2020 has been a year, to say the least, but it also became the year I took over Christmas. Specifically the gifting part. In my home, there’s no such thing as a small Christmas we almost always go big even when we try to go small.

Could I do it?
Waaaaay back in January 2020, I made a commitment to be intentional about this year. I had no idea the challenges it would bring but I still made it my goal. Part of that intent was to begin to take a bit of the financial pressure off my hubby.
For nearly 13 years I was a stay-at-home mom while my husband was in the military. Having 6 kiddies – 3 teenagers, and 3 under the age of 3 – it didn’t make sense for me to attempt to maintain a career or even a job. Yet in those years, my hubby took on all the financial responsibilities. I mean everything. This wasn’t easy for him but it also wasn’t easy for me.
I’ve held a job since the age of 13 and being in a time in life where I had to not only rely on but relinquish financial responsibilities to someone else was hard. I was resentful at not having my own and guilt-ridden for placing the burden of bills, birthdays, groceries – all of our daily needs on him. I wanted to be his help-mate in more than just my roles as wife and mother. Yet for those years it simply was what it was. He provided and protected I managed and organized. We each played our roles to maintain our family.
But then . . .
Then a change came. In 2019 I took a job as a business consultant for a local non-profit. This job has been the perfect fit for my roles as wife, mom, entrepreneur, and business owner. This job has allowed me to take on not only household bills but my own expenses. I saw the relief in him both emotionally and physically when he realized he no longer had to handle everything on his own. I’ve often seen other military wives who gifted their husband’s mortgage payments or debt payoffs. I knew I wasn’t there – yet – but I still wanted to do something to show him he wasn’t on his own anymore.
I knew taking it would mean finding a new balance in our lives and for me, that also meant beginning to plan a way to surprise him with something he never expected – a debt-free Christmas!
How to start?
My main goal was to eliminate Christmas from his list – completely. I know this may not seem like a big deal but again – big family.
The how became my first obstacle. I know Christmas in my home isn’t cheap. So I began by setting a goal for myself. How much could I afford to spend on my own? What gifts could I find that were meaningful, supported local business as much as possible, and stayed within my budget? Oh and don’t forget shopping during a pandemic!
Making The Lists!
For the majority of my gifts, I relied on Amazon. The shipping and selection can’t be beaten. I kept things local by shopping through the Amazon Smile Program which allows me to select a nonprofit of my choice for a portion of my sales to be donated to. Any guess which one I picked? CEED of course!
Next, I shopped small for unique pieces like a 2.5 pound of geode crystals for my oldest Girlie from PRESSED and scrunchies from A Bit Of Carolina to add to my youngest daughter’s ever-growing collection (who knew those were going to be a thing again?). I even found the perfect tee-shirt for my oldest son and Hammond Hot Cocoa for my youngest Girlie at one of the newest additions to our downtown community Stevie’s on Hay.

I also found the perfect unique gifts for my office holiday party at local shops:
Whiskey Teacup and Fun USB Pouches – White Trash Shop & Accessories
Crystals – PRESSED
Gift Cards – Winterbloom Tea
Back to home.
I had my budget, I had my lists. Next, I had to pull it off! I had plenty of add to cart days followed by some pretty anxious click to track moments but slowly all the gifts began to arrive.

I managed to find and buy all my kiddies’ Christmas list requests plus extras. Then somehow I found gifts for the guy who always has everything or wants nothing. For the first year ever he had his own Santa Sack to open!

My husband was able to not worry, save, or even think about anything more than being present in each moment this Christmas. He’s not a man of many words but the look on his face when I was able to tell him I had taken over Christmas made my year!
I am blessed to say my year of intent in 2020 is coming to a close with one of my major goals accomplished – I took over Christmas.
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