I am so excited to have the opportunity to exchange questions with the lovely Tamara from Tamara (Like) Camera for this week’s #AskAwayFriday to share a few Tastes of Summer with you all. I have become a true fan of her writing, story telling and ability to wrap you into her words and take you on a exploration of her thoughts. Top that with her amazing photography and you always close the tab of her site feeling as if you just met her and experienced something she has been kind enough to share with you.
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
Carol from Battered Hope is an author, public speaker, health coach and so much more. She shares all those sides of herself with you on her site. Carol is always willing to share her story and her encouragement with anyone who may need it because as she says, “If I Can Overcome Tragedies, So Can You.”
Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
Tamara and I decided to do this week’s swap with a theme since we are both looking forward to a bit of summer vacation time and what comes with summer vacation? Food and well, all things summer!
1. Did you make a summer bucket list? If no, what are five things to put on there? There’s still time! If yes, what is one thing on the list that you’ve already done? And what is something that you have yet to do?
Kinda. I did make a My Summertime Ten list for a recent linkup with TuesdayTen hosted by the lovely Rabia and Lisa. I included several things that I have never done. I had one that was already checked off, The Color Run! I plan on checking off a the Nutella one asap as well as although my wish to attend a Blogging Conference is not going to happen by the end of summer I am set to attend Bloggy Boot Camp coming up in October! Woot-Woot!
2. Would you rather take your family to a week in a beach house, like right ON the beach? Or a week in a cool cabin in the mountains? What about if it was just you and your husband?
Week in a beach house for sure! The closer to the beach the better. I am not the biggest fan of sand in all my nooks & crannies BUT I know for certain iw ould pick sand over bugs and mountain wood creatures any day…and so would my Kiddies! We love the south and being outside in the sun but if there were a way to eliminate bugs – yeah we would do that
If it were just the Hubby and I we would probably still say a beach. Hubby has down the whole woods thing but I would still be so worried about bugs and such I would definitely have a lot more fun on the beach.
3. If you were throwing a party and serving all of your favorite summer foods, what would you be serving?
Wow! You are going to just let my taste buds run free, huh?
Potato Salad, Tossed Salad, Fruite Salad
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Grilled Chicken
Macaroni & Cheese, Mixed Fresh Veggies
Watermelon, Strawberries
Lemonade, Fruite Punch, Iced Tea
Ummm…yeah there’s probably more but hey, I don’t wanna look greedy!
4. What was the best, or one of the best, summers of your life like? What made it so memorable?
The best summer would definitely be the one where we were reunited with my Hubby after nearly 7 months of separation that moment of meeting his eyes across the airport and knowing that we were a whole family again was definitely the best moment since I met him. It was my Birthday that day and we went out to dinner and slept in our empty house on the floor but we were together and to me that was all that mattered. We spent that entire summer enjoying our new island home and making up for the time we had lost.
5. What is the best thing you have eaten..today?
My Hubby’s Fried Chicken Wings! LOL…I just finished a whole plate and they were beyond yummy! We recent;y bought a deep frier and he has mastered his batter and seasoning so every weekend he has been treating us with a batch along with a side of seasoned fries and they definitely qualify as my best dish today. I just wish I read your question before I ate them to the bones so I could have a photo…LOL
6. What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant and how often do you go there?
Okay. This is so hard. I actually mix my Fast Food Faves. I know…what does that mean? Well we live not far from what I guess is a hub of the city so all the Fast Food places are within the same little circle. So I will head over to McDonalds for fries, Burger King for a Whopper, KFC for a biscuit and then sometimes (more often than I want to admit) I’ll stop at Taco bell for Double Decker Taco.
Now let me say I usually eat this all in shifts but I can’t pick a favorite because ether each have things I like more at one than the other. Please don’t judge me – I’m taking advantage elf my high metabolism while I still have it
7. What’s one of your favorite summer activities to do with family and friends?
Honestly just gather together and have fun being us. We love to have family over and grill, eat and play music. It usually ends in a bunch of ‘do you remember’ stories and laughter and to me those are the best days/nights of any summer.
8. What’s your all-time favorite meal, and how often do you get to enjoy it?
Easy. Chicken Parm (yeah I never say the whole thing…lol). I love this dish. My Hubby says I’m weird because I prefer to eat it over white rice with the sauce drizzled over it and he’s says the normal way is with spaghetti. Who wants to be normal? LOL I don’t get to eat it as much as I like because to make it how I do is rather long and most nights I just don’t have the time or patience. I usually make it on special occasions and birthdays since it is one of my Teenagers favorite meals too.
9. What are your top FIVE favorite iced drinks? And I know there have to be five iced drinks you know! You can be very specific too, with brand or restaurant or syrup names!
Whoa! Hard on! I’m not sure I have 5 because I started my love affair with Starbucks during the Fall and I am only just finding my preferred Iced Drinks. Yet here are the ones I love so far:
10. What is your favorite thing about summer, and what is your least favorite thing about summer?
Favorite Thing: More time to spend as a family together and outside (yeah I hate the bugs but I love the sun…such a conflict LOL)
Least Favorite Thing: It goes by way too fast. I still can’t believe we’re already half way through July!
That was so much fun! I loved having a theme and getting to just have light-hearted fun and Tamara gave me awesome questions to do just that…especially when she asks me about my favorite drinks
Don’t forget to head over to Tamara’s and check out her answers to my questions…
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Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
I shouldn't have read this before lunch!! Now I'm hungry! I love your list of favorite foods. Those are my summer faves too.
