Sunday Social: Bungee Fear

  1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do but are afraid of?
  • I’ve always wanted to go Bungee Jumping but once I had Kiddies I am too scared that something would happen and I would leave them without their Momma…


  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • I plan on going back to school to complete my Bachelors (I only have 3 months left) and then pursue studies in Christian 7 youth Ministry.  So in 5 years I hope to be established within a youth ministry.  I also want my blog to be successful and reaching a broad audience.
  1. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2013?
  • Honestly, I’ve been counting down the days for my Upgrade on my iPhone…I have the 4gS


  1. What are your hopes for your blog?
  • I touched this in question 2, but I truly want to grow it to a level that it is reaching a truly broad audience and to continue to make great new friends and meet to people.
  1. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
  • I love it down South so I can’t see myself ever moving back up North BUT I can see us relocating to a different City or State.
  1. What is your morning routine? I’ll give a typical School Day routine since we’re heading back into those anyway…
  • Wake up
  • Check twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, google+,  sverve, klout, emails, etc. via iPhone (I know I’m addicted)
  • Get myself ready for the day
  • Wake up Girlies and get them up bathed and dressed
  • Breakfast
  • Wake up Buddie
  • Start school runs
  • Home then coffee and breakfast for me and Buddie
  • Try to get some household stuff accomplished
Read This Too  Celebrate The Holiday With Turn It Up Tuesday!


These were answered as part of the Sunday Social LinkUp

Want to join us for next week’s Social?  Here are the questions so you can get a head start:

It’s all about childhood fun!

  1. What do you miss most about being a kid?
  2. Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it?
  3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess?
  4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  5. Did you participate in any school activities?
  6. What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?

Sunday Social

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