Last week, I had a few panic moments, stressful nights and basically a full blown Blogger Nightmare! When things go wonky with your site,it is not only scary but dreaded. It’s the things you try to avoid at all costs with PlugIns, back ups and prevention. Still there are moments when that one click can simply do more harm than good. Problem is for me there was no click, no indication anything was wrong. There was simply a phone call.
The Call
I received a phone call from my Host. We had a problem. My site’s CPU was doing a bit too much work and they wanted to work with me to track down why and hopefully fix it. What did that mean? Since when does my Host call ME? So yeah, I did a quick hacker check and asked the guy how was I supposed to know he was really from my Host? He said that was a good and smart question…Thanks…and told me he would hang up I could go to my site’s website and call the Customer Service then dial his extension. After this bit of paranoid confirmation I at least felt better with talking to him.
My site was running extremely slow and it was all because it was a bit large in memory sizes and use for the plan I had with them. Great was this a sales pitch? No, I actually needed to have it fixed because it was having an impact of my page speed. Ok, that I recognized and knew to be important. He worked on it, I listened, I didn’t understand it all but we thought (after over an hour) that most of the issues had been resolved or at least temporarily addressed. To have a permanent fix I need to upgrade my service.
Money It Always Comes To Money
Great! Money. Money I didn’t have right now. I have a family trip to Disney – for a family of 8! I have a Teenager graduating from High School which means College Prep and Fees. The last thing I needed was for an added cost. He told me the fixes would keep me running for a couple months at most without any negative impact to my speed starting again. Okay.
So besides praying for a miracle, I called my Hubby. I cried, snotted and whined about how I couldn’t handle this. I was trying to attend my first Conference this year, how could I represent a site that wasn’t working right? Hubby’s reply? Give me a few to think on it and we’ll figure something out. He called me back with a plan and a way to get my site where it needs to be. I love having a man of action. Whenever I go into panic mode he goes into fix it mode.
We are moving forward and we have a plan. I still had a bit of a vent session (see it below…LOL) but I got better and so did my site. I went to my best friend, Google, and we also figured out some additional ways to improve my site’s speed, efficiency and performance and I am actually running better than I ever have. Yay! I even got approved for AdSense which requires a certain Page Speed so I know that I have done something right.
Lesson Learned
Learning how to release my panic and realize that even when I feel overwhelmed by a situation my good is still somewhere in the plan. Yes, hearing about what was going on with my site was scary BUT it also lead to my improving my site in ways I would never have done without that knowledge.
How do you handle stress?
Do you vent, internalize or release it completely?
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
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