#TuesdayTen Am I Really That Old?

Last week I participated in a great kinda new LinkUp hosted by The Liebers and The Golden Spoons called #TuesdayTen.  It was a lot of fun and I had the chance to share What’s In My Bag? with well…everyone!  😀

This week the Ladies are actually making me wonder am I really that old?  How you wonder?  This week they want us to look up the year we were born and share the Top 10 Headlines OR Songs.

So in order to do that obviously I had to do a bit of research on my birth year and some of the things that happened… I really didn’t realize I was that old! LOL Don’t get me wrong, I love my age…it took me a lot of work to get here but looking back can be an eye-opener

The prompt gave us the option of choosing the Top 10 Headlines or Song but since today is also #TunesdayTuesdayHop and I have made a playlist for my Kiddies Jams I decided not to overload everyone with music.  So I’m going to go ahead a pick 10 of the Top Stories in The News and Events from 1978:

1978 – In The News


  1. Pope Paul IV Died on August 6th (My Birthday…never knew this!)
  2. Jim Jone’s follower commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18
  3. Dallas wins the Super Bowl 27-10 against Denver
  4. Kentucky beats Duke in the NCAA Basketball Championship 94-88
  5. Sony introduces the Walkman – the 1st portable music player (OMG am I THIS old?)
  6. And Still I Rise By Maya Angelou is Published
  7. The first test tube baby is born in London at Oldham Hospital
  8. Album of the Year: Rumours – Fleetwood Mac
  9. President is James Carter Jr.
  10. US Population: 222,584,545
Read This Too  #WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday}- Fall Splendor

That’s it my Top 10 Pick from 1978! Don’t forget to head over to The Liebers or The Golden Spoons and Link Up Your #TuesdayTen…

The Liebers

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12 responses to “#TuesdayTen Am I Really That Old?”

  1. ginnymarie Avatar

    I love my Sony Walkman! I used to have one that played cassettes, then I borrowed my boyfriend's CD Walkman, which always skipped, and now I have a small pink MP3 Walkman. It's great when I'm exercising!
    My recent post Bathroom Fixer Upper {Spin Cycle}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…I loved mine too! I had all versions as well…funny how far technology has come 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by!

  2. mamarabia Avatar

    That's my year! I can't believe I missed that Fleetwood Mac album. I love that album!!
    My recent post Benjamin: The Selfie King

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! 1978 Rocks! 😀

  3. Blogitudes Avatar

    1978 was the year after I graduated from high school – so I remember most of the things you listed, but I'd forgotten that the Jim Jones thing happened that year. What a shocker that was and so awful! My friends and I talked about it for weeks and weeks. And Fleetwood Mac – I loved them! This was an excellent look back. Thank you! 😀

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That was definitely a tragedy. I didn’t realize when it happened either. Fleetwood Mac is always a favorite on my playlist! Thanks for coming by 😀

  4. dishofdailylife Avatar

    If you think you're old, you're really going to think I'm old! Let's not even go there! My kids would have no idea what a walkman is either. Isn't in fascinating to go back through time and look at all the changes?!
    My recent post 1969: A Look Back in Time #TuesdayTen

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…no I wouldn’t! I just didn’t realize how far technology has come. My Teenager looks at me crazy when I talk about the first cell phones! HAHA 😀

  5. Lisa @ Golden Spoons Avatar
    Lisa @ Golden Spoons

    Glad you linked up again! Oh the Walkman – I used to love mine! And, my hubby's birthday is August 6, too, but he's 1971. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks.it’s fun 😀 My Teenager doesn’t even know what a WalkMan is…LOL Geesh! Really!?!? We Leos are awesome in any year 😉

      1. southbayrantsnraves Avatar

        Wow. I can only imagine the things I will have to explain to my son: records, rotary phones, dial tones, disc man, walk man, etc.

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          Exactly! It’s amazing how far things can progress!

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