What Makes An Expert? #BlogHer15

What Makes An Expert? | TheMrsTee.com

The day was here. The first official day of BlogHer 20015 in New York City. I arrived the day before but this was getting real. Why? I was picking up my Badge! I know I can’t be the only one who thinks the Badge make the difference, right!? As I put my orange lanyard over my head I noticed this year’s theme running along it: Experts Among Us. What makes an expert anyway?

What Makes An Expert-

The Fame Factor

As I walked back to my room the first things that came to mind were fame, a big name, fortune. I mean this year’s conference had a list of people with all of that. Women who are certainly famous on anyone’s scale and they are known across the world. Yet is that enough? Is the only requirement for being an expert to have the fame factor?

That’s when I looked at the amazing list of speakers and presenters here this year. Yes, among them are some really well know and even famous people BUT that isn’t where the list ends. I saw names, faces, Blogs and people I stalk love and know! They are real women, wives, friends and people.

This list was full of names of women I consider to be peers and friends. In this BlogLife we live they are famous and experts at what they do – being a mom, working from home, starting their own businesses, branching outside their comfort zones, taking Blogging to a whole new level. How dare I consider them anything else than experts? Maybe I needed to rethink my thoughts on what qualified an expert.

Read This Too  Connections | #BlogHer16

Among Us.

How could I have missed that?! Among Us. Yes, the theme for this year is about all experts but it clearly tells us where they found them: among US. The experts here to offer their trials and errors, tips, guides and paths are from right among our ranks sort-a-speak. They aren’t lofty far away people I can only gaze at on stage. Who may never notice me, my comments or my struggles. They are the women I checked-in with, the ones I had lunch with and the face behind the words I already love. These experts are right here finding their way just like me.

The only difference…?

They are willing – happy even – to share all they have learned so far with everyone who wants to listen. They’ve been where am I and may even still be but the only difference between them and my first thought of an expert is that they want to share their journey with me to help me get from where I am to where they are now.

The experts among us have taken away the restraints of my first definition of an expert and embraced that whatever they have learned and become skilled in it what makes them an expert.

That’s It!

An expert isn’t made from fame or being bigger than life. The task of being an expert comes from the ability to take what you’ve learned on your way somewhere and pass it on to those coming along. Experts realize that what they know isn’t protected information. Sharing it is a way to help someone else’s dreams become reality. So that’s it! That’s what makes an expert – having and sharing what you know to others.

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Now why did I not realize that earlier? I’m not sure. I do know that this means next year I could see you up there on that Speaker List telling me how you got where you are…because being an expert is something we all can do. After all, they’re right among us.

Name one thing that makes you an expert.

Have you ever shared it?


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38 responses to “What Makes An Expert? #BlogHer15”

  1. Nickida Avatar

    I don't know that I would call myself an expert. I haven't really thought about it before. I guess I can say I am an expert dealing with my family. I do love that BlogHer chose bloggers we know and follow to reward for their hard work. That's refreshing.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Nicki! I think we all have something we can teach others. Yes, BlogHer was amazing for giving the opportunity to our peers – those among us – to share what they know and how they\’ve accomplished their goals.

  2. Tiany Avatar

    Homeschooling and being a mom of boys and I share daily! I own The Homeschool Lounge, we have over 20,000 fellow moms sharing and encouraging. Passing it on is what it's about! Loved your conference vlogs! 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s so true – I’m sure your children are so appreciative and I know what you do is definitely an expertise. Thanks so much Tiany!

  3. Nikki Avatar

    I'm not sure whether my comment posted or not so wills ay again – I related to this so much! I was speaking about my research at a psychology conference two years ago and I felt so chuffed to be there amongst all these really well established people, and then sharing my knowledge too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I don’t think it did…so sorry about that! I’m so happy you found common ground in this post…you have just as much to offer as any ‘well established’ person because you definitely have knowledge to share too. 🙂

  4. crystalegan Avatar

    I guess being an expert means you know a lot about a particular subject. And if that's the case then I am most definitely an expert on Dilmah Tea 😛
    My recent post WATCH: Bloggers Eat Weird Filipino Food to Dubstep Music

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It does and that you are willing to share that knowledge with others. Haha…sounds yummy!

  5. Ron Avatar

    This is truly one wonderful event. Hope there will be more to come.! Kudos to BLOGHER!
    My recent post You Wouldn’t Believe What This Bride Did During Her Wedding Ceremony. What A Shame!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is. BlogHer is an annual Blog Conference so there is always something to look forward to next year 😀

  6. Michele Avatar

    I have never been shy about sharing knowledge–not on front of a large group-I'm much too shy for that-but generally on a one on one basis.
    It's generally bookkeeping knowledge I'm sharing–40 plus years–yeah I think I may know a little! Will I ever be an expert at blogging-probably not-but I will surely listen to those who are.
    My recent post 6 mo. of FREE grandPad membership $360 Value-Ends 8/7 @grandpad_social @grandpad #AWBloggers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s great Michele!! Sharing your knowledge is a great way to open yourself to learn more. Most times when you are willing to give others are just as willing to give back. Oh yeah, 40 years definitely equals Expert! Congratulations on that. Oh and you totally can become an Expert at Blogging…we all have the potential 😀

  7. Aisha Kristine Chong Avatar
    Aisha Kristine Chong

    I definitely have to agree – as they say, knowledge is power and its important.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. True Aisha! So true.

