Starbucks Plus A Ride – My Crafty Hero #NaBloPoMo

Starbucks Plus A Ride - My Crafty Hero |

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt is all about benefiting from the kindness of strangers. Now I can say that I have had a wonderful experience recently of unexpected but greatly appreciate kindness. The place where we may disagree for this prompt is whether the person who showed it to me can truly be described as a stranger.

NaBloPoMo November 2014 |

November 18th: Tell us about one time that you benefitted from the kindness of strangers.

This October i had the amazing opportunity to attend the SITSGirls Bloggy Boot Camp in Atlanta. To say my getting there was uneventful would be far from the truth but you can read all about that bit of adventure after I share how someone I only knew through URLs, Tweets and Posts became an instant friend and hero for me.

So, we were one night into the events, sessions and fun of Bloggy Boot Camp and I was lounging in the lobby of our hotel with a few of my Blogger Ladies and sharing how I had barely made it to the hotel from the airport thanks to a few not-so-friendly shuttle and cab guys. Upon hearing my tale, Teresa of CraftyWife immediately offered to give me a ride to the airport upon check-out. I was amazed. Yes, I knew her but only online. This was our first time meeting face-to-face yet somehow I felt like we were only having a reunion or sorts instead of an introduction. This is why describing her as a stranger isn’t exactly fitting.


The next day was full of sessions and learning. We spent our morning swapping seats and tables and having a blast absorbing all the amazing knowledge being shared. During the session and fun I began to notice that my hairstyle of choice had started getting a bit of notice. It was becoming by identifying accessory…

Read This Too  Grateful In 9


Starbucks Plus A Ride - My Crafty Hero |


Have you ever met a Blogger Friend in real life?

Did you feel like strangers or friends?

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18 responses to “Starbucks Plus A Ride – My Crafty Hero #NaBloPoMo”

  1. Old World ~ New Girl Avatar
    Old World ~ New Girl

    Meeting blogger friends in real life is amazing, we have such great communities online already, it's hard to believe they exist in real life lol. But once we meet, its a sigh of relief & happiness =)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It definitely is! I am already excited fro my next opportunity to meet and connect face-to-face!

  2. Poised in Print Avatar
    Poised in Print

    I've met a few blog friends in person. It was fantastic putting a voice to the words. I did a lot of meet up when I was in Atlanta, not too many over here. I can't wait to get back.
    My recent post Brunch at Bentley Bistro & Bar

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it great to connect the two? I’ve heard Atlanta is a major Blogger hub…I’m trying to start meeting more here in NC…

  3. The Posh Blog Avatar
    The Posh Blog

    Yes and it is a weird but comfortable feeling at the same time. LOL.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly!! Only a Blogger would understand 🙂 LOL

  4. Ricci Avatar

    I love this!! Some of my best friends I met through blogging!! I have met a bunch in real life at blogging conferences and now I can call them IRL friends 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Ricci!! It was definitely an experience to remember and meeting such awesome Ladies as Teresa made it that much better!

  5. Beth Avatar

    Blog people are awesome! One day, I will get out to a blog conference!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes they are!! I hope it comes sooner rather than later 🙂

  6. adverbcreative Avatar

    Still waiting to go to my first blogging conference. Definitely hitting Blog Elevated next year. AND, I need to check out NaBloPoMo! I started NaNoWriMo… sigh. I'm so far behind!!
    My recent post Just Call Me Pantsing Posy

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It will be well worth the wait! I am so scared of NaNoWriMo – I’m not ready! 🙂

  7. cosmosmariners Avatar

    I love it! I think going to a bloggy conference would be SO MUCH FUN, and your conference posts have only strengthened that idea in my head. I haven't ever had the chance to meet a fellow blogger (yet!) but it is on my short list of things to accomplish!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      IT really was. So much knowledges, sharing and support!! I\’m happy, I promise once you attend one you will be hooked 🙂

  8. laniderrick Avatar

    I had so much fun getting to know a group of women online and then meeting them all at a conference.
    My recent post Christmas Gift Guide for Him

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s awesome!! Finally putting faces to the voices and words you have grown to love is such an amazing feeling!

  9. Tracie Avatar

    Oh my gosh. I STILL need to write about Bloggy Boot Camp. That was on my list to do during NaBloPoMo….so I had better get on it.

    It was great to meet you while I was there! I'm so glad you were able to get a ride to the airport.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You still have time…I still need to do my final recap about the wine tasting. I guess I should get on that…LOL It was great to meet you as well. Thanks so much – Teresa was definitely my Hero that day!

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