do that you need some cute painted nails. Plus what gal doesn’t love getting a little present in the mail?

Guess what else? We are also having Giveaway!

The prize is pretty awesome so Stay Tuned!

Let’s Meet Your Hosts

The Real Housewife of Caroline County






The Rules:
1.  BLOGGERS ONLY!  Please do not submit for this swap if you are not a blogger. Sorry, there is a blog linky set up for this event.
2.  Please fill out the below form to get your partner.  This will run
from the February 18th until February 28th.  We will then pick your partner and email you their information by the March 7th.
3.  Pick out a polish (please don’t spend more that $10) and also buy or create a card to accompany your polish.
4.  Mail your polish out by the April 1st.  This ensures that everyone should get it by April 10th for the link up!
5.  If you’d like to blog about your polish don’t forget to LinkUp by April 10th.  Also, we would love if you share via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram use the hashtag #SpringPolishSwap.
Feel free to tag your hosts @mrs_chevalley, @Mrs_AOK and @mrsteeh.


Read This Too  Join The Party At Turn It Up Tuesday


Due to customs laws we can not send polish out of the country so if you are International or Canadian and want to participate submit the form but know that if we don’t have another person for you to swap with you won’t be able to participate…cruddy rule but laws are laws.  So if we have 2 people from Canada or 2 people from Europe we can swap but we can’t do it if we don’t have a partner in that country.**

 Now…The Giveaway!

Once everyone has completed their swap we will be running the Giveaway from April 10th until April 17th while we have the link up live for
everyone to share their nail polish swap posts!!

The Winner will receive a wonderful polish package from the hosts with tons of goodies inside!

We hope everyone will have fun with this and get to build some great relationships like we all have in previous swaps!

Enjoy and Happy Nail Painting!

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7 responses to “The Spring Nail Polish Swap – Bring Out The Color!”

  1. The CORNversation Avatar
    The CORNversation

    I can't believe I missed this registration date. Hope there's another polish sway soon. Have fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      What\’s your email? We were uneven so if you want you can join in. It would help us out.

  2. dramaqueensmum Avatar

    This sounds fun. I'm a nailpolsih addict.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is so much fun PLUS we get to meet and connect with New Bloggers and make New Friends. Double Bonus! I hope to see you there 😀

  3. Heather Avatar

    I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to yell, but I’m really excited! I LOVED swapping over the holidays and made a new friend through it. Can’t wait to swap again!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      SO AM I!!!!!! LOL…can\’t wait. I\’m already browsing the Polish Aisles… 😀

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