The Other Day, Yesterday & Today! | #NaBloPoMo

The Other Day Yesterday & Today! | #NaBloPoMo |

So the other day I had a full schedule of Sponsored Posts set to publish, then Yesterday came all the social media promotion and Today I finally get to breath and just write. That’s why I’ve decided to play a bit of catch up with the #NaBloPoMo I missed for those 3 days and share them here…now 🙂

The Other Day, Yesterday & Today!#NaBloPoMo

The Other Day…

What is the hardest part of a big project: getting the energy to begin, finding the time to work on it, or feeling down that it’s over?
For me a big project usually means many of ideas in my head. Plenty of notes and outlines and 1 late night of work.
I’m one of those people who always plans to plan but still seems to wait and work best 61st the last minute.
There have been prjects that I have done and considered completed with plenty of time to spare but then that last minute inspiration hits and I end up pulling a late night revamp which ends up to be something entirely new but usually better than the first.
I guess my answers are: I never really lack the energy just the ability to reign it in; I always have the time I just feel the pressure of no time somehow – inspired me; and lastly, I don’t really feel down once a project is done. I feel accomplished and happy that i was able to produce something from whatever framework I was given and still show a part of my own creativity while doing it!


What was the last thing you fixed or built?
Hmmm. This will be short and to the point. I am in no way a fixer. I can do it in a jam but it’s not something I volunteer for or search out projects to indulge in. So DIY? I always say I’m more of a DI-Don’t


If you had a personal assistant who would do your most dreaded tasks, which items from your to-do list would you assign out?

Oh My Goodness could this happen? Honestly though I’m not sure I could have a personal assistant. I’m not very good at delegating or watching someone else do something I have a desired result for. Both my OCD tendencies and control issues always end up making me take over step in and do it myself. That said…I would mind someone willing to do laundry – according to my specific instructions of course 😉

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4 responses to “The Other Day, Yesterday & Today! | #NaBloPoMo”

  1. ace1028 Avatar

    I completely hear you on the personal assistant! I think I'd prefer a housecleaning fairy of some sort. 🙂 With me delegating!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oooh a fairy! That would be perfect. It would do just what I want how I want… Perfect! 🙂

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