Looking Back – Planning Ahead | Welcome 2016 !

Looking Back Planning Ahead Welcome 2016! | TheMrsTee.com

Looking Back – Planning Ahead. That’s something most of us begin to do as we approach a New Year. I mean after all a New Year is often full of new purpose and goals. 2015 has been such an awesome year for me, my site and my family. It often seemed like I was being set up for Blessings – there were opportunities and experiences that I only dared dream about but somehow they became my reality and I am still in awe of where God has taken me from then to now.

Looking Back

I know that if I keep my focus God has even more blessings in his plan for me but I definitely think that 2015 deserves a moment of recognition and THANKS for those Blessings because I truly believe you can never plan ahead without looking back to where you came from, acknowledging the good (and even the bad) and using it to help create a strong foundation for where you want to go.

So sit back, grab your coffee and enjoy a bit of TheMrsTee’s 2015 in Review… you can read and- thanks to my tendency to be as much a Vlogger as I am Blogger- watch how amazing this year has been.

NASCAR {February}

My year started with travel. In February of 2015, I was offered the opportunity to attend the NASCAR Folds of Honor race in Atlanta. Not only was I going to have the chance to offer LIVE coverage to my Readers, Viewers, etc BUT this was going to be an amazing memory I would get to share with my family as well.

The memories my son and I created during the Nascar event are irreplaceable. This was the first time I caught a glimpse at what and where Blogging could take not only me but my family as well.


I even captured my NASCAR Folds of Honor weekend for my YouTube Channel – TheMrsTee On YouTube



Fayetteville Bloggers Unite {April}

The start of 2015 was one that came full of unexpected opportunities! Thanks to an amazing friendship with Krystel from ArmyWife101.com and KyrstelSpell.com I was chosen from a group of awesome local Fayetteville, North Carolina Bloggers to participate in the #FayTour15 a campaign to help promote and spread the word about what our city has to offer for visitors and locals alike.

#MYFayetteville Dogwood Festival Food, Arts & Entertainment | TheMrsTee.com

During this tour I not only created new connections and relationships but I made life long memories that probably would have never happened otherwise.

FayTour Collage

Our coverage was featured on Yahoo as part of their Yahoo Finance Features…

“The bloggers were active on social media throughout the visit — they tweeted, sent messages on Instagram, they “vlogged” and shared Facebook messages that cumulatively garnered 7.2 million impressions for Fayetteville and Cumberland County.” 

Vlogger that I am you know I also had to share our #FayTour fun via YouTube…check it out:

Read This Too  When Mom Needs A Time Out!



Looking Back Planning Ahead Welcome 2016! | TheMrsTee.com

I Attended My 1st BlogHer Conference in NYC {July}

This has got to be one of the biggest things that happened in 2015. I went to my very first BlogHer Conference in my hometown of New York. I was so excited because since the start of my site all I heard about was BlogHer and how awesome it was for learning, networking and moving forward as a Blogger. Yet most of the conferences were too far for me to make. So when I saw that the next one was going to be in New York I knew this was my chance!

BlogHer Bound

BlogHer was not only a huge step outside of my normal area of comfort but it also helped open doors and create opportunities for me throughout the rest of 2015.



I Became a TV Panelist! {September}

That’s right folks…because of a chance encounter at BlogHer with the amazing women behind MomsEveryday I was contacted and given the opportunity to be one of 2016’s Mom Panelist for an entire season!

From Everyday Mom To MomsEveryday Panelist - How It Happened! | TheMrsTee.com

I was flown out to Colorado where I taped 16+ shows and learned invaluable lessons from some pretty amazing women who just happen to be just as amazing moms! Trust me I am still taking that in. I can’t wait to begin sharing each episode with you all because trust me we had a blast but we also shared a lot for moms simply trying to make everyday matter.



I Was Published! {October}

I am officially a published writer! A few months after getting back from Colorado I was approached by iBlog Magazine to allow them to use a post I had written here on the site to publish in the monthly magazine. I could hardly believe the opportunity that literally showed up in my inbox! Needless to say (as I say it anyway) I said yes! Yes! Yes! I was so excited and could barely contain myself and had to refrain from screaming as I read the email.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 11.18.05 AM

Once my article was published I wanted to plaster it all over the world. I had full writer credit in an actually magazine. This was a magazine I had been given in my BlogHer Swag bag and literally read over and over until the cover came off. So to sit and see my own words, my own ideas and yes folks – my name write there in print!

If you’re a writer of any sort you know how big a deal this is – I. Was. Published!

I Write. 

I write. It’s what I do. It’s why I started this Blogging Journey in the first place. LOL…I love writing to share but I also love writing to teach. I think giving someone the tools they need to make their dreams a reality is so important. That’s why I often write about the How To behind Blogging, Vlogging and simply being a success.

Read This Too  The Year Amazon Prime Saved Christmas!

In 2015 that writing started to get noticed not only by iBlog Magazine but by BlogHer as well! I was offered the opportunity to have my post about Blogging Goals Featured as well as write an Original Post on Editing Videos for YouTube and I must say it is to this day something I am most proud of.


I Became A SheKnows Expert {November}

Shortly after the Conference I applied to become a SheKnows Expert and was accepted.

Since then I was approached to create an online quiz all about Marvel Comics! Yes people your girl MrsTee is a Comic Nerd and it’s something my family and I all share. So when this opportunity came it was something I could share with all of them.

I am so blessed to say that this quiz was such a success – to date it has been taken 5,921 times!! I mean who wouldn’t love the chance to write about something they love?

Thank YOU!

As you can tell 2015 was not only a year of growth but adventure as well. I am not only grateful to each and every Brand, PR Rep and Friend who helped me in it all but to you, You and YOU as well!

Looking Back Planning Ahead Welcome 2016! | TheMrsTee.com


Things To Come {2016…}

The remainder of 2015 was filled with a lot of planning for what’s ahead. Thanks to a few weeks of work, I just launched TiffanyHaywood.com to offer Blogger Consultations to other Bloggers searching for a way to find their success minus the stress of the unknown. I want to share what I have learned and help someone else realize that dreams can definitely become a reality.
TiffanyHaywood.com FB AD

[tweetthis]Let your past to motivate your future… Welcome 2016! #TheMrsTee [/tweetthis]

What are your plans for this new set of day and new possibilities…?

Changes, Improvements, New Beginnings?

Comment Below so I can follow what plans are ahead for you in 2016!

Happy New Year!

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6 responses to “Looking Back – Planning Ahead | Welcome 2016 !”

  1. reganshea Avatar

    What a great year! I hope to attend a BlogHer conference myself sometime soon. Here's to 2016!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! I hope you get there soon …maybe we’ll get to meet 🙂

  2. karen Avatar

    Wow, so many great opportunities and now you're continuing to grow and become even better. Congrats.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You Karen!!

  3. laurababykicks Avatar

    What an absolutely incredible year you have had – it is fantastic that your hard work in blogging is paying off and you are able to have experiences like NASCAR with your family. How amazing that you were on TV as well (I am yet to venture onto anything video related eep!) just popping over to see your new site (I love when bloggers open up to share their success) – I wish you a wonderful and prosperous 2016.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It certainly has been Laura! Thanks so much for coming by and for checking out the new site! Video is so much fun you should definitely give it a try…thanks again and Happy New Year!

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