Sunday Social ~ You Betta Work!

For today’s Sunday Social, we’re talking all about JOBS…

1. What is your dream job?

♥ My ‘dream’ job would be something that involved my working with children. Since working with the Girl Scouts even as a volunteer last year and as a troop Leader this short time this year, I really enjoy seeing the Girls faces and helping them reach goals.  I would love to do that full time and hey let’s face it bringing home a check at the same time would be a total bonus.  I would love to go back to school in the near future for Youth Ministry/Counseling and work in that area.  I also would LOVE it whatever job I had still allowed me to remain active with my Kiddies and all their fun activities and school programs.  We did say ‘dream’ job right? 😉


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2. If you had just won the lottery and didn’t need to work for money, what would you do with your time?

♥ I would totally spend my time much as I do now…with my Kiddies and their activities but without the worry or making ends meet it would be much less stressful and with a lot less ‘not right nows’ or ‘maybe next weeks’ my Kiddies would be able to be involved with and do even more of the activities they truly want to (karate, gymnastics, art, voice lessons, etc.)

3. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

♥ Well, since my ‘field’ is currently being a Momma I would say give yourself some slack.  Don’t judge yourself by anyone else but only by the level of your Kiddies happiness.  If your children are happy then you are doing okay.

4. What would be your ideal “just for fun” job?

♥ I would really like to work in a library for a bit.  I’m a true NerdGirl and books truly fascinate and carry me away.  I think being surrounded by them and being able to organize them for a job would be absolutely awesome.  It’s like my two favorite things: books and neatness all in one place! LOL 

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May I Help You?

5. What was your first “real” job?

♥ I was a cashier at a local drugstore chain called GENOVESE.  My grandmother got me the job because she new the manager and I was 13.  I worked every set of hours I could get because I loved having my OWN money.  By the time I was working there 6 months, I was responsible for counting out trays, stocking shelves, ordering merchandise and the photo lab area.  Overachiever much? LOL 😉


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Read This Too  10th Sorry, Not Sorry Social Celebration & GIVEAWAY

Go ahead, get a head start on next week’s questions…

We love doing fun questions about childhood!
1. What were you like in middle school and high school?
2. What were your favorite pastimes?
3. What songs were you obsessed with?
4. What fashion statement do you look backing and cringe?
5. Who was your celeb crush?
6. What was your favorite movie?

Sunday Social

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