  8. The Trophy WifeStyle Avatar
    The Trophy WifeStyle

    Blogging conferences can be so much fun yet so overwhelming! You definitely learn so much though!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They certainly can be – finding a balance is so key. I did and I am so grateful!

  9. Susan Quackenbush Avatar

    This is a very informative post, thank you for sharing this great information with us! 🙂
    My recent post Launch To The Moon With Aqua-Pod! + Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Susan!

  10. mariamichelle117 Avatar

    I think I'm an expert at helping animals. My husband and I have been very involved in animal rescue for years and are very passionate about helping them.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Finding a way to combine your passion and your skills is such a wonderful thing. Thanks so much for coming by Maria 🙂

  11. Amanda Avatar

    I don't know that I have ever reached complete expert status. I try to teach my kids that there is always something more you can learn. I think it is important to always strive to be an expert, but never stop trying to better yourself. 🙂
    My recent post 7 Frugal Ways to Decorate a Dorm Room

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Being an expert doesn’t mean being perfect. You are so right – learning should be continual and never ending. To learn is the only way to be able to teach anyone.

  12. Liz Mays Avatar

    This is very inspiring. I'm sure there are certain things I'm really knowledgeable about. I'd have to do some reflection to figure out if I am an expert.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much Liz! I’m sure you have a bit of expertise locked up in there just waiting to be shared 🙂

  13. Sandy KS Avatar
    Sandy KS

    I tend to be an expert dealing with my special needs daughter, dogs, and coming up with writing challenges. I don't consider myself an expert. As I am always trying to learn more about the things I love. I consider myself knowledgeable.
    My recent post Gevalia Mocha Ice Coffee Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Being knowledgeable is very important especially when you have things and situations in your life that rely on you to handle them. Thanks so much for coming by Sandy!

  14. Jaime Nicole Avatar
    Jaime Nicole

    I can't wait to attend my first blog conference! All the posts I've seen to echo yours – that everyone is SO happy to share what they have learned. I would be totally starstruck though!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You are going to have so much fun Jaime!! Haha… they’re all just Bloggers like you (I was just a bit though…LOL) 🙂

  15. ocrafty Avatar

    I had the same kind of "epiphany" attending my first blog conference. I love how generous and willing to share knowledge most other bloggers are, big or small!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was one of those moments. I do too…sharing knowledge takes nothing away from you and that\’s is so wonderful when realized…

  16. So I Will Run Avatar

    So jealous that you go to attend this year! I wanted to badly but I had a fitness conference this past weekend as well!
    My recent post How RunGo Kept Me Running Safe At BlogFest

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha…I hope you get to go to the next one for sure! I\’m sure your conference was an amazing experience…

  17. xmasdolly Avatar

    So glad you found your Star Bucks. I'm the same way when I want to wake up nothing else will do especially when I'm traveling. Great Post and I'm so envious that you get to go to BlogHer 15. I went to one when it was in Chicago, and I'm waiting for it to come back. Biting the bit so to speak. As far as being an expert I guess I'm an expert at spoiling. I'm a Mom & a NaNee (gramma). I've got 5 children (1 passed away) all married. 11 grandchildren… all adorable & spoiled & 1 great grandson… totally adorable & spoiled. The spoiled part… that's me. I spoil them and send them home! ~snicker~

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Girl!! I was on the hunt then found out the next day the hotel was literally surrounded by them!! LOL… Thanks so much it was so fun. I am so excited to see where it will be next year. Oh yes, you are definitely a spoiler. I always tease my Grandmother because she is like a totally different woman when it comes to her grandkids…LOL

  18. Angelic Sinova Avatar
    Angelic Sinova

    I completely agree being an expert comes from the ability to take what you’ve learned and pass that knowledge on! While I'm definitely no expert when it comes to blogging, I do loving sharing all the things I've learned form my two years of blogging with bloggers who are just starting out <3
    My recent post Send Smiles &amp; Celebrate The Minion Lovers In Your Life

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly Angelic. I think the willingness to share what you know is so important. Helping those who are where you once were is a true sign of being an expert.

  19. kalison0515 Avatar

    Nice post, Tiffany. I'm expert at physical transformation. After I was diagnosed with breast cancer I made some ruthless lifestyle and diet changes. I share that experience and things that I've learned (and still learning) on my lifestyle blog.
    My recent post 2 Healthy Summer Treats

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! That’s amazing! I know dealing with something like that takes courage and confidence in who you are. Congratulations on finding your strength and sharing it with others.

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