Sunday Social – Pin Me Baby!

The Sunday Social is a great and fun link up hosted by Ashley Lately and A Complete Waste of Makeup.  I love taking part in this LinkUp every chance I can because it is truly fun and let’s me get to know and connect with other Bloggers.

This week’s theme is all about Pinterest…Pin Me Baby!

1. What is your favorite outfit pin?
Ok so my MrsTeeLikes Board is all about my style and taste in fashion.  The things I like and love to wear.  I am most often focused on comfort being that I am always running around with 3 Kiddies and doing errands.  Still, I always love to have a bit of ‘pretty’ come out too!

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board MrsTeeLikes on Pinterest.

My pick for Favorite Pin (as of today) would have to be this very classic look of a cardigan with a button down featuring my favorite print,  black jeggings/leggings and some comfy and stylish flats.

2. What is your favorite food pin?
Oh My Goodnes!!! Really do I have to pick just one?  My YumYummy Board is where I allow all my cravings to take on their Pin form…

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board YumYummy on Pinterest.

I would have to say that my current favorite food pin would be this amazing slow cooker Beef Stew since Hubby and I have recently stared using our slow cooker and have made this at least twice during the many snow days we’ve endured.  It was delicious, filling and definitely a great dish for a cold day.

3. What is your favorite wedding pin?
I don’t have a wedding board or anything related.  Being married 10 years, weddings aren’t really on my mind anymore 😀
4. What is your favorite DIY/craft pin?
My DIY/Craft board is 1.2.3. DIY because I think I must have been in the cafeteria when the crafty gene was handed out so I definitely need the simplest projects to even feel like I am accomplishing anything.

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board 1.2.3-DIY on Pinterest.

My favorite Pin would have to be this quick and easy craft that allows you to make your own personalized mugs without too much fuss or mess.

5. What is your favorite quote/verse/lyric pin?
I would shave to take this one from my True Story board.  Here is where I collect those Pins that just make me nod my head in agreement. 😀

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board TrueStory on Pinterest.

I think this is such a great way to describe me.  There are times when people take advantage of a mistake my kindness for weakness.  This pin definitely sums up how I truly am.

6. Share one more random pin you love.
This pin is from my Coffee Love board because I simply wouldn’t be me without a bit of Coffee…

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board CoffeeLove on Pinterest.

This is so me!

This Theme was so much fun a a great way to share your Pinterest Loves!  If you want to have some Sunday Social Fun be sure to stop by next week…

Next week’s questions

Read This Too  Start Your Week At The Mommy Monday!

1. How much time do you spend on Social Media a day?…be honest
2. How long were you reading blogs before you started a blog?
3. What is your favorite kind of cupcake?
4. Do you eat fast food? If so whats your favorite?
5. What is the most random thing someone would find in your purse?
6. What is the weirdest TV show you watch?

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