So, yesterday was my Birthday BUT we (Hubby and I) decided we were going to not doing any major celebrating on the actually day since our anniversary is actually only 6 days later. Yet, there is a tradition in my house that I started when my Hubby and I first got together. No matter what, whether we are apart or on vacation or even close to broke, everyone gets at least a cake on their birthday. We took it so far, when my Hubby was deployed he even figured out a way to send me a cake for my Birthday and 32 roses to boot! (I couldn’t find a clear pic of the cake) Yes, He definitely gets the Sweetest Hubby Award.
I started this family tradition because both my Hubby and I never really had big birthday celebrations and kiddies. No take away from our parents or their love for us it just wasn’t made into a big deal. As a child growing up and even as a teenager, every time I would hear a friend tell of how they just had a big birthday celebration or even in intimate party with their family I felt like I was missing out on something. Don’t get me wrong, my grandmother and grandfather made sure my day was acknowledged with the early morning “Happy Birthday” and the gift of my choosing but a cake? Aaaah the cake. I never really had that. In my mind I thought even if I couldn’t have an all out party a cake…with my name on it…a candle to wish upon and my family would somehow seal that day as being different from all the rest. Thus my tradition. Of course, I also made the promise to myself that our Kiddies would (if at all possible) have the party as well. cake, decorations and the theme they wanted. But IF by some twist of life that wasn’t possible the least we would have is cake.
Bringing us back to yesterday, although Hubby and I decided not to do any celebration my Kiddies with their elephant like memories instantly began the question storm of “What about Momma’s cake?” “Don’t we always have cake?” “Is it still her birthday without a cake?” Gotta love them Kiddies… so we decided to get a cake and let them do the decorating. So off to the store we went (Momma doesn’t bake sorry no flour on the face baked from scratch story here). Oh and yes, I went with Hubby to buy my cake…I mean I did want a halfway decent looking one after all
We got to the store around 8 or so and found out, to our dismay, that all of the cake decorators had already left for the night. Dilemma? Nope. I had a grand idea! Why not get the cake and then let the Kiddies do the decorating? Yup! Grand isn’t it? I picked out an awesome looking white and pink cake with a really cool topper (it was hot pink). Then we marched off to the baking aisle (a place normally foreign to me) and I found a pretty hot pink shimmer icing (I love pink folks) and the caps needed to let the Kiddies write on the cake without making a mess.
When we got back home I thought I was going to surprise the Kiddies with their cake decorating project but instead they surprised me by singing Happy Birthday Momma when I came in the door and putting on a show they’d practiced with the Teenager while we were at the store. Can someone say Perfect Birthday Moments???
After I had my moment of hugs and kisses, my youngest Girlies spotted the cake and well…that was the end of my moment-LOL. I showed the Teenager how everything was supposed to go (I also gave him a little bit of a layout plane for fitting each Kiddies design on the cake…OCD I know sorry not sorry) and then they got started.
The Teenager took on the writing part of the decorating. He was so focused I almost had to laugh..but it came out looking pretty good.
Once He finished the writing and had the layout all set, we brought in the Kiddies to help add the final touches…
The end result was a beautifully designed cake made just for me by my Kiddies. Oh and did I mention I also found some of the YumYummiest Ice Cream Cupcakes ever?!?!!? I mean they were moist and just delicious and I came upon them by accident. Let’s just say I think they are my new guilty pleasure.
Who says a cake (or cupcakes) are only for your birthday…?
How do you celebrate your Birthday? Do you keep it intimate or go all out with a big Birthday Bash?
Do you have any Birthday traditions in your home?
I have not been sponsored or paid for any of my opinions on the products mentioned
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