Tag: WW
It’s The Teen In Them…
So a few weeks ago we celebrated my niece’s graduation and that meant lot’s of family time out at the…
Sleep Over
I think the thing I love most about the summer is having all the Kiddies in one place BUT sometimes…
It’s In The Bank | #WordlessWednesday
So I am always on the search for something cute and adorable for my Kiddies and this week I feel like…
The Things I Do…
Okay so sometimes the things I do as a Mom are so far fetched I have to laugh at myself.…
#WeShine Done Right – Golden!
This past weekend I had the fun of participating in The Color Run for the 2nd time but this was my…
Livin’ Golden
Sometimes the things I see riding around seriously make me wish I had a camera attached to my car with…
Even The Turtle Gets A Seat
That’s It. It’s Over. I’ve become the mom who gives in to silly requests just to have peace. So yup,…