My recent post The Liebers Take on Myrtle Beach!
If I had to choose between a beach house or a cabin in the mountains, I would opt for the cabin in the mountains. I always went to Colorado in the summer time and I miss going there. Our family created so many memories while out camping and I really wanted to pass them on to my own children. I am sad because it hasn't worked out well and I haven't been able to take the camping in the mountains. Maybe one day.
These were perfect questions; Tamara is such a thoughtful person
1. I would LOVE to do a color run (even though I hate running).
2. After watching your videos, I can imagine you saying "nooks and crannies" HAHAHAHA
3. I need to go to one of your parties. The fruit and drinks sound so good right now…maybe I'm thirsty!
4. Ah, I feel like every young love story includes an empty apartment. Memories ♥
5. We've been firing up our new grill a lot, but a deep fryer sounds awesome!
6. Ewww….lol!! I think the only thing I like anymore are the french fries, but enjoy your fast metabolism for me!!
7. I love reminiscing, too
8. I saw a recipe for Parmesan chicken nuggets that looked quick and easy…might be a good compromise!!
9. I am SOOO thirsty now…2 of my favorites are the Green Tea Frappuccino and the Iced Passion Tea!
It's so fun getting to know you better MrsTee! I definitely have to find an AskAwayFriday partner again soon! ♥
My recent post Simple Makeup for Mamas!
Tamara really gave me the best questions and I had a blast answering each of them!
1-you should! You can walk, jog or run…there is no pressure it\’s all up to you
2-LMBO…I have some of my own quirky ways of speaking, my Hubby loves pointing them out
3-Consider yourself invited
4-They probably do…I kinda wish we had it earlier on because Kiddies and an empty home with no TV or beds… whew! LOL
5-We use the grill non-stop in the summer but this deep fryer is my new love for sure!
6-LMBO..will do!
8-Hmmm..may have to look into those for sure.
9-Haha! Me too, I am all out of my home brew iced coffee…I see a Starbucks run in my near future.
I love how you responded to each answer! So fun, thanks so much for coming by Galaxia xoxoxo
So happy I finally got here! It was worth the wait. I may even meet you for bloggy Boot Camp! Personally I would like chicken Parm the way you do it. I like rice much more than pasta. And all of your summer food sounds so delicious to me. And I agree about summer. I think about how much I hate the bugs and the humidity, but it's the fact that it's too fast that gets me the most. I want summer to be half the year! Thank you so much for a very fun and informative swap.
My recent post Food, Folks & Summer Fun.
Yay! Happy to have you…I was stud in WIFI Limbo during our vacay as well. It was spotty to put it nicely. So glad to be back in my WIFI home You’re going to be there!?!? WootWoot! So is Mrs.AOK and Tenns from New Mama Diaries – this is going to be so much fun! Yes, I think I made my self hungry by the time I finished writing this Oh 6 months of summer would be amazing! I hope your vacation was awesome…xoxo
I could also do without the bugs. No thank you. I also like Taco Bell. It's hard to stay away from there.
My recent post Keep Me Groovin’ with Some Energy #AAF
I love that you have so many pics of your Starbucks drinks! I don't usually buy coffee drinks, but my sister-in-law is an iced coffee addict, and I had a few from Dunkin Donuts with her when we were on vacation together. Cream and two splenda…yum! I should not have read this first thing in the morning – now I am STARVING! Have a great weekend, Tiffany!
My recent post I’ve always been partial to Beths
Haha! Signs of a true StarbucksJunkie…they always looks so great and refreshing I simply have to share Iced is definitely the way to go in this Southern Summer heat. I haven\’t had Hot coffee in months!
Definitely taking advantage of my fast metabolism too! Haha. And I'd love to have summer in a beach house. I'm thinking a cool cabin in the mountains is also fun and something new to us. I just hope like what you said, it's bug-free or insect-free! LOL. I love your summer menu, grills, burgers and fresh fruits!! Nothing beats!
LMBO…we have to while we have them, right? I would love a cabin if I could be guaranteed no bugs! LOL Thanks Rea… I think those are definitely the best eats ever!
What a great swap! Love the theme! Can I come to your party…all of that food sounds amazing! LOL! I have so been known to mix up my fast food on occasion! LOL! Grab an Gyro from a stand and McDonald's fries and a Taco Bell taco and some KFC mashed taters and gravy! LOL! I have even eaten it all at one sitting, though I think that I was preggo at the time! Hope you are having a great time and have a great weekend!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Carla from Real Into!
Fantastic questions and answers Mrs.Tee! I'm doing a color run soon with the kids. Any tips? (PS – I'm in awe of your amazing metabolism. I used to have one…be prepared – it slows down quicker than you think).
My recent post Ask Away Friday With Jenessa
Thanks so much! Are you? It\’s so much fun…I ran as a Girls Day out so I don\’t have any tips for running with the Kiddies but once you get a few I\’ll need them because I do plan on adding in the Kiddie fun next year LOL..I\’m am definitely taking advantage of this metabolism while I can…I hope I have a few more meals left
I'm sure you have more than a few meals left. I'm hoping to blog about it not too long after we do it, and will let you know how it goes with the kids. I just read one this week where the blogger suggested that the color got everywhere (and I mean everywhere) – did you have that problem? She also suggested that I bring goggles and kerchiefs for the kids faces.
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