Sunday Social: Summer Fun

These are all about the fun you’ve had this summer!

1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?
  • It has to be our trip to the Botanical Gardens with the GirlScouts Troop…we had a blast even though I was surprised that a ‘garden’ ended up being more like a hiking trip…LOL

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2. What was your favorite outfit look/clothing item of the summer?

  • My go-to look is honestly jeans (or shorts on the hotter days), my fav pair of Chucks  and a t-shirt or tank (if I can get some pink in there it’s just that much better).


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3. What is one thing you wish you’d gotten to do this summer?

  • We really wanted to go to a waterpark this year but it just didn’t seem to happen.  Luckily living in the south just because the summer is at an end doesn’t mean we may not still be able to go…there are even some really cool indoor waterpark options.

4. What was your favorite song of the summer?

  • DEFINITELY Blurred Lines By Robin Thicke…that was is my in the car dance like a straight up embarassment summer anytime jam.  I can be in the middle of a conversation and if it comes on I will stop mid-sentence and start my groove…LOL  Listen and tell me you wouldn’t jam to this! 😀



5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer?
  • I actually have an addiction to all things comic book (Marvel and DC) so my newest fav cartoon series is HULK and The Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
Read This Too  The Sweetest Week | The Mommy Monday Blog Hop
Hulk Smash
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What to get a head start on next week’s Sunday Social questions?

We are going from summer questions straight into fall questions!
1. What is your favorite fall activity?
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
5. What things are his looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?

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4 responses to “Sunday Social: Summer Fun”

  1. Rheanna Avatar

    I really can't get that song out of my head either…I just want to dance to it every time i hear it! LOL

    happy to be a new follower

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I JUST finished jamming to it…LOL

      I'll be by your page first chance I get 🙂

  2. Seriously Kate Avatar

    Saying hi from the Sunday Social! I haven't been to a waterpark in years – that sounds really fun.

    Love that you are a God girl! Am your newest follower. 🙂


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much! We wanted to go so bad but things just didn't time out…but I am determined to still get there soon! 😉 I will definitely come by and check your blog out first chance I get…

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