Okay. Let me just say that asking a music lover who has over 2,000 songs on her iTunes playlist to pick only ONE song to sum up an entire year of emotions, situations and musical tastes is close to torture!
I have been working on this song choice for nearly a month and I’m still not sure if sure this is truly my final choice but since today is the day it needs to be, right?
Since I had to pick a FAVE song my first instinct was to pick the one that every time it played I dropped what I was doing and got my groove on…except that song had no true meaning to me. The lyrics didn’t really speak for or to me. It was the beat…the feeling of the music itself. Was that enough? Should I go deeper? I wasn’t sure. I started scrolling my playlist…checking lyrics. Where was I mentally when I heard this song? How many times did I play it? do I like it now? It was becoming overwhelming.
So, I asked Hubby. “What do you think was my favorite song of this year?” He picked that song! The person who knows me best picked the song that was my first choice. So that’s the one I went with. Deep or not, lyrical meaning aside this song got me EVERY time it played. Whether I was happy, sad, upset or totally content I was ready to go when the first few notes played. So here it is…my FAVE SONG OF 2013!
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1. | Shauna @ Momma Candy {Host} | 3. | Queen Conundrum | 5. | Drinking the Whole Bottle | |
2. | The Patchwork Paisley {Host} | 4. | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter {Host} |
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
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