#TunesdayTuesday: To My Hubby…

We all need a little music in our lives. A good song can answer a question, soothe the soul and provide an escape. It can recall a memory in the most vivid detail and evoke the most intense feelings.
 “Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” -Sarah Dessen
We created Tunesday Tuesday to do just that, bring people together through music.
Every Monday night at 9pm the link up will go live at The Patchwork Paisley, Drinking the Whole Bottle, Momma Candy, and MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter. We will designate a theme, and hope that you will share a song that embodies said theme for you. Post the video for the song, an audio clip, the lyrics- however you want to do it. Then, write a little something about why this song captures the week’s theme and link up your post here with us! 
Visit your hosts after 9pm (EST) on Monday nights
 to find out what the theme is for the week!
It would be awesome if you would follow your lovely hostesses (links below,) but other than that- let’s have fun with this! Know a fellow music lover who should get in on the party? Let them know about it! Want to share you groove with the world? Tweet it should you feel so inclined. Want to grab a button? Go for it. It’s really pretty and you’ll find it down below.
Host Follow Links:
                            Meg                        Jen                              Shauna                  Tiff                              Bloglovin’Twitter                       Bloglovin’ Twitter                       Bloglovin’ Twitter                  Bloglovin’ Twitter
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Send A Tweet & Grab A Button! Let’s Share The Music:



Did you have a Wedding Song…?
Or are you like me, do you have a plethora of songs
that describe how you feel about your Hubby, Mate, Boyfriend…?


 This song always makes me feel like I did when we first started dating.  I honestly still feel this way when I see him, hear his voice, etc.  I am so happy to say I have been blessed with a love that makes me feel weak even 10+ years later.

‘Cause my heart starts beating triple time,
with thoughts of loving you on my mind.
I can’t figure out just what to do,
when the cause and cure is you.

Read This Too  Join The Party At The Mommy Monday Blog Hop!


A Couple of Forevers

Chrisette Michelle

The lyrics of this song along state how I feel about my marriage and our life together…

I see it clear, my heart is here
We got each other, let’s take it from there
And if I could I’d love you forever at a time Oh, oh, oh
What we been through no one else knows
Cause all that matters is how far this goes
And it will go until it starts again, Oh, oh
Me and you are built like armor
Nothing can stop love from loving on us
You know I’m not asking for much


Love On Top


This is a song that every time I hear it I am reminded of how my Hubby is ALWAYS there no matter what, when or where I need him…He always has OUR best interests at hear.

You’re the one that gives your all.
You’re the one I can always call.
When I need you make everything stop.
Finally you put my love on top.



Katy Perry

This is a song that totally covers the amount and type of love I have found with and for my Hubby…Uncondtinal: we both have flaws and faults but no matter what we will love each other…Unconditionally!

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally


**Don’t forget to link up your post below & visit some
participants to see what they’re jamming out to!**
See You Here…Same Place…Same Day…Different Tunes!
The song you crank up to blast when your driving…
~Fave Car Tune~ 


Read This Too  Meander With Me I’m CoHosting This Momma’s Meandering Mondays

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10 responses to “#TunesdayTuesday: To My Hubby…”

  1. Jennifer Legra Avatar
    Jennifer Legra

    i was just saying to another friend that music has been such a big part of every moment in my life with Husband. obviously, this is your case too! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…music is in our lives on a daily basis…I\’m not sure what either of us would do without it… 🙂

  2. ssgannett Avatar

    Great songs, lady! Music is such an addiction for me! LOL! Hope you are having a great week!
    My recent post Tunesday Tuesday – Wedding Song!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Music is so powerful, I\’m not sure what I would do without it either. Have a wonderful week…

  3. lisarcharles Avatar

    I don’t know what I would do without music. I listen almost everywhere.
    The song that comes to mind about my husband would be Beyonce’ ‘Dance For You’.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me either! I love that song too..it was so hard to even limit my selections to 4… LOL You should come by and LinkUp with us sometime…we would love to hear your Playlist…next week\’s promot is your Favorite Car Jam 😀

  4. Julia Avatar

    YES!!! SWV.. that was my jam when I was like 9 years old. My very first taste of R&B and I have never looked back. Love that you picked that song 🙂
    My recent post Monthly Favorites: Months Five & Six

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I LOVE them…such a great talent…plus their songs were kinda awesome too 😀 Thanks!

  5. frontporchreviews Avatar

    What a great idea. Tomorrow i'll post on my blog my wedding song, which was Dan Hill's Never Thought That I could Love.
    (stopping by from the SITS Tribe)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! I look forward to hearing it…don’t forget to come by and LinkUp so everyone who participates with #TunesdayTuesday can hear it too 😀

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