Tag: five minute Friday
Five Minute Friday {Write}
start stop Join me with Lisa Jo Baker for the Five Minute Friday Link Up… Five Minute Friday is…
Five Minute Friday {True}
Then came the time where I didn’t want to follow anymore I wanted a new path…my own TRUE path… a…
Five Minute Friday {she}
start image source when i saw tonight’s prompt i thought okay who should i focus on? mother, grandmother, aunt, sister,…
Five Minute Friday {Mercy}
start “Your Grace and Mercy brought me through… I’m living this moment because of you… I want to thank you…
start To some, it is simply clinical the life source that keeps us To others, it is something to fear…
Five Minute Friday: {Worship}
start I start out in prayer where I speak the words from my heart You draw me nearer with your…
Five Minute Friday: Last
“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.” Proverbs 12:19 {NAS} So when someone lies on…