The Sunday School Blues – I Want You!

Sunday School Blues


Every Sunday morning my Kiddies and I get up early and make it to the first service of the day. After we make our way to the Sunday School building and my Girlies head off to their class and the Teenager to his.  No problems right?  Not quite…

Also, every Sunday morning my 2-year-old Buddie Boy begins his cries to stay with me instead of going to class with his sisters.  It usually starts during the closing prayer of the morning service.  I give the Kid that much, he knows the order of the service.

I Want You!

Once the prayer is done and I’ve gathered my stuff I start the drag I mean walk with Buddie to the doors leading the Sunday School building.  This is accompanied by his sincerest cries to let him go to my class.  “I Want YOU Momma!”

As we continue our walk I try to ignore the stares and side glances as I pull umm lead him down the stairs.  There is where the sincere please become outright begging and yelling.  This is usually the point I give up, turn around and just take him to my class.  I mean who wants to hear their kid screaming “I Want You” from an entire building away?

This particular Sunday was different though.  This Sunday the lovely Superintendent (person in charge of Sunday School order and discipline…both of which my Buddie was lacking) walked over to him and declared that she would take him herself.  That poor woman.  She had no idea.  I tried to explain it was probably best if she just let me take him with me but she insisted.  She after all, was a school teacher and knew how to handle these sorts of situations.  I don’t think she realized she’d met her match just yet.

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So I released him and watched as he walked away looking back at me the entire time.  I think I literally felt the Momma guilt as it stabbed into my chest.  I pulled up my big girl panties and said “It’s for the best.  He is too old to sit in class with me anyway.  He’ll be fine.  The Girlies are down their and he knows Ms. J anyway (she’s our next door neighbor).

I made it to my class and was able to make it all the way to the offering part of our class.  This was when a friend went downstairs to take it to be counted.  Less than 5 minutes later she reappeared with Buddie in tow smiling and saying …what else?  “I Wanted Yoooouuuuu!”

Challenge Accepted

Whelp.  He got her.  That Sunday at least.  It was as if a challenge had been given.  The Superintendent approached me again and said she had a plan.  A way to make sure that Buddie not only went to class but stayed in class.  She planned on putting it into place the following Sunday and all I had to do was stay out of sight immediately after service.  Hmmm.  Sounded easy enough.

The next Sunday I got the signal after service to disappear and the plan was in motion.  I watched from the vestibule as the Superintendent and the Sunday School Secretary shuffled Buddie to my Teenager who then lead him along with my Girlies to their classes.  I made it through my entire class with no signs from Buddie.  Then it was time for the entire Sunday School to gather for reviews.  It was then that I was once again waved off and told by No Means to show my face.

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So I spent the entire review standing in the vestibule watching as my little Buddie stood with his sisters and their class and sang a song, answered questions and did the prayer!  Her plan worked!

Perhaps the Sunday School Blues were finally over?  

Well that was just one Sunday…

I‘ll get back to you if we succeed next week…LOL

This post was added to the Better Mom Monday Link Up

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10 responses to “The Sunday School Blues – I Want You!”

  1. @KrystalS Avatar

    Thanks for sharing with Time For Mom too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for hosting!

  2. Denise G. Avatar
    Denise G.

    I hope it works for you next week. I'm Catholic and there is not Sunday School for the real little ones. We manage in the pews during the whole service with my 2.5 year old and 11 month old, somehow. LOL!

    Found you via Turn It Up Tuesday! blog hop that I'm co-hosting! Thanks for linking up with us! 🙂
    My recent post Turn It Up Tuesday!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This week was our 2nd week (I posted right before church) and it worked! He cried a bit but then was good after a few minutes 😀

      My old church we used to sit we them…that was fun (sarcasm lol)

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  3. ThankYouGreatSpirit Avatar

    We had a little girl today that didn't want to join the music part of Sunday School. She just sat down in the hall and her dad was trying to coax her into class. He finally got her outside of the music room and she sat there until they went into the Sunday School classrooms and then she fully participated in class. It happens. Good luck!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! He is so different from his sisters. They couldn’t wait to start going on their own. He is my baby and the clingiest of all my Kiddies. Today was a success though. He cried a bit at first but his older brother took him (seems to work better) and he was all smiles a after…he even made me a picture frame 😀

  4. Wanda Avatar

    Ahhh, that buddie is a persistent little one but perhaps he has met his match. Have a great week
    My recent post The Friday Five: Link Love

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes he is but I think we’ve got him beat. Today was our 2nd successful week 🙂

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