You Want Me To Sleep Where Now? #NaBloPoMo

You Want Me To Sleep Where Now?

I have vacationed in the south, Hawaii and of course different places in New York but never a true adventure vacation. I am not against them the opportunity simply hasn’t arrived yet. Still there is one type of vacation that even if someone offered it to me I’m not too sure I would want to accept. My answer would most likely include the question: You Want Me To Sleep Where Now?

NaBloPoMo November 2014 |

Where is the one place you would never want to go on vacation that other people seem to love?

Let’s go drive out to the most deserted area we can find, surrounded by nature and all the lovely inhabitants of the woods, no cell service and sleep all nice and snuggly like on the ground. Wait. What? You want me to sleep where now? See the whole ‘idea’ of camping and such is so picture perfect. I love the stories around a campfire and melting s’mores yet after all that. You know at the end of the night when the bugs all decide to come explore you as the new creature in the woods? That whole part of where you sleep. That’s the part I can do without.

If only there were a way to have the experience of camping in the woods without actually being ‘in the woods’. Do they have an indoor camp experience? Like a virtual woods minus the bugs, leaves and dirt? I know, I know you can always take an RV which is all well and good but still somehow just being parked in the middle of the woods still brings me to comfort.

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I need to have a Wal*Mart and a Starbucks within a 10 mile radius and I definitely need to know that cell service will not be an issue in the case of a stray bear or wandering deer.

So that’s it folks. No offense to all the wonderful explorers and nature lovers but for me, for this chick, I need a hotel with clean sheets and running water not only to have a great end to my day but a happy start to the next.

No camping for me.


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12 responses to “You Want Me To Sleep Where Now? #NaBloPoMo”

  1. Tonny J. Avatar

    I'm the same way. And, not surprisingly, my daughter is as well. Everyone is shocked that she rarely sleeps through the night at 2. 5 but, honestly, it doesn't bother me because I'm often awake anyway. Also, my husband knows to let me sleep in the morning or during naps if I am solidly out – I take sleep when I can get it and sometimes it's a family project.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! I’m not alone 🙂

  2. livingmommywood Avatar

    Omg I feel same way!!! I can totally do the camping without the "outside" experience.
    I am too freaked by what could be out there and the no bathroom. I can go without technology for a few days as long as it doesn't include not having access to my music lol! Love the share.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…inside sleepovers are way better if you ask me 😀

  3. Jill Avatar

    Cute post ! My children love camping too but we never ever tried it here. A good idea to do! Jill@singapore writing homemaker
    My recent post Askaway Fridays Flash Back

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jill. My Kiddies have never really asked for more than a living room camp out – thank goodness 🙂

  4. Denise Avatar

    It took me a long time to be able to camp again after a childhood experience where a friend and I woke up in a tent SURROUNDED BY SPIDERS!!! But now I can handle tent camping if my husband is there which is good because my kids love camping. However, if we are doing the tent in the backyard thing, I am more than happy to stay inside with the dogs.
    My recent post Not a fan of the cold

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh. My. Gosh. Denise I could not. Spiders?!?!?! I’m loosing it just thinking about that. Kudos to you for being able to camp again. Maybe some day but I don’t know. I just can’t do outside like that LOL

  5. Tracie Avatar

    I am with you completely on this! No camping for me. Much to my husband's sorrow.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Luckily mine doesn\’t ask as much anymore. Lol. I guess he\’s figured me out by now.

  6. jaimemckee Avatar

    We tried camping this summer. My son still talks about our ONE night in a tent. He and my husband had a blast.

    I think they should definitely try a daddy-son camping getaway next summer. I'll book a weekend at a spa, thankyouverymuch.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha…yes my Hubby says he want stop do a family camping trip but I’m with you…drop me off at the nearest hotel/spa and I’ll be there when you guys are done! 😀

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