Welcome to the 96th week of Turn It Up Tuesday! We’d like to thank each and every one of you for making every week so amazing! Keep stopping by, linking up, and sharing your amazing posts with us here on Turn It Up Tuesday!
Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!
Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this link party the best that it could be!
Our sponsor for July is DIVAtude.
The DIVAtude Experience is a conference that will empower and motivate women in their personal and professional lives. We are currently taking speaker proposals through August 1st for our 1st virtual conference that will take place in October. Hosted by Michelle D. Garrett, the founder of Divas With A Purpose, The DIVAtude Experience will provide tools and resources for all women to embrace their DIVAtude – being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action.
Are you looking to get your blog or website in front of numerous people per week? Do you enjoy Turn It Up Tuesdays? Interested in having your blog or website featured for an entire month?
Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month by clicking here!
Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!
(from the top – left to right)
Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | April from April Noelle | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Tina from The Happy Creations | Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter | Cindy from Mom Maven | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Kelly from Making-More | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Tenns from Bliss & Faith | Kimberly from Being a Wordsmith | Nancy from Afro-Chic Mompreneur | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly | Kelly from Mum-bo-Jumbo | Elaine from Ramblings of a Bad Domestic Goddess | Zografia from Bisozozo | Ginger from Does Your Sister Have Normal Hair | Free from Couponin Diva | Kori from Just Another Mom | Minnie from The Country Cooking Queen’s Weight loss and healthy eathing blog | Amy from Confessions of a Ninja Mom
And welcome our awesome guest hosts for July!
(from the top – left to right)
Sarah from Living Intentionally Simple | Karren from Oh My Heartsie Girl | Chantale from Unbothered, Unabashed | Dawn from Pretty Shabby UK | Anuja from All I Do
Interested in being a guest host for the month or becoming a permanent co-host?
Complete the form here! Monthly guest hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis.
Here are the Featured posts from last week!
Kori chose 5 Tips To Using Social Share Tools from our very own Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter. “I love the practical advice given! Social sharing tools are definitely a must have for any blogger.”
Kori chose How to Create a Blog Post Index {with pictures} from Snippets of Inspiration. “I try to stay organized as a blogger, but I would never think to make a blog post index like this. It’s great to have all of your posts in one area and so organized.”
Elaine also chose this post. “Excellent tutorial. Wish I had found it before I did my index. It would have saved me a lot of time.”
Free also chose this post. “Being able to keep track of our blog post so that we can go back to them and use them in other post is essential.”
Dawn chose How to Create an Amazing Gnome Village from Fun Money Mom. “I love this project it is so cute my kids would love to make this. I think fairy gardens, in this case gnome village is such a precious idea for the little ones.”
Dawn chose Easy Egg Carton Ladybugs from One Little Project at a Time. “This is such a fantastic craft project to make with the kids, its very easy to do but the kids will love it without getting bored.”
Mari chose Easy Strawberry Breakfast Turnovers from Practical Mommy. “I love all things turnover so this will be a great weekend try maybe even next to my second choice.”
Mari chose One Pot Lemon Chicken and Asparagus from Sweet C’s. “One pot meals are always fantastic I love lemon chicken so this is going to be something great to try soon.”
Amy chose My Top Blogging Pet Peeves & How Not To Make These Mistakes {Pt. 1} from our very own Tenns from Bliss and Faith. “I’m always looking for ways to improve my website so I love this list of tips to fix some common pet peeves and mistakes that every blogger makes.”
Free also chose this post. “As bloggers we need to know what is turning visitors away from our blog and what we can do to fix the problems.”
Natasha also chose this post. “I’m always on the lookout for things to help grow my blog. Tenns always share some great tips, and this post was no different!”
Amy chose 10 Fruits and Veggies Which Help to Improve Your Natural Beauty from Urban Naturale. “I’m on a bit of a health kick right now so I love this list of fruits and veggies to motivate me to eat better and keep me looking great!”
Stacey chose Coconut Milk Ice Cream from Suburble. “I think this would be amazing! Some dairy products, don’t like me very much, but I love ice cream and I absolutely love coconut. Thank you so much for sharing!”
Stacey chose Stay at Home Mom: Ever Felt You Made the Wrong Decision? from Laugh Out Loud Mommy. “I can totally relate, especially with two teenagers! I even look periodically at the classifieds, just to keep my options open. But I adore them, and they won’t be at home for too many more years, and I will revel in the good days. Thank you for sharing!”
Anuja chose Lavender Lemonade from Juggling Act Mama. “The idea of using lavender in lemonade is exciting. I love the smell and color of lavender, can’t wait to try its taste now :)”
Anuja chose Kiwi Yoghurt Popsicles from Annie’s Noms. “I always encourage healthy options and using yogurt, fresh fruit and honey seems pretty cool way to fight off summer heat.”
Tina chose Colored Pencil Drink Coaster from Simply Designing. “What a fabulous idea.Simple,unique and useful.I’m going to try this.Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.”
Sarah also chose this post.
Tina chose Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Bread from Fitness Food Diva. “Beautiful recipe.Looks so delicious and moist. I love the combination of yogurt with lemon and blueberry. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us.”
Sarah also chose this post.
Silvie chose Chicken Enchiladas with Sour Cream White Sauce from Everyday Made Fresh. “I love enchiladas but I have never tried them in a white sauce. This recipe sounds absolutely delicious and I can’t wait to try it!”
Silvie chose Motivation Monday: My Current Running Playlist from Legally Southern. “I am always looking for music to spice up my workout routine. I can’t wait to put this playlist to the test.”
Elaine chose Pesto Artichoke Chicken Pizza from A Dish of Daily Life. “A quick and almost from scratch pizza containing all the ingredients I love; chicken, pesto and artichokes.”
The post with the most views is Favorite Free Blogging Resources from Logan Can…
Natasha also chose this post. “As a blogger, it is very important to take advantage of free resources. There are a number of different free resources available; however, these are a few that I utilize myself.”
Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!
If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

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And the Best of the Best is…
Coconut Milk Ice Cream from Suburble
Pesto Artichoke Chicken Pizza from A Dish of Daily Life
Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!
Best of the Best Bloggers – make sure to showcase the button below on your blog! And you’ve won free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures for 30 days – just e-mail Natasha at 1epicmommy@gmail.com for more details!

<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonbest_zps00692ef1.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
So now that you’ve met our Sponsor for the month, our hosts and guest hosts, our Featured, and the Best of the Best,
let’s get started!
– Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.
– Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier!
– Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends!
– Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!

<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitup1_zps05216d89.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week! **Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to Epic Mommy Adventures, along with co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Turn It Up Tuesday, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to the original source.**
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Interested in reading all of our favorite posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays – past or present? